Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2269: Dare to hurt my son, who gave the courage?

Chapter 2269 dare to hurt my son, who gave the courage?

The generals of the Warlord’s eyes burst into anger: "Who the whole Yue Yuecheng does not know that his Yuwen madness is the son of my war king! Who dares to do it to him?"

Looking at the wounds on his son, General Wang is too lazy to blame the generals.

He glared at the guards who had smashed the ground: "You said! Who is not long eyes, and mad at the hands! That person, you caught it!"

The guards are not grievous in their hearts.

They looked at the eyes and were covered in blood, but they were all bloody, but no one cares about Fan.

I looked at the lie on the bed, so I was so a little bit bruised by Yu Wen, but I was taken care of by the doctor.

This comparison is not too strong!

However, as guards, they dare not say anything more.

Only the trembling answer: "General Wang, the man ran..."


The answering guard was flew out by the squadron of the king of war.

This foot releases the mystery of anger.

The **** will be directly smashed, and the blood will be splashed and split.

Dozens of guards, when they were on a shackle, squatting and screaming, even breathing, did not consciously become cautious.

"Running? The person who hurt my son, you actually let people run?" General Wang’s eyes flashed through the sizzling and anger, "You a group of waste! What is the use of this group of generals to raise your waste!"

Listening to the tone of General Wang, it is obvious to kill them!

The guards were so scared that they were all soft, and they were flustered: "It’s not the minions who let people go, it’s the little prince... The little princes don’t let the minions do the girl... The little prince looks at the girl... ...the minions don’t dare not listen to the little lord..."


General Wang’s face was full of anger, and his eyebrows flew: “What girl?”

"The general of the king of war... is the little prince... The little prince is on the street, and he sees a girl. The girl is violent, and she tries to protect the little prince and hold the girl, but... But Xiao Wang... He won’t let us move that girl...”

The guards trembled and explained the look of General Wang’s face.

There was a daring guard who swallowed his mouth and swallowed his courage: "General, Xiao Wangye... He is a genius prodigy recognized by Yue Yuecheng. Looking at the whole Beibei continent, I am afraid no one... Can easily hurt the little prince... If, if the little prince does not want to... Xiao Wangye will ...... will be injured..."

General Wang Wang screwed up the eyebrows.

This guardian said that there is some truth.

He is the clearest of the strength of the mad child.

I want to leave scars on the madman and want to hurt the madman unless it is a predecessor.

But... the girl who can make the madman look good, but also the young and beautiful beauty...

Then it is absolutely impossible to hurt the mad child?

The general of the king of war heard this, and the anger gradually dispersed.

If the mad child is doing this for a girl, then this is a game for the mad child.


He is somewhat interested in the little girl.

In the case of knowing that the madman is a little prince.

Even dare to refuse the madness.

How long does this hard bone make the madness fresh?

General Wang Wang felt that it was a game.

But the lady who loves to be a mad man does not think so.

She stood up slyly and strode to the door.

Proudly overlooking the crouching guard, his eyes are cloudy: "What little girl? A little girl, dare to hurt my madness? Who gave her the courage?"


[This is not a casually written character and plot 喔~ The current plot is to promote the follow-up plot 哒~see the monthly ticket, full 100 plus a chapter~]

(End of this chapter)

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