Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2292: The northern continent is well known.

Chapter 2292 is well known to the people of Beibei.

At night, I pinched the cheek of Miao Yiyi: "Speak up, you are also surnamed Miao, you and Miao... are you..."

"It doesn't matter." Miao Yiyi opened the night's clear hands and licked her own painful cheeks. "There are many people in the Beibei mainland who have surnamed Miao..."

The night sighed and sighed, leaning back and leaning back: "If you are also a nursery family, I don't have to work hard to give Miao Rongrong a set... After all, that Miao Rongrong is not good. Get along."

Miao Yiyi’s light was slightly stunned, but the smile on his lips was brighter and brighter: “Yes, if I am a Miao, it will be fine, so it can help you.”

The two looked at each other and smiled.

But they never talked again.


In the days, two days have passed.

The people I was looking for in the War King House have not been found.

The people of the entire Yueyue City are discussing this woman who has made the war kingdom overwhelming and looking for a few days. What is it?

Even the royal family intervened.

There is no news about the woman in Beibei.

As for... those people who watched the night and the conflict between Yu Qing and Yu Wen.

They have all been...the secret slaughter of the War King.

Therefore, no one knows the identity of the warlord and the royal family who are looking for it, and what is it because of it.

But just on this day.

The matter concerning the conflict between the night and the Yuwen madness was actually passed down.

Moreover, even if the general manager was abolished, Yu Wen was mad and mad, and things that led to the loss of fertility were all passed out.

When the people learned the news, they almost blasted the pot in an instant.

The little prince, known as the child prodigy, actually lost the ability to give birth.

Then... isn’t Yuwen’s family going to be a ruin?

And this news, let the people over the royal family, have fun!

Yuwen Mania has lost the qualification to be able to give birth to future generations.

It also represents...

The chances of Yu Wen’s rebellion will be reduced by more than half!

When the generals of the Warlord discovered it, the news spread almost all over the streets of Beibei.

He can't kill all the people on Beibei mainland to cover up the truth of this matter.

Can only bear the anger of the bottom of my heart.

Secretly investigate who is this and pass it on.

Just at the time of the investigation.

Another news came out that this incident was a matter of inadvertent disclosure by Miao Rongrong and Miao Rongrong.

Although it is unintentional.

But this thing, everyone who made the North China mainland knows.

How could the general of the war kings also regard Miao Rongrong as "unintentional"?

However, Miao Rongrong was once again invited to the War King House.

Miao Rongrong is denied by the mouth, and his attitude is resolutely indicating that he has never mentioned anything about Xiao Wangye.

Miao Rongrong’s attitude is firm.

The general of the war king could not ask.

The faintness also noticed that the direction of these things is somewhat weird.

Miao Rongrong looked dark and slammed the table and got up: "Will it be... that woman? The ghost of the woman who poisoned Xiao Wangye?"

General Wang Wang’s eyes slammed into the ground: “The monk should not be in the North China mainland, otherwise... how could it avoid our search?”

"You didn't take a few peach blossoms three times, and asked the peach blossom 3,000 to investigate the whereabouts of the woman. They were all rejected by the head of the peach blossom 3,000." Miao Rongrong was flashing, and the haze was suddenly revealed. "This is not exactly The woman is likely to have a close relationship with the peach blossom three thousand. If there is a peach blossom for the woman to cover, the general king of war will not be able to find her existence."

(End of this chapter)

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