Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2288: Initiative, in my hands

Chapter 2288 initiative, in my hands

Miao Rongrong walked out of the hospital and stopped.

She looked back and looked at the direction of Yuwen’s room.

The look of the fundus is becoming more and more complicated.

She looked at her for a long while, and suddenly raised her palms and coveted.

The slap-sized locust in the palm of his hand is now moving all four feet and not moving.

The hand hanging on the side of the body, the one root is tight, clenched into a fist.

Who is the person who poisoned Yuwen?

The poisonous mites that she had cultivated for ten years could not withstand the poison of Yuwen madness...

Her poisonous mites have swallowed up the toxins in the Uwen mad.

Actually... dead.

The poisonous mites that have been cultivated for ten years are so dead...

Miao Rongrong's fundus, flashed a trace of killing.

She has a palm in her hand.

The black locust was torn apart in the palm of his hand.

Immediately, she took a deep breath and raised her head and walked quickly to the road leaving the War King.

In the dark, the night was full of laziness and yawned: "The play is over, the little dance, let's go back to the inn."

Jun light dance disgusted and squinted at himself, and the girl who couldn’t get rid of it: "Don’t keep up with Miao’s family?”

"What do you do with her? Now she wants to see me." At night, she raised her eyebrows. "The initiative is in my hands."


As the night fell and guessed, Yu Wen’s madness was indeed a solution.


This poison is a solution.

But Yu Wen crazy this person ... is completely ruined.

For eight hours, Yuwen’s madness is mad, venting the owe of the Valley of the Beast.

Even Liu Dafu's syrup supplements his physical fitness.

But... This is a huge consumption of Yuwen madness, just a growing teenager.

And... the kind of spring poison that falls off at night is not an ordinary vitality potion, it can supplement the physical strength consumed.

Yuwen mad can say that the madness of these eight hours is already his life, and the last madness.

He has lost his crazy qualifications.

Also lost ... the ability to give birth.

This news made the warlord general and the general's wife suffer.

After hearing the news, the general’s wife was fainting on the floor.

The War King is also a few decades old, sitting in a chair, unable to return to God for a long time.

They have been battling the battlefield all the year round. The bones of the body have been hit by the wind all the year round, and many of them have been affected.

In this life, it’s hard, so Yuwen is such a son!

This son, from childhood, is a genius of cultivation.

Even the class of God in the Xuanyuan Academy sent an invitation to Yuwen.

Yuwen mad has always been their hope, their pride.


Yu Wen is madly... lost the ability to give birth.

This is not the representative, they Yuwenjia... are you going to be?

"It's all that... that woman! The daring daring child..." The anger in the heart of the war king rushed into my heart.

He slammed the case.

The stone table was broken under his palm.

"Add another person! Find! Turn over the entire Beibei mainland, and also give the general to find out the woman!" The king screamed and ordered.


The atmosphere of the city of Yue Yue has become more and more heavy.

The guards of the War King House are in the streets every day, and the people are caught constantly.

Each inn was also turned over by the guards.


How to find someone who is in the War King House.

The woman in the portrait is like disappearing out of thin air, without a trace of a little bit.

Even Lien Wang’s wish to go through the steps of grandma and find the whereabouts of the women in the portraits was all stunned by Miao Yiyi.

(End of this chapter)

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