Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2297: Little dance is so easy to be shy

Chapter 2297 Small dance is so easy to be shy

The stiffness of the gentle dance, under the soft language of the night, softened down bit by bit.

Her cold face, floating on two blushing.

She opened the hands of the night, and turned away and hurried away.

"咔嚓" sounds.

Jun light dance stepped on the dead branches in the courtyard.

The two of them suddenly got a meal.

Inside the house, immediately heard the cry of Miao Rongrong’s panic: "Who!"

At the same time, Miao Rongrong rushed to the window and the probe looked around.

The remote backyard, dead wood, yellow leaves everywhere.

It is empty.

Miao Rongrong was alert and released, sensing the strange atmosphere around him.

Eyes, but also shocked to explore the surrounding.

But sweep it again.

I have never noticed any strangeness.

No footprints were found on the ground.

It should... just the wind blew the sound of those dead branches.


Outside the courtyard, the night was clear of the wrist of the gentle dance, breathing heavily.

"Good and dangerous, our mysterious steps are above Miao Rongrong, and I was not noticed by her." The night fell against the wall and smiled softly.

This is the first time that Jun light dances, so embarrassed.

Fang Cai, she was actually left behind by the night, forgetting where she is.

That's right, it's "撩".

She was jealous of a woman.

Jun light dance said that the night is really poisonous!

The night fell to the face of Jun light dance, it was a green and red.

A burst of shame, a burst of embarrassment.

She is not amused and danced: "Let's go to the peach first, and the land king will tell her now that she is skeptical about Peach Blossom 3000."

Jun light dances close to the lips, apparently still in the hair.

Li did not pay attention to the night, then flew away from the War King House.

"Hey... the little dance is so easy to be shy." The night fell and touched his chin, smiling and helpless.

The glamorous people set up, all collapsed and collapsed!


Another day passed.

Peach Blossom Three thousand eyeliner, the latest news of the War King House, passed to the ears of the night.

Miao Rongrong is seriously ill.

On the second day of the imprisonment of the War King, he was seriously ill and could not get up.

No... more accurately.

It is a disease of specific gravity and it is even more terrible.


Miao Rongrong is a vomiting blood that is weak, sweating, and mouthful.

The blood that is spit out is black.

Black like ink.

Let the whole king of the war, suddenly felt a horrible.

Dr. Liu did not check any problems.

At first, the war king thought that this was the trick of Miao Rongrong.

Can look at Miao Rongrong every time he vomits blood, the body becomes more and more weak.

And the thing that spits out like ink, it is indeed the time of blood.

This is the king of war.

Miao Rongrong is the Miss Miao of the Miao nationality.

If it is in his palace, it becomes like this.

Even if he does not know, the Hmong will blame the king of the war.

After spending a day, Miao Rongrong only has no air and no air intake.

The war king had to go to the Miao people's stockade immediately and asked the Miao patriarch to save the life of the Miao Rongrong.

Just after the War King left, less than half an hour.

In the ward of Miao Rongrong, a petite figure appeared.

Although Miao Rongrong is mentally awkward and has been faintly painful, the pain of torture is unbearable.

But the consciousness is still clear.

When I saw that there was more than one person in my house.

She squinted half-eyed and stared at the man.

Oh, I can't see the person's looks.

Vaguely, I can only see that the red dress, which is like a hot sun, smashed her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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