Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2334: You are a young couple, you are going to ask for a child.

Chapter 2334, your young couple, is going to ask for a child.

Go to Bujia Village with Gu Jingyu.

There are two reasons.

The first is that she must send Gu Jingyu.

The glass cat can recover the prototype and carry the dozen bodies.

It is very likely that the fan fan will be seen by Gu Jingyu.

If you come back to a sly prototype.

The fool knows her true identity.

The second thing... it is the step, the last name.

The first conflict between her and Yu Wen’s madness was that Miao Yiyi’s step grandmother helped her.

Then, it was almost retaliated by the War King.

This step grandma.

And Bujia Village...

Is there any connection?

It’s decided to go see it in person at night.

Bujia Village is not far from this forest.

Just walk through the forest and walk a dozen kilometers further to see the sign of Stepu Village.

It is no wonder that Gu Jingyu will be so coincidental and entered this forest.

The two entered the Bujia Village in tandem.

The village looks very old and poor.

Looking around, there is a thatched cottage in twos and threes.

A little better, that is, a wooden house.

About a dozen rooms.

The entire village looks like it is estimated that she is not as big as a garden in her old house.

Moreover, most of the people in this village are old people who are over half a year old.

I saw a foreigner coming over.

The old people have their eyes on them and they are curious.

The night cleared and looked around.

Did not feel any strange.

"Fortunately... arrived in time." Looking at the village's peace, Gu Jingyu also breathed a sigh of relief.

He looked at the **** the side of his side, and his tone was obviously a lot easier: "Sorry, let you worry about it, we are still in time."

"This village... is it going to happen?" asked the night clear doubts.

Gu Jingyu just smiled.

The two have been walking to the end of the village.

This stopped.

"Tired and tired?" Gu Jingyu looked softly at night.

The night cleared and nodded.

Gu Jingyu stepped up and walked over to a wooden house at the end.

This shed built of wood has several wooden tables and chairs.

An old man, burning water in front of the stove.

"Grandpa, can you talk about it?" Gu Jingyu asked warm and elegant.

The old man looked up, and the turbid old eyes looked at the face of Gu Jingyu for a long while.

He quickly showed a kind smile: "The young man sat down and the tea was burned right away."

Gu Jingyu thanked him and turned his head to see the night clear: "Sit and wait for a while."

I didn’t know what medicine was sold in his gourd at night.

He followed him to the wooden table next to him.

Soon, the old man took the burnt tea out.

Gu Jingyu sent a cup of tea to the table at night: "First drink some tea, take a break."

Thanks to the courtesy of the tea.

The teacup is very rough.

The tea that can be floated out is extremely rich and good.

The fog was fascinated by her eyes.

She licked her tea gently.

Extremely mellow, tea whistling.

She couldn't help but admire: "Good tea."

The old man heard the words and smiled happily: "The girl likes it. Our village is not good. It is the special fragrance of this tea."

The old man is very hospitable.

Gu Jingyu also intentionally or unintentionally, trying to find out the situation of Bujia Village from the mouth of the old man.

I quickly chatted.

At night, drinking tea, Gu Jingyu added tea to her from time to time.

The old man looked at his mouth and smiled: "You are two young people, are you going to Shengquan to ask for a child? They all say that Shengquan is extremely effective. Every month, there are one or two young couples going to Shengquan. ""


[Little story]

Emperor (blinking): seeking a child?

Zou Mo (cold sweat): Ah hahaha, the weather is really good today, um... the sun is so big, the moon is also round, that oh, the emperor is so beautiful, so beautiful...

Emperor (sneer): Is it? Very big and round? The deity is now sending you heaven, how side by side with the sun and moon?

Zou Mo (跪地): The Emperor is forgiving! How is it possible to ask for something? Asking for a small child is also going to wow with you!

Emperor Zun (continuing sneer): When will the deity and the little go?

Zou Mo: This... this...

Emperor (murderous): It seems that you do not want to live.


Ink has been abused by the emperor, hehe!

(End of this chapter)

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