Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2295: Miao Rongrong and mysterious man

Chapter 2295 Miao Rongrong and Mysterious Man

The night fell brightly and smiled: "Yes, I am the smartest."

Jun lightly dances and looks at her: "..." is simply stinky.

At night, I lowered my eyes and smiled. I looked at the inside of the house and was discussing with the General’s wife what the general of the war king.

At night, I slapped my slender fingers and touched my squat: "Well... I can almost show up."

"Now?" Jun light dance is slightly different.

"Now, Miao Rongrong is over there... It’s not yet time to attack." The night fell and shook his fingers.

Miao Rongrong is the Miss of the Miao nationality.

Excellent strength and arrogance.

Such a woman, even if forced to take to the west of the mainland, wants her to suppress the poison of Long Yunzhan.

I am afraid that Miao Rongrong will also secretly move hands and feet.

After all, none of them will be poisoned.

Let Miao Rongrong be willing to help...

The only way is to make a trade at the same price.

Miao Rongrong is most concerned about it, it must be her own.

Looking at the night, I laughed like a fox.

Jun light dance knows that there is still a back hand in the night.

And this back hand is enough to shake Miao Rongrong, enough to make Miao Rongrong willingly, and the night back to the West China mainland.

Jun light dance is too lazy to ask what the night has done.

I want to leave with the night.

The gaze of Jun light dance suddenly disappeared.

Her eyes quickly glanced around.

Immediately grabbed the arm of the night, and the face was calm: "Someone is here!"

The next moment, when the night fell, I felt that my body was light, and people had already come under a squatting dance and came to a courtyard outside the courtyard.

The night has not yet figured out what happened.

Jun light dance has already used her eyes to signal her, converging breath, not to make a little sound.

It’s rare to see that the gentle dance is so dignified.

The night clearing face also slightly subsided.

The gentle dance is sure to be a powerful force that will respond to it.

And she is the power that does not sense a half-point abnormality.

In other words...

The source of that power is beyond the scope of what she can sense?

This courtyard...

At night, I was squinting and holding my breath, not daring to make a slight noise.

Face the unknown enemy, the unknown power.

The night is clear and natural is not as easy as it was before, smashing the corner of the king.

As Jun Jun danced close to the back window of the courtyard.

Just approached.

I heard a female voice that deliberately lowered the voice inside the house: "That, I have already brought it to the War King House. What you have told me, I have already completed it! I will leave the War King House immediately, now!"

This voice, as always, is proud.

Once you hear it, you will know the sound of Miao Rongrong.

Dare to love, this remote courtyard is the place where the War King House arranged for Miao Rongrong.

In other words, the powerful mysterious force is to find Miao Rongrong?

It is too strong because of the power in the house.

The two did not dare to rely too close.

Vaguely heard the roar of Miao Rongrong's hysteria: "What do you mean? You want to cross the river now? If it is not because you have to ask me to bring the words to the palace, challenge the relationship between the king and the monarch! How can I be imprisoned? In this ghost place? I tell you! If you don't get me out immediately, our cooperation will be over!"

The night is clear and the gentle dance is listening carefully.

Did not hear the voice of another person.

Tightly, it is the sound of Miao Rongrong's slight calm: "What are you talking about? This is the position of the saint, you will definitely take it for me?"

(End of this chapter)

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