Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2337: Unable to ignore

Chapter 2337 cannot be ignored

"His wife also went to the city to find their son, but...hey."

The villagers sighed with regret: "The tea is too old, staying in Bujia Village, not only has a life-threatening danger, but also lives in waiting every day, it is better to go directly to the city..."

“Mu Yuecheng is not far from here. In fact, let’s take a look and see how his wife’s son is in the city. It’s better than anything...”


The night fell and listened to those words, and the fine eyebrows picked up slightly.

She got up and looked at the villagers: "Grandpa, you said... the old son of Tea, is in the city of Yue Yue?"

The villagers glanced.

They are all flustered and look down on the night.

"You... how can you hear us..."

If they whisper, they are very quiet.

If you change to an ordinary person.

Those they talk about.

Ordinary people do not hear clearly.

But the night clear and Gu Jingyu are mysterious.

And repaired quite high.

The words of the villagers are naturally clear.

"We are from the city of Yueyue." The night did not answer the questions of the villagers, but said straight away, "If it is possible, we can help the tea and find his wife and son."

The villagers, look at me, I look at you, big eyes and small eyes.

No one is open to the cavity.

The old man noticed the movement here, holding a big fan in his hand and waving to the villagers: "You are chewing on the tongue, go and go, don't bother the guests to drink tea."

The villagers shook their heads helplessly, but they left the teahouse one after another.

The old man smiled and shook his head and shook his head: "The little girl don't listen to their nonsense, drink tea well, and go to the holy spring with you."

The night cleared the lips.

She is not a good person.

But it is also a person with a heart.

The loved ones lost the news.

And those predators, harassing Bujia Village again and again, cruelly kill the villagers.

But he can't leave.

I am afraid that I will leave.

His relatives came back and could not find him.

In the heart of the old grandfather, it is actually more uncomfortable than anyone else.

But it is also necessary to take into account their feelings, kindly smile.

Tea is old... really a very gentle grandfather.

Gentle, she is always faint.

I can't help but feel bad.

"Old grandfather, in recent times, it is the 50th birthday of the lord of the Yueyue sect. The people of Yueyue City have to stand by the street and give their birthdays to the patriarch. If you want to find your son and wife, it is better to show them their portraits. Look, let's go back to Yue Yuecheng and find it for you."

The night falls and does not force the tea to leave with her.

However, since I already know this thing.

She can help if she can.

This matter cannot be ignored.

The smile on the old face of tea is a bit stiff.

It seems to be hesitating.

More accurately, it is afraid.

What are you afraid of...

Fear of his wife and son, he did not come back.

Is fear a bad news?

Still afraid of the son and his wife to live in the city, do not want to ask him this old man?

No matter which one.

Tea is always afraid to know.

I would rather keep this hope and keep it silently.

There was no urging and persecution of tea in the night.

Just waiting for his own choice.

It’s about a fragrant time.

After all, tea old sighed heavily: "But it, it is useless to keep a false hope. I want to know what they are doing now. As long as it is safe, no matter how, I am relieved." ""

Said, the old tea walked into the cabin next to it.

After tumble for a while, I took a well-preserved rectangular wooden box and walked out.


[Guess who is the old son and wife of tea?]

(End of this chapter)

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