Chapter 57: The Clandestine Things

The mind of the weak, Ur naturally disdain to guess, half of the stairs, Ur suddenly remembered something: “Right.”

A cold voice came again, and the hearts of the adventurers on the first floor suddenly slammed, and they hung up again, feeling their violently beating heart, secretly suffering.

Big guy, can you finish talking at once? It’s easy to scare people paragraph by paragraph! Of course, this spit can only be vomited in the heart, they don’t have the guts to say it.

“If the sound is too noisy, it will cause the guests to rest. If the guests do not rest well, they will be in a bad mood!”

Cold eyes glanced at the people downstairs, said a few thoughtless words, turned and left.

The big brother thinks they are too noisy! They are all adults, not stupid, and they can naturally understand the meaning in Ur dialect.

In fact, they don’t need to say that they don’t dare to say much, or even dare not stay here.

The splattered blood and the broken limbs were printed in everyone’s hearts.

Such a evil god lives here, who would dare to hang around here? Is it too long to live? If a big guy is in a bad mood and cut him off, wouldn’t it be a big loss! Ul doesn’t know, after that, it is very bad. For a long time, even after he left the tavern, few people came here. The adventurer’s tavern, which was originally hot business, was instantly depressed, and even people passing by the tavern did not dare to speak loudly, for fear that a strong man would come out. Chopped him off

Although the tavern outside is noisy and rough, the rooms inside are very well-renovated, quiet and quiet, and the beds, tables and chairs are very tidy.

After entering the room, Ur sat down on the bed.

Albedo stood by his side obediently, and asked softly: “Master Ur, what should I do next”

Although Albedo thinks this is what Albedo thinks, but of course a dead straight man like Ur is not going to come out with her on a date, he still has system tasks that have not been completed! His purpose of coming here is naturally to Clementine in the hero realm! The life magic blueprints obtained from Negan guided them, but they can only narrow the scope to this town. Clementine is hidden here, and then the specific location It can no longer be probed.

The clue is broken here.

I wanted to get into the group of adventurers to inquire about the news, but the smog and lie environment here disappointed Ur greatly.

Ur pondered for a moment, made up a plan, and said, “Take a rest first, and ask the boss here tomorrow!”

The adventurer is not reliable, but the boss who has stayed here for many years is still very reliable, and his sources of information are also wide, and he has connections with the intelligence dealers here, and he will know something, if he has no clues. , Ur gave up and prepared to take Albedo to see the State of Slane.

This town is not small, they can’t find it, and taking a risk is better than waiting! “Oh!”

Albedo responded softly and climbed onto the bed.(Read more @

In fact, she just wanted to pick a narrative and share the bed with Ur! There was nothing to say all night.

The next day, the two approached the tavernkeeper.

After the trouble in Ur yesterday, the business was immediately deserted. The adventurers exchanged information, and they didn’t dare to come. In the huge tavern, only the boss and the boss on the counter saw the face of the visitor. Immediately.

I was so scared that my liver was gone. The bloody thing the two evil stars did yesterday is vivid and directly ruined his day’s business.

And he also lost a lot of money in cleaning up the mess, which is simply unlucky.

But he didn’t dare to say anything, he could only smash his teeth and swallow in his stomach.

Looking at the boss’s ugly face like constipation, Ul naturally guessed the boss’s thoughts based on what happened before.

After throwing a few gold coins to him, he asked, “Boss, I want to know if there have been any strong people or strange things that happened to Yelan Tier recently.”

Ur’s tone was faint, neither rushing nor strong.

He does have the strength, and he is also qualified to suppress others and force a confession.

The boss didn’t dare to lie to him! But it’s not necessary! After all, he wanted to ask others and brought trouble to the family. Has the boss provoke him? There is no need to be so cruel. He has always pursued equivalent exchanges. The principle of this is just like what I did with Gerdev and the village chief before, if you give me information, then I will pay you.

The boss looked at the gold coin and immediately beamed his eyes.

You must know that his taverns are all measured by copper plates.A few gold coins are his turnover for several days, and all the losses are completely made up.

Some carefully glanced at Ur with an indifferent face.

I comforted myself: Such a person should disdain to bully a flat-headed person like me! Yesterday it was the bald-headed guy who wanted to die by himself! After tremblingly collected the gold coins Ur put on the table, he was quite flattering. Said to Ur and the others: “Uh, guest, if you are strong, I haven’t heard of anyone coming recently.

Of course, except you! You are the strongest people I have ever seen!”

A fierce man with a scar on his forehead sneered at what it was like to flatter you. Ur feels bad anyway! He frowned without a trace and said, “Go on!”


The boss smiled awkwardly.

It seems that this big guy doesn’t like flattering.

He continued: “But a few strange things have happened recently!”

The boss flipped through the counter, pulled out a scroll from underneath, and handed it to Ur, saying: “There will always be adventurers who die in the town recently.

Judging from the wounds of the corpse, they were all stabbed to death by a light dagger. The perpetrators should be the same person or organization, and after death, their adventurer brand has disappeared, and their level is not low! To the murderer! This has caused the adventurers in the town to panic! This is the list of dead adventurers!”


Ur responded, and glanced across the scrolls, and found that they weren’t the names he knew, so he lost interest.

The boss continued: “There is another thing that adventurers have found many undead and zombies turned into by missing people in towns in the public cemetery of the town, and they often hear some strange spells. Some strange people in black robes often Appearing there, it’s like performing some ritual!”

The boss scratched his forehead and said helplessly, “Guest, that’s probably it.

No matter how much, I won’t know!”

Ur nodded, the boss didn’t need to and dare not hide it from him.

I can only start with these two strange things.

If it doesn’t work, he will give up this Clementine.

Count him seven good luck!

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