Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2339: Just rely on a group of old, weak and sick waste?

Chapter 2339 is based on a group of old, weak, and sick wastes?

"Hey, tea is old, you are hard to protect yourself, but also want to protect these two young people?" Miao three elders mocked and laughed.

Tea old face sinks and bites his teeth: "This is not a question of protection and no protection. They are just innocent people passing by!"

The elders of Miao San heard the words and couldn't help but laugh out loud.

The surrounding followers laughed with an attachment.

For a time, the originally quiet Stepu Village was full of shrill and strange laughter.

The atmosphere of the entire village has become extremely strange.

"Since you are so afraid that this elder has injured an innocent passerby... that elder, it is even more important to hurt innocent people!"

Miao three elders eyes sneer and sneer.

His gaze slowly fell on the girl who had been expressionless.

The girls were extremely calm, watching the eyes of their forty or fifty people, no waves.

This made Miao San elders unable to twist the eyebrows.

He came to Stepu Village to find someone.

I just want to see the wastes of Stepu Village, one by one, begging for mercy, but he is also playing with the feeling of applause.

This passerby...

Not even afraid of them?

Oh... I really thought that they would only target people in Bujia Village.

Without hurting innocents?

His glimpse of light, sneer and continued: "The people who the elders want, you will not give up a group of old people! Then ... this elder will take this innocent passerby!"

The tea is old and straight: "Miao San elders, you Miao people do not deceive too much! We in Bujia Village simply do not have the people you are looking for! You just want to use this excuse to plunder the resources of our step house! You dare Injury these innocent people! The people in our step house are desperate with you!"

Like the jokes, the Miao San elders looked at each other and looked at them with a group of people around them.

"Desperate? Just rely on a group of old, weak and sick waste?" The Hmong said disdainfully.

While talking, the villagers who were unable to move on the ground, they took a few more feet.

"Come on! Get up and fight with us! A bunch of old and undead waste!"

There are also a few Hmong people who directly shook the villagers who were shivering around and shouted to the ground.

It can be seen that they are in the village of Bujia, this is already the norm.

"You...you are a group of beasts!" Tea old clenched his fists, his palms pressed against the table, and he kept trembled.

The eyebrows of the elders of the Miao three elders, even disdainful, squinted at the old tea.

The line of sight suddenly fell under the palm of the old palm, on the delicate wooden box.

The Hmong people beside them were willing to go, "Well, tea is old, what treasure are you hiding?"

Said, the Miao people have already seized the wooden box of the tea master.

The speed is coming, the tea old can't react at all.

Tea's old face changed dramatically, and immediately rushed to grab: "Give it back to me! Anything can be taken for you! No one can touch this thing!"

The old attitude of tea has made the Miao three elders more and more interested.

He spread his hand.

The man of the Miao people’s dog legs immediately sent the wooden box to the hands of Miao San’s elders.

Other Hmong people easily stopped the old tea.

A Hmong has pushed hard.

Tea's old body stumbled and fell backwards.

After the tea is old, it is the wooden table where the night falls.

The fallen position happens to hit the corner of the wooden table.

This can cause fatal injuries to the elderly.

Just as the old tea fell down.

The body that cleared the night has stood up quickly and caught the old tea.

She helped stabilize the old tea.

(End of this chapter)

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