Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2319: Exploring solitude

Chapter 2319, temptation and solitude

After the power collided.

The air around it seems to have been solidified.

At night, the night fell and the silence was a few steps backwards.

After standing quietly, the face was condensed, and the bottom of the eyes passed a trace of surprise.

He twisted his eyebrows and examined the night: "You...what is it?"

"Nature is an ordinary person." The night faintly slaps the lips and smiles slyly. "It is the guard of the Dongpu mainland. It seems to be very surprising for me to take your attack. Could it be... you think No one in Nirvana can take your attack?"

The look on the secluded face is getting stiffer.

The arrogance of the fundus is gradually becoming dark.

Although it was laughing at night.

But her heart gradually sank a bit.

Her words are just to test the silence.

This solitude...

Sure enough, it is not an ordinary person.

He is indeed thinking.

There is no one in the whole nirvana, and he can take his attack.

This is not just his unilateral confidence.

But... he can be sure that he is strong in the world of Nirvana.

It is very likely that this solitude, really and... those who are chilly, secluded, and so on, are the same group.

So, the solitude appears here, for what purpose?

Could it be... for her?

Because she came to Beibei mainland?

"Clear, you know that person?" Peach didn't know when she came to her side, her eyes looked at the silence for a moment.

The night fell back to God, and the emotions of deep thoughts were absorbed: "I don't know."

"That person... I don't have any message about him in my mind." Peach is very different. "It can be said that this person with a little strength in the nirvana world can remember it clearly... this person can I am not tied to you, I can't have no information about him."

But in fact, she really does not have the information of solitude.

Even the name of solitude is strange.

I heard the words of peaches.

It’s clear that the night is clear, and it’s definitely not the lower bound.

"He and the little dance are a local person, to eliminate his thoughts." The night said seriously.

She pulled the peaches behind her.

It is determined that the secluded is the interface outside the nirvana, and the night is clearer and more alert.

The peaches are a glimpse, and I really don’t dare to be interested in the silence again.

Not a person in the world of Nirvana, then don't investigate him.

If this is the case, I will check my own life.

It will not be worth the loss.

"Lonely, what are you doing there! Kill her! Kill her!" Lan Lingnuo still stood in the same place, staring at the night, and suddenly panicked.

The gloom was gloomy, and her eyes glanced at her.

Lan Lingnu was so scared that he immediately snorted.

The solitude retracted the line of sight, looked at the eyes, and looked up and down at night: "I rarely see an opponent that can match me, little girl... let me see, how is your strength!"

The secluded mouth sneer, the power of his own strong, suddenly released.

The turbulent mysterious sighs, and the vortex of the road is lingering in an instant.

Like a stormy wave, the claws of the claws are pressed down toward the night!

This wave of attacks.

It’s obviously more powerful than before.

Obviously, it is moving the real thing.

The night is clear and eyebrows.

This time, there is no choice to rush to the front just!

It was a quick backhand and a shot.

By the force of the mysterious force that came up.

The body slammed.

The whole person will rise up.

(End of this chapter)

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