Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2348: The choice of night clearing (3)

Chapter 2348, the choice of night clearing (3)

The villagers said with a slap in the face.

In the end, the villagers in the village chose to go to death without hesitation.

Never willing, implicating innocent people.

Looking at the old people in front of me, I look at the face of death.

The heart that cleared the night was slightly softer.

There are many bad guys in this world.

But the same is true of people with good qualities.

The villagers in this step house are very gentle people.

Can sacrifice yourself for others.

This is a noble sentiment.

The dawn of the clearing of the night gradually softened.

"Cough... cough..."

A cough sounded, breaking the dispute at this time.

Everyone looks at the past.

Gu Jingyu sat on the stone bench, holding one hand on the stone table and holding his chest in one hand.

His pale face looked extremely weak.

A burst of coughing sound.

The more coughing.

The more his face, the more white it is.

The seemingly slim body seems to fall down at any time.

"You...you listen to me." Gu Jingyu moved his lips, his voice was low and dumb.

The villagers immediately stopped.

Waiting for the opening of Gu Jingyu.

Gu Jingyu moved his body.

He held the stone table in one hand and wanted to stand up.

Can be full of strength, so that no effort.

At night, the eyebrows fell, and slowly walked forward, holding Gu Jingyu with one hand.

Gu Jingyu's warm eyebrows, a glimmer of joy.

He lowered his voice and thanked him.

Then I stood up with the help of the night.

A pair of gentle water, but revealing the eyes that can not resist the momentum, looking at the villagers, very seriously and sincerely said: "You are the heart of the grandfathers, I and the night girl are the heart. But ... you The requirements we can't do."

"Little son, we have decided! I want to understand! You do not need any psychological pressure!" The villagers immediately spoke.

Tea old nodded: "Little son, this is a good choice for you and for us."

Gu Jingyu shook his head slowly: "If I die under the poison, your conscience will be uneasy... But if you let the people in the village, for me, die under the hands of the night girl, how can I feel at ease... ..."

He looked at the villagers: "Thank you, for the sake of us, but... we can't do that selfishness."

"Little son!"

Tea is anxious: "You still have a good time, and there is a future to go. Our old guys are half-body under the loess, even if it is alive, it makes no sense!"

Gu Jingyu’s light is firm: “Everyone lives in this world and has his own unique meaning. It is meaningless to live without anyone. I can’t let you die for your own life.”

Said, Gu Jingyu looked at the night and cleared: "Night girl, you can't kill these villagers."

"Little son!"

The villagers shouted out.

Elder Miao three looked at their shirking appearance and couldn't help but laugh: "It's so touching! Hahaha... Little girl, the final decision is in your hands, this elder is very curious, how would you choose? Hahaha..."

Everyone, the line of sight was placed on the body of the night.

The villagers lowered their voices and whispered one by one, letting the night clear and make a decision.

Gu Jingyu shook his head again and night, and he was determined not to be buried by everyone because of his viciousness.

The scene, pick it up again.

Until, the night was cleared by the eyes, and slowly opened...

(End of this chapter)

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