Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2290: Nursery family message

Chapter 2290 Message from the Nursery Family

Jun light dance don't overdo it, saying that he doesn't want to waste his mouth with the night.

At night, I laughed and poured a glass of wine for myself.

Peach held his chin, his eyes glanced back and forth on the two people, and glared at his head: "What you asked me to investigate, although I couldn't investigate 100%, but also have 60% of the message, do you want it?"

At night, the hand of drinking alcohol was slightly stunned, and the smile looked at the peach: "What exchange conditions are needed."

Peaches raised the chin in the direction of the gentle dance: "I am very interested in her, take her information to change."

"Love can help." The night is clear and the hand shrugs. "The little dance is mysterious. You want her information, you can only visit her by yourself."

Peach raised an envelope in his hand: "Don't want it?"

The night clears that the peach girl is now learning to break. Before that, she worshipped behind her, and she had a "night classmate". Now that she is cooked, she turns her face and does not recognize people!

She squatted and looked cold and sullen, and she did not care about her own light dance: "The only thing I know is... this beautiful person is not the person of Nirvana. If I didn't guess wrong, it should be People from the upper three circles."

Jun light dance still has no expressions and actions.

However, the night was clear and keenly aware that the delicate body of the gentle dance was a momentary stagnation.

At night, I smiled and bent my eyes and continued: "And... the position in the upper three worlds is very high. It should be... a person from a large family in the upper three circles."

The peaches licked their eyes wide.

Clear eyes, excited and stunned.

She stood up awkwardly and got together to the side of the gentle dance.

Like a koala, desperately wandering around the gentle dance.

"Upper Three Realms! People in the Three Realms! No wonder I can't find any information about you! My Scorpio, I actually saw the people in the Three Realms!" Peach excited hands clasped together, both eyes almost bloomed starlight .

This enthusiasm, so that Jun light dance can not adapt to tighten the eyebrows.

The peaches are not afraid, but they are even more excited: "The people in the upper three realms are really beautiful! Even if they are frowning, they are beautiful and suffocating!"

The night fell silently and said: "She is also easy to accommodate now."

The peach star's double-eyed starlight is more and more bright: "I am so beautiful after the change, the real person must be more beautiful! My goddess, can you tell me about the things in the Three Realms?"

Night clear said: Are you not my little girl? So soon, I became a little fan of the little dance, where did I place me?

Peach eyes have never been thrown at her.

Directly throw the envelope in your hand to the night.

Immediately, one heart and one mind began to entangle the gentle dance.

At night, I got the envelope and a heavy piece of information.

At night, I was satisfied with the back of the chair and began to look through the envelopes in my hands.

In the envelope, about a dozen sheets of paper.

The above records the nursery family, some outsiders know, or few people know about it, written on it.

The nursery family is a beautiful name given by outsiders.

In fact, the nursery family is just a... Miao Zhaizi who is good at using cockroaches.

There are not many Miao people.

They are a stockade, and there are at most 3,000 people.

The number of people who can flexibly and skillfully use scorpion venom is no more than 1,500.

The person who manages the Miao people is called the patriarch of the Miao nationality.

However, if the Miao people are truly respected and the new one is God, it is the holy woman of the Miao nationality.

This saint is an ancient locust from the Miao nationality. It has been reported that the Miao people have survived for 10,000 years of a locust.

(End of this chapter)

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