Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2529: The deity loves her petlessly

Chapter 2529, the deity loves her petlessly

The noble and incomparable man, with a clear smile on his mouth, is a temperature that makes people feel less.

Under his gaze.

Everyone only felt as if they were in the hail.

They couldn't move at all because they were frozen.

Look at the lively people who want to escape.

However, I found that because of my nervousness, I was so stiff that I could not move at all.

Moreover, they moved.

In this strange and quiet atmosphere...

It will definitely become a show.

Ever since, everyone stood stiffly in the same place, carefully watching the look of Emperor Mo Xuan, even the sound of breathing, all subconsciously put very light.

In this strange atmosphere.

Emperor Mo Xuan slightly picked up the streamer of peach blossoms, reflecting an extremely cold cold mans.

His thin lips are slightly moving, word by word, and cold words: "Is it confession? I don't know what the Miao chief wants to explain?"

Miao Yixiong was scared by this majestic momentum, and he could not spit out a word.

The whole face is almost pale.

Looking at the eyes of Di Mo Xuan, it is also full of fear.

Emperor Mo Xuan is a smile, and the coldness of his eyes is deeper and deeper: "Since the Miao chief has not thought about what needs to be explained, then... the deity decides for you."

Immediately, his voice, which is full of evil spirits, resounded in the ears of everyone.

"It is better to dismiss the account of the nursery family. Can the Miao chief be satisfied?"

Obviously, just say it in the most common tone.

But everyone is unreasonable, and I feel a chill, and my heart has reached my head.

Everyone can't help but squat.

They have shrunk their necks.

In particular, the forces that stood before the Miao and his daughters were almost escaping. They were far from the Miao and their daughters, and they were afraid of having a relationship with them.

Destroy the nursery family.

A nursery family of almost a thousand years.

The emperor said that he wants to be destroyed, and the tone is so light and light.

However, they absolutely believe.

As long as the Emperor thinks.

Do not say a nursery family.

It is the northern continent, and that is no exception.

The patriarch of this nursery family is so stupid, and he wants the emperor to give an account.

Now, let alone explain it.

Whether his nursery family can survive is a problem!

Miao Yixiong's cold sweat suddenly infiltrated the clothes.

He held Miao Rongrong's hand and had a moment of trembling.

This is not a joke...

Emperor Supreme is true, want to destroy the nursery family!

That hoof! What exactly is the ecstasy that I have given to the Emperor, and the Emperor of the Gou is so fascinated?

Miao Yixiong strongly restrained the fear in her heart, supported the bloodless face, and trembled and said: "The emperor, the emperor, the night girl pushed the Rongrong... You protect her, so you are not afraid of the world laughing at you. Did the Emperor of the Emperor become a faint faint prince for a woman?!"

In his words, let Di Mo Xuan pick up his eyebrows slightly.

The narrow peach blossoms, like a smile on the face of Miao Yixiong, the smile of the corner of the mouth, very cold: "The woman of the deity, the deity loves her petless lawlessness."


Another crit dog food!

The atmosphere is still so strange, so infiltrating.

The people who can be onlookers, I don’t know why, after the Emperor’s adult finished this sentence...

They are boiling inside.

This ton of dog food makes them deeply clear...

The girl who fell in the night, in the heart of the Emperor.

No one can replace it!

Miao Yixiong is almost like a gray, his body, almost uncontrollable trembling.

(End of this chapter)

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