Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2315: Fear, permeated in the eyes of Xia Lingling

Chapter 2315, fear, permeated in the eyes of Xia Lingling

There are so many spectators in the Peach Blossom Restaurant.

If it is in front of him, let Xia Lingling be injured.

The monarch who has always loved Xia Lingling will certainly blame him.

Before, Xia Lingling was slap in the night with two slaps.

Now if you still let Xia Lingling get hurt.

He will die!


He ran to save the words of Xia Lingling.

At most it is only injured.

Will also let Xia Ling Ling be grateful.

With the gratitude of Xia Lingling, the monarch will also look at him.

just now……

It’s not just the gratitude of Xia Lingling.

Also got the heart of Xia Lingling.

This step, he is too right!

Miao Zhengwei was very proud of his heart, but he was wearing a painful face.

The little soft hand that held him suddenly fell loose.

I saw Xia Lingling picking up a long whip and pointing to the night.

"贱人! The county owner does not believe, you can still go to the north of the mainland, but the county governor told you that you are poisoning your mad brother, you are active in the county, and you have injured the Miao. The second master... The guilt of this article is enough to give the county owner enough reason to teach you!"

Xia Ling is not very angry.

The more angry you are, the more awake your brain is.

Looking at Miao Zhengwei's painful look, she was distressed.

She must have the slut, paying the price she deserves for the injured brother!

"Little county owner!" Miao Zhengwei suddenly panic.

He didn't think of it, Xia Lingling would, for his sake, actually start to fall to the night.

If Xia Lingling is injured for him.

The injury on his body is not a bad one!

No! Can't let Xia Lingling impulsive!

Miao Zhengwei did not dare to be seriously injured. He stood up from the ground and wanted to stop Xia Lingling.

Although his injuries were not as serious as they were.

But the one whip on the back is a real scar.

This big move.

The whiplash behind it was involved and it was torn open.

He screamed, and the cold sweat lingered on the ground for a long time, unable to straighten up.

This scene is even more so that Xia Lingling feels distressed, and the hatred and anger of the night clearing in the heart is deepened.

Xia Lingling looked at Miao Zhengwei with a sincere look: "Well brother, I know that you are reluctant to hurt me, but... I must avenge you!"

Said, Xia Lingling twitched the long whip in his hand and rushed toward the night.

"Little county master!" Miao Zhengwei immediately shouted Xia Lingling, but once moved, the back came with severe pain.

He has no way to stop it.

At night, the enchanting hooked lips, squinting at the head, looked at the fearless Xia Lingling with a look of appreciation: "Hey... the little county lord really has a fearless spirit, you said... I should not Complete your fearlessness?"

Xia Lingling's long whip, like a swaying viper, opened his mouth and opened his mouth.

The night is still laughing.

The curved eyebrows are long and curved.

Just as Xia Lingling’s long whip waved the face of the smile.

The girl in the red dress was actually a figure.

People have appeared in front of Xia Lingling.

That whip, took a nap.

Onlookers, no one found out when the night was clear, left the place, and went to Xia Lingling!

This speed is almost as fast as it can be seen by the naked eye!

There was a sudden appearance in front of the eyes.

Xia Lingling screamed in horror.

She immediately stepped back a few steps and wanted to avoid it.

In the next moment, the girl in front of her eyes extended her plain hand and grabbed her collar.

Fear, filled with the eyes of Xia Lingling.

(End of this chapter)

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