Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2511: Beautiful man, I only use it for you.

Chapter 2511, Boys, I only use it for you.

"That's good... When the birthday party is over, we are asking for antidote..." Miao Yixiong lowered her voice and her eyes were cold and cold.

Listen to Miao Yixiong’s words.

Miao Rongrong's eyes are gradually widening, and the light of joy and excitement emerges from the bottom of the eye.

The head can't stop, indicating that he absolutely obeys Miao Yixiong's arrangement.


The eyes of the red fruit are watching here.

How can two people with high perceptions feel it?

The night fell slightly and frowned, and Yu Guang took a look at Miao Rongrong.

The woman, at this time, was staring at them with her eyes.

"Miao people, what do you want to do?" The night fell to Miao Rongrong's eyes, extremely unhappy.

Emperor Mo Xuan buckled her waist and gently smiled: "No matter, if it is not happy, it is directly forced to bring back to Xiqiao mainland. I have a way to let her suppress the poison for Long Yunzhan."

At night, he gave him a blank look: "A beautiful man?"

"This plan, I only use it for you." He leaned close to her lips, a low-pitched voice, and she was so soft that she was so weak.

In the next moment, Emperor Xu Xuan’s arm was tight, and her delicate body immediately fell into his arms.

The face of the wind, the close-up reflected in her pupil.

Beautiful man...

The night cleared the mind and flashed these three words.

Deeply stated that she really can't resist the beautiful men's plan of Di Mo Xuan.

Looking at the shy appearance of the little woman, Emperor Xu Xuan couldn't hold back. She bowed her lips slightly and her fingers fell into her blue silk: "So, the little ones just rest assured, I... won't provoke Come, any rotten, peach, flower."

"..." Night clear said that she felt that this man was particularly heavy on the word "rotten peach".

Is it suggesting her?


The birthday banquet lasted until about an hour.

The atmosphere in the field has finally eased a lot.

Everyone Xu felt that the Emperor’s thoughts were placed on the girl.

They did not put their existence in the eye.

The crowd has also let go.

Gradually, some people who are courageous have begun to let their daughters go to perform.

A variety of talents, colorful, dazzling.

These dignitaries have been thinking about it.

Since the Emperor is also a woman, she needs a woman.

Their daughters are all better than the night.

Although the strength is not as good as the night.

However, the Emperor of the Emperor is already strong enough, and he does not need his own woman, but he must be strong enough to be horrible.

A woman, it’s still gentle, like water, and all the inclusive men’s things are enough.

Those who have seen the emperor, after seeing Emperor Mo Xuan, a heart, has long fallen on the body of Emperor Mo Xuan.

Seeing that the night is barely can only be regarded as a beautiful face.

Everyone who dressed up in a slap in the face, suddenly felt confident.

The appearance of the night is not outstanding, can make the Emperor respect so much.

If it is changed to them.

It is sure that the Emperor will let them pamper them!

Ever since, the amazing talents of the ones are endless.


These people are destined to make a wrong calculation.

Because, no matter how talented they are, how amazing and how bright they are.

From the beginning to the end, Emperor Mo Xuan never looked away from the body that had fallen from the night.

His gaze was like sticking to the body of the night.

I am not willing to leave at the moment.

A birthday banquet has become a battle.

Yin Qinghao, sitting in the main position, looked at the daughters, and by the name of the birthday, all kinds of performances, in an attempt to seduce the emperor...

Suddenly feel good!

(End of this chapter)

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