Chapter 375

The interior of the exhibition hall is 14 meters high and is divided into three layers. Each layer displays the latest cutting-edge technology products developed by Shinra.

The colorful lights shone on the smooth black floor, and the dazzling array of high-tech exhibits opened up the eyes of this group of buns from rural towns and slums.

The adjective “Tubaozi” is not overly exaggerated. Among these people, apart from Heather’s detached world and Jesse’s early experience with the theater troupe traveling the world, the other four have not seen the world very much.

Bullet has been living in the impoverished Correll Village. After his hometown was destroyed by the Shinra Company, he moved to the Midgar slums, where he stayed for several years.

After leaving his hometown of Nibelheim, Claude entered the Shenluo army and started from the bottom. He has never had the opportunity to see Midgar’s prosperity and splendor. He is completely a desperate mercenary who wants money.

Not to mention Tifa, a small village girl from Nibelheim. After the destruction of her hometown by Shinra, she went to the Midgar slum under the protection of Zangan and lived with Heather for five years.

Alice was caught in the Hojo Lab since she was a child, and she was kept in a small room with fear every day. After escaping to live with her adoptive mother, Emina, she has been selling flowers in the Midgar slums and not-so-busy streets. Heather told her what she had learned about the outside world. Of course, Alice still has enough knowledge of ancient species and planets, because the planet will sometimes whispered in her ears in the past year, whispering such knowledge that no one knows.

Everyone wandered along the precious floor tiles while watching the surrounding exhibits curiously. Bullet’s loud voice echoed in the empty and huge exhibition hall: “Let me say, let’s not care about gifts or gifts. The young master didn’t feel at ease when he saw it! Anyway, I got the most important magic spar. Let’s rush out of the building, out of Midgar all the way, and start looking for Sephiroth freely!”

“It’s too loud, it’s noisy.” Heather disliked Bullet and walked behind the team with Tifa, explaining the bizarre exhibits to his junior sisters from time to time.

Seeing that Alice became jealous, she ran to Heather and asked questions. As Heather walked to the sign in front of the exhibit and read it carefully, Tifa and Alice looked at each other in battle, as if fierce sparks exploded in the air.

Jesse, as Tifa’s [Love Theory Expert], actually never talked about a single relationship, and all her so-called love experiences were told by her seniors in the theater troupe. I nervously passed through the lines in my heart. The blushing Jesse was about to speak to Claude about some bold speeches between lovers, only to find that Claude trot to the center area of ​​the three-story booth in front.

The central area of ​​the three-story booth of the exhibition hall is not small, and the core exhibit is a cool heavy-duty locomotive. The overall shape of the motorcycle has a strong sense of technology. The front and rear wheels are connected and fixed by two motorcycle tires. Four huge silver exhaust pipes extend backwards from both sides of the vehicle body. The shape resembles the metal pipes used by Shinra Corporation to transport magic. It can be regarded as Shinra’s unique aesthetic design. The body is covered by a black metal shell, and the front wheels are blocked by guards covered with metal studs. On the whole, this is a combat heavy-duty motorcycle that exists solely for combat. It is obviously the proud work of the Shinra Weapons R&D department to put it in such a prominent central position.

Claude ran to the rotating booth of this heavy-duty locomotive with beaming eyes, and kept spinning around the booth, admiring the motorcycle from all angles.

“[Hadi Daytona]…” Claude read the name of the motorcycle from the nameplate of the booth. Although his expression barely remained calm, his heart was already agitated like a cat’s claws.

“This guy is Hardy Daytona, the latest combat model developed by Shinra Corporation.”

Heather also came over, seemingly researching the motorcycle deeply: “At the [Shenluo Science and Technology Exhibition] a month ago, the Shenra Company showed a sample of this motorcycle to the outside world, in this hall. Official data show that it can reach a speed of 600 kilometers per hour and is equipped with the first-generation V-form DOHC engine of Shenra. It is said that this engine was born from the rocket data feedback of the Shenra Space Department. The dual-row tires can rotate in all directions. Very flexible.”

Claude turned his head and looked at Heather in amazement. It seemed to him that this mysterious man was very indifferent to everything, and he didn’t expect to know so much about motorcycles.

“It’s normal to see what I’m doing, isn’t it normal to have a hobby?” At this moment, the phone in Heather Kabuto rang.

After the call was connected, there was a pleasant female voice on the other end of the phone, which should be one of the two female Tucks members that Rufas trusted. She uttered two eight-digit codes clearly and explained. The first code is used to unlock the Hardy Daytona in the exhibition hall, and the other code is used to unlock the V8 light war golem on the second floor of the exhibition hall. . Both energy sources are full and the maintenance facilities have been configured in the hidden compartments below the corresponding booths. In addition, there is a new three-wheel light truck at the booth on the first floor at any time.

“Golem! War Golem! Active!” Jesse, the only one in the team capable of handling the War Golem, screamed in excitement. After getting the code from Heather, he pulled Tifa and ran towards the second floor of the exhibition hall. Instead, Alice and Bullet went to find a three-round light truck on the first floor.

Claude kept looking at the heavy locomotive Hardy Daytona with his arms, and for a long time he reluctantly retracted his gaze: “Heather, go and try it? Its performance should be better than 3rd Rochelle’s special locomotive. right.”

Heather glanced at him and asked strangely: “Why do I want to ride?”

“Huh?” Claude was confused. As the default captain of the team, Heather is also the strongest existence. It is a matter of course to use Hardy Daytona with the best performance as auxiliary equipment. The rules in special forces are Such.

“The password is A7644DC3, you can use it.”

Heather chuckled, “Don’t look at me with that kind of look, I have a better motorcycle, and I will be able to compare Hardy Daytona later!”

Seeing Heather said this, Claude did not refuse. He enthusiastically found Hardy Daytona’s key spare parts and maintenance kit in the secret, and then directly stepped onto the motorcycle and entered the code on the code lock.

Hum! With the twisting of the throttle, Hardy Daytona immediately roared, and the four exhaust pipes suddenly spewed out a few dots of fire.

There was also a violent metal collision sound from the second floor of the booth below, and Jesse controlled a portable war golem with a height of about 1.8 meters and walked out slowly. This war golem is too petite compared to the large war golems that are easily ten meters high, but the weaponry is very complete, the shape is streamlined and the armor shell is painted red, and the left shoulder armor part is painted [V8 】, the right shoulder is painted with 【Shinra】.

Hearing the sound of a car engine starting from the bottom layer, Heather nodded, his voice echoing in the exhibition hall:

“Everything is neat! The Shenluo army is coming soon, let’s show them a classic victory escape!”

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