Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2353: Psychological battle

Chapter 2353 The Battle of Psychology


The people who are not worth the loss now are him, they are Miao!

I don't know if the night is clear, where is the face coming from, say this!

Miao three elders gasped their teeth, the look on the face, constantly twisted, squatting.

It looks extremely embarrassing.

"Hey... Miao three elders are not... Don't believe that I have poisoned you?" The night clears the face and reveals doubts. Gu Panmei stunned.

Miao San elders clenched their fists and did not answer.

The night is clear and small, and he continues to say: "But, Miao three elders still choose to believe that I am better... After all, you are in front of... already have a... little lord, and you Miao Missy... as a guide to the car."

After the night, the mention of "Little King" and "Miss Miao Da".

Miao San’s elder face was white, and he looked up incredulously, staring at the night without blinking.

"You... you are..."

The news about the night’s arrest and the arrest of the entire government of the War King’s House is already a raging North China mainland.

The Miao people are naturally aware of this matter.

Miao Rongrong, the Miss Miao of the Miao nationality, is a man who has poisoned Yuwen.

The people of the Miao nationality are naturally clear, and the reasons for the search for the night and the fall of the War King’s house across the continent.

And just before.

Miss Miao Da wandered back to the Miao Zhaizi.

I don't know what to do with the Miao patriarch.

Ms. Miao Da announced her retreat and refused anyone’s visit.

The big day of the selection of the Virgin is just around the corner.

Ms. Miao Da is sure to win the position of the Virgin.

How can Miss Miao Da will choose to retreat at this festival?

Miao three elders have heard about it.

It is said that... Miss Miao Da is poisoned.

In the war king's house, the poison in the middle.

Think of Xiao Wangye poisoning.

The body of the Miao three elders suddenly became stiff.

The cold sweat of the whole body, the uncontrollable drops drip down.

Looking at the look of Miao San elders at night, I knew that he understood her words.

Immediately, she touched her groan and grinned: "Miao three elders, I am a person who has never had any patience."

"I! Solution!"

The elders of Miao San were pale and sullen, and they vomited one word at a time.

In any case, he absolutely does not believe it.

This girl, really, is seeing this pair in front of her eyes. It looks like only 13 or 14 years old?

This is a pressure on people.

Such a fierce means.

This made him unable to stand up and threatened without resistance.

A little bit.

Let the Miao three elders from the heart can not believe this.

Yes, that's the truth.

The truth is...

He does have no choice.

He wants to live, and he wants to live more than the Guzi...

You can only choose, bet a bet, believe that the night is clear, you can only believe that the night is clear.

Looking at the Miao three elders, the face was overcast and went to Gu Jingyu.

At night, the corner of the falling mouth raised a cold arc of swarf.

This kind of psychological quality.

Can also become the elders of the Miao.

Is she too high to see the Miao?

The elders of Miao San are very clear in their hearts.

The poison of Gu Jingyu’s body will involve Gu Jingyu and him.

Once he receives any damage.

Gu Jingyu will suffer the same damage.

How could she possibly let the Hmong people go to his neck?


Desire is like the Miao three elders.

After encountering things related to your life.

It completely lost his reason.

This is a battle in my heart.

Whose heart is not strong.

Who will be played with applause.

It is because of the weakness of Miao San’s elders that this has given her the opportunity to counter-control the elders of the Miao three.

(End of this chapter)

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