Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2283: Miss Miao Da

Chapter 2283 Miss Miao Da

After the general’s wife left.

The servants of the servants who were afraid of fear in the yard also couldn’t help the fear of their hearts.

I have talked about each other about this matter.

After Yu Wen’s madness went crazy yesterday, he was locked in the bedroom.

After the account of Liu Dafu, more than thirty people were thrown in, but one hour, all died in the bedroom.

The symptoms of Yu Wen’s madness are only increasing.

In desperation, Dr. Liu had to continue to use the syrup to maintain the strength of Yu Wen’s madness, and the constant entrants came in to reduce the hunger of Yu Wen’s madness.


Yuwen madness is getting more and more ferocious.

The rate at which people are tortured to death is getting faster and faster.

Just one day and one night.

There are at least three hundred bodies in Yuwen’s bedroom...

Until now.

Yuwen madness is still the same as yesterday, there is no mitigation of madness.


The two were so silent, about half an hour later.

There was a loud noise from the hospital.

The general's wife, who was still fainting, walked in with a pale face.

Behind him, there is a black robe and a sturdy general of the War King.

The most obvious thing is that the general of the war king is standing on the side, standing with a tall and beautiful woman.

The woman is beautiful and moving, her face is faint and proud.

With the war king general, he did not lose half of his temperament.

Dressed in a long blue dress, she looks elegant and elegant, dignified and distinguished.

After entering the hospital, the surrounding servants respected the ceremony.

The woman walked a few steps forward.

The eyes are fixed on the locked door.

"Miss Miao Da, I am in trouble for you to take a trip." The War King slowly followed the woman and whispered.


The night fell in the dark, and there was some horror.

General Wang Wang actually used "you" for a young woman...

It can be seen that the identity of the woman is definitely not simple.

"This is your purpose?" After seeing the woman, Jun's gaze changed slightly.

At night, I raised my eyebrows and narrowed my charming eyes. "So, is this woman, Miss Miao, the nursery family?"

Jun light dances like frost: "If you don't know, I don't believe."

"Before this, I am not sure if she is a Miao family, but your reaction tells me that she is indeed the Miss Miao's lady." The night falls on the shoulders of the gentleman's shoulders, "Little dance." It seems that...you and the nursery family are old people."

Jun light danced his shoulders.

But I couldn't open the hand that cleared the night.

She simply embraced her chest and coldly said: "Although Miss Miao Da appeared, but you want to convince her to suppress the poison of Long Yun Zhan, it is not easy. No matter what I am with the nursery family, is it old? Just know, you just have to remember, I... will not help you."

The night cleared the shoulders of the gentle dance, smiled at her, did not speak.

Jun light dance is right.

This is indeed her purpose.

War King House, the most famous big family in Yueyue City, the big force.

The nursery family is also a legend of the Beibei continent.

The same is the grand power, the grand family, the War King House and the nursery family will certainly have some relationship.

She was poisoned by Yu Wen crazy.

However, the upgraded version of the spring poison used in the cold wind birch.


It is a pharmacist who is even more powerful than a ghost doctor, or a medical practitioner.

Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to find out that Yuwen’s madness is different.

At first everyone thought that Yuwen was a normal poison.

But for a long time, like the current Yuwen madness, it can't stop day and night.

(End of this chapter)

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