Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2342: The person in the picture, she knows

Chapter 2342, the person in the picture, she knows

"lay down."

Just when the elders of Miao San are about to kneel down.

The girl faintly spit out two words.

Calm and indifferent voice.

It reveals an unstoppable force.

Even the elders of Miao San, who are used to killing, are in these two words, and they all seem to have lost all their strength.

Miao three elders face fretting, anger flowing in the eyes.

How could he be scared by a young girl?

"Little girl, dare to pretend?" Miao San elders pressed down the fear in their hearts, and the haze of the eyes slammed into the night.

But, the next moment.

After the eyes that cleared up at night.

Then... that is a pair, what kind of eyes...

That look is like a viper.

Wrap him tightly so that he can't breathe.

Obviously, Huanren is like a glass, crystal clear.

Obviously, the eyes are long and narrow, and the arc is evil.

That kind of enchanting style.

That kind of allure is beautiful.

It can be partial, but it is full of chills.

Just a look at the last one.

But it makes people feel... falling into the hail.

The body of the Miao three elders, stiff in place.

The hand that held high was suddenly loose.

The wooden box slipped down from his hand.

The night cleared his hand and caught the wooden box.

However, due to the anger of the Miao three elders, the wooden box that has been caught has long lost its original solidity.

The wooden box just fell into the hands of the night.

It has been torn apart.

Everything in the wooden box fell to the ground.


The tea slammed into the front and used his body to block the things falling out of the wooden box.

He picked up things quickly and apologized for whispering and falling to the ground.

It’s like apologizing to your own wife.

Tea is old and quick to pick up things.

Around, there are no Hmong people who dare to step forward.

Because, at night, I stood on the side of the old tea.

Under the body, it releases a dazzling pressure.

The night fell and looked down, watching the tea veterans who are more important to him than life, wrapped in their own clothes.

Everything is over.

She slowly bent down and was about to hold up the old tea.

Tea is excited by the tension and the loss of these important things.

His fingers kept shaking.

At the night when the night fell, the old tea stood up.

In his hand, he is still carefully rolling down the picture on the ground.

The finger is a flaw.

The entire picture is spread out.

The portraits in the picture are reflected in the clear eyes of the night.

The night of the clearing of the scorpion has shrunk.

Tea Lao immediately squats down, such as holding a treasure, and re-holding the picture into his arms.

The night fell and clenched the old wrist of the tea: "Grandpa, wait..."

Tea old only feels like a dream.

By now, he is also very clear.

This young couple is young.

They are not ordinary people.


This young couple will be the salvation of Bujia Village.

"Paint scroll, let me see."

Tea glimpsed, looked at the picture in his arms, and looked at the night.

Immediately, he slowly released his hand and spread the picture away.

In the picture, it is an old woman wearing a denim.

The smile is extremely kind and gentle.

I can tell.

This is also a very gentle person.

The night clears the people in the picture.

She had only recently seen the people in this picture.

But it was not the first day she had just arrived in the mainland of Beibei, when she had a conflict with Yuwen.

Want to sacrifice myself and save her step grandmother?

did not expect……

Step grandma turned out to be the old wife waiting for tea.


Recommended girlfriends [frankly smoked] "Supreme Master: Master of the World" ~ fried chicken looks good through the strong female novels ~ today on the shelves, I hope the baby can go to support ~ Moye package tickets ~ absolutely wonderful good-looking: female host Explain in a lifetime what is supreme and unparalleled, peerless! It’s just that I never thought of getting into a more fascinating person than her. Since then, you chased me and you murdered me and handed the knife together to harm the world!

(End of this chapter)

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