Chapter 380 Chocobo House

The farther away from Midgar, the more green the surrounding environment.

The truck was still carrying the red comet, and the two motorcycles were traveling along the highway to the southeast.

There are few cars along the way, perhaps because Midgar has been under martial law. Everyone was happy, and the roar of engines reverberated lonely on the road.

Shinra Corporation may have many problems of this kind, but one thing is undeniable, that is, the roads they have laid are almost all over the world. Perhaps their starting point is only to facilitate the laying of magic pipes, but the roads have indeed greatly facilitated people’s travel.

Forests, wilderness, swamps, as long as there are people moving in the area, there will be magic pipelines and roads of the Shinra Company.

Chocobo House is far away from the town of Cam. They passed through three towns and replenished them twice. They arrived in the middle of the ranch area six hours later.

Stepping on the lush grassland, what you see is a very large farm.

The fields for growing vegetables and fruits spread far away. The farm was surrounded by fences, and a few glamorous chocobos were running happily in the wide enclosure. There is a large windmill in the middle of the farm, and next to the windmill is a two-story enclosed breeding farm, covering a large area. The two houses are on the south side of the feedlot. The chocobo-like weather vane on the roof is creaking, and you can vaguely see the smoke rising from the chimney.

The farm gate was not locked but it was wide open. Everyone parked their vehicles at the door and walked into the farm. As soon as we entered the farm, everyone smelled a strange smell, not smelly, but very unique.

Alice wrinkled her nose: “Wow, what’s the smell? It feels… so strange!”

Jesse next to her explained with a smile: “This is the smell of chocobos. They rely on their special body odor to mark their active areas.”

“But Midgar’s chocobo caravans don’t have this taste.” Tifa and Heather have been in the rental chocobo caravans between the slums of Midgar a few times, but those chocobos are completely absent. This weird taste.

“Those chocobos raised by Midgar have been specially treated with potions, so you can’t let the passengers, Tenten smell it, right?”

Heather pointed to the feeding ground in front of him: “There is the chocobo feeding ground. The original owner here is Bill Green, who has won four consecutive World Chocobo Races around the island. In recent years, he Gradually handing over the business to his son Bit Green, and there are grandchildren in the family, named Billy Green and Le Green, and I don’t know if Bill and Bit are at home.”

Walking into the wide feedlot, there are 20 stall-like compartments on either side of the farm, and the unique ‘kweh’ calls of chocobos come and go one after another.

Seemingly hearing the chocobo’s warning call, a young man wearing a straw hat walked out of a birdhouse and shouted: “Are you all guests? There are no chocobos for sale now, please go back. !”

Heather stepped forward and looked carefully at the boy wearing a straw hat, his voice softened: “Billy Green, I haven’t seen him in many years, you’ve grown up.”

“You are……”

The young man named Billy wore a straw hat and had Madara on his tanned face. He was wearing dirty overalls and carrying a pitchfork. He looked back at Heather suspiciously and saw the pair of glasses. Shi suddenly realized: “It’s Uncle Heather!”

“…Big brother!” Heather turned black.

“Uncle, haven’t seen you for almost seven years? Didn’t the old man Hu who were with you come with you at that time?”

Billy looked at the people who came by, but couldn’t find Zangan from the crowd. But he didn’t ask more, but turned his head and shouted to the side: “A Le, do you see who is here?”

A girl with red hair braided timidly poked her head out of another birdhouse: “Brother, who is it?”

“A Le? You were only five years old when we met last time. I can’t remember that I am normal.” Heather’s attitude towards the two children is completely different from that of adults, and can be called very kind. This surprised everyone, because in their eyes, Heather was always indifferent, or he was filled with joking mocking smiles, and he was rarely seen in kindness except when facing Tifa.

A Le ran over and looked at Heather carefully. When he saw the glasses, he shouted happily: “It’s Uncle Heather!”

“It’s eldest brother… forget it, whatever you like.” Heather didn’t bother to correct it again: “Where is your grandfather Bill?”

“Grandpa is going to Midgar to transport chocobos!” A Le raised his hand and said cheerfully, “I drove there, and I will be back soon!”

Heather nodded: “Really, what about your dad bit? He also went with the car?”

The faces of the two children dimmed suddenly, and Billy lowered his head and said in a low voice, “Mom and Dad… half a year ago, they were attacked by a monster while transporting chocobos and died.”

A Le also lowered his head in silence, and the three women in the team hurried over to comfort the little girl softly.

Heather looked back at Claude and Bullet, a little helpless in his eyes. In the past few years, the farm had to be taken care of by Bit, and Bit’s level of breeding chocobos was taught by the old Bill, and naturally it was not bad. With such a stall now, I’m afraid the farm’s business will be greatly reduced.

At this time, Heather and Crowder looked back towards the gate of the farm. The people present had the most acute hearing and heard the sound of a car engine in the direction of the gate.

After a while, a spirited, white-haired old man wearing a red headscarf and goggles walked into the feedlot and said in surprise when he saw everyone, “Oh, this is really strange. Why did you come here all of a sudden? So many guests? But sorry, Chocobo hasn’t…”

“Old Bill.”

Heather’s voice sounded: “I haven’t seen you in seven years, your spirit is still so good.”

“You are… Heather!” Old Bill remembered when he saw the glasses, and happily ran over and patted Heather on the shoulder: “It’s been a long time since I saw you! By the way, old Zangan Woolen cloth?”

Heather curled his lips: “Naturally, I went to cruise the world.”

“Hahahaha! He’s still the same!” Old Bill laughed and looked at other people: “These are all your friends? It’s hard to imagine. You can make friends with a character like you, don’t you? I know how worried Zangan was back then…”

“Hey, stop talking nonsense.”

Seeing that the old man couldn’t stop as soon as he opened the chatterbox, Heather hurriedly stopped him:

“What’s the situation on your farm? I plan to get some excellent chocobos here. Why does Billy say that there are no extra chocobos for sale on the farm?”

At the mention of this, Old Bill sighed sighfully:

“Oh, this is all to blame for the monsters that suddenly appeared in the world swamp.”

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