Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2508: Her cheeks are red: "Can you be serious!"

Chapter 2508, her cheeks blush: "Can you be serious!"

"feed me."

The man raised an arm and held it on the table, looking at her lazily.

The night is clear and red: "I want to eat myself!"

What should I feed him, shouldn't he feed her?

Emperor Mo Xuan hit the finger on her waist and looked like an unintentional move. He said lazily: "You feed, it is especially delicious."

Obviously, it’s just plain tone, saying this.

It can be heard in the ear at night, but there is no more than one kind of ... the meaning of evil spirits.

I don't know if she wants more.

The word "eat" in the emperor's mouth, I always feel that...not talking about eating... things.

In particular, the man’s fingers fit over the hips of her waist...

The night fell and said that he surrendered. He reached out and took the delicate cakes placed on the table. He grabbed a piece and stuffed it into the mouth of Emperor Xu Xuan.

The move of the plug is definitely not gentle.


Extremely rude.

While stuffing, she still glared at a pair of charming.

It seems to be angry: "eat and eat, eat you!"

That looks like a lovely one.

Emperor Mo Xuan eyebrows smiled, letting the night fall into his mouth and stuffing that piece of cake.

Sweet pastry, breathe into the breath.

Also mixed with the fragrance of the girl.

Looking at the lovely expression of the night, the dawn of Emperor Xu Xuan flashed.

Just at night, when you want to take back your hand.

He suddenly opened his mouth and gently bit the girl's delicate fingers.

The two posted very close.

Emperor Mo Xuan can clearly feel that the person in his arms is trembled.

His eyes passed the ridiculous smile, his tongue tipped out, and swept her fingers...


At night, the cheeks were blushing, and I immediately pulled out my hand and married him: "A Xuan! You... can you be serious!"

"If I am not serious, now you... I have no strength, I am jealous of me here." Di Mo Xuan smiled his eyes, his low voice, full of temptation.

The face that cleared the night, the red became more and more powerful.

She said that it is true that this kind of mad beast!

Drive without paying attention.

I will open my mind if I don’t pay attention.

Can you still be happy, good, and normal?

She was so angry that she lowered her head and looked at the residue of the snacks that her fingers were contaminated. It still seemed to have a warm touch on the man.

Her face is more red.

Looking down, why not bother to pay attention to Emperor Xu Xuan.

Looking at the people in my arms, shy.

Emperor Xu Xuan smiled and tightened her delicate body.

Yu Guang, if there is nothing left, it is in a certain place.

There, it is the place where Gu Fengzong represents.

The person who looks at the gaze is also... the patriarch of Gu Fengzong, Gu Jingyu.

His mouth twitched a smug cold arc.

His perception is very high.

Just arrived at the scene of the birthday party.

I felt a touch of sight, and since he appeared, I have been staring at him.

That gaze is a strong hostility.

Then, I saw Gu Jingyu’s eyes as she looked at the night.

What does Di Mo Xuan still do not understand?

Oh, Xiao thinks about his woman?

His family is small, he will only belong to him alone!

Let that rotten peach, look at him and his little fall, love it!

Emperor Mo Xuan conquered to the bottom of the cold and provocative.

When I look at the night, I am full of deep affection.


Gu Fengzong represents the seat.

Gu Jingyu is the whole person, sitting stiffly.

Both are incredibly big.

Looking closely, I can still see that his body is constantly twitching.

He saw it...

I saw the provocative eyes of the Emperor.

Did the Emperor of the Emperor already know him... What is the point of thinking about the night?

(End of this chapter)

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