Chapter 365: Start Hunting

The cold-toned light above the head has no temperature at all, and the light is reflected on the glass cover and refracted on the metal floor, forming the only light source in this huge dark laboratory.

Alice was sitting alone in the cage in the center of the laboratory, and every suspicious sound of footsteps would affect her tense nerves.

She was very scared, very scared.

I was afraid that I would suffer cruel torture like my mother, that I would never see her adoptive mother Emina again, and that I would never have the opportunity to say what was in my heart to that person.

From the bottom of Alice’s heart, she hoped that Heather would appear at the gate of the laboratory like the hero described in the novel, and rescue herself from this terrible place with a smile. But from a rational point of view, she rejected this possibility, because this is the headquarters of the Shinra Corporation, and no country or organization in the world can penetrate this impregnable fortress with all its military power. What about a mortal like the teacher?

Perhaps, the final destination of this last descendant of this ancient species is not the promised land, but the cold operating table…

Alice’s slender and pale hands clasped tightly in front of her, trembling slightly.

Suddenly, she vaguely heard the sound of footsteps coming from outside the gate of the laboratory. Is Baotiao coming back? Her face became paler and paler than her clenched fist.

Won’t wait and die! Alice decided to wait for Hojo to open the glass cover, she gathered all her magic power and tried to kill the disgusting man. As for the consequences, she no longer wants to think about it.

Accompanied by the subtle sound of organs when the heavy metal gate was opened to both sides, a vague figure stepped into the laboratory in the dark.

Very close… Alice secretly accumulated her magic power, waiting for Bao Tiao’s disgusting face to appear in the light in front of the glass cover… Huh?

The magic power in her hand dissipated, and she stared at the familiar face in front of the glass cover blankly, for fear that she had hallucinations because of excessive fear and tension.


Heather put his hands in Kabuto and looked at the huge glass cover that held Alice, then looked at the dirty and embarrassed lover, a trace of anger flashed in his eyes.

Bao Tiao, how dare you treat my apprentice like this, you must die today!

He put his palm on the surface of the thick glass cover with a serious expression: “Alice, step back.”

“Huh? It’s really a teacher? Wait a minute, this glass cover is made of special material, can’t… yeah!” Before Alice finished speaking, I saw the glass cover in front of me spread out instantly centered on the contact point of Heather’s palm. There were countless cracks, and then the glass cover was all broken into dust and scattered on the ground.

The red warning light suddenly lit up, illuminating the entire laboratory.

Looking at the broad palm that stretched out towards her, Alice gently held Heather’s hand with red eyes, and was pulled out of the cell by him and threw herself into Heather’s arms.

Feeling Heather’s broad chest of acquaintance, Alice only felt that all the fears and worries in her heart had disappeared, leaving only endless joy.

Then, she saw people coming in one after another at the gate. A tall and sturdy black man, a beautiful girl with a ponytail face, Claude carrying a huge sword, and a very hot beautiful woman with long black hair.

Regardless of her appearance, Alice has been able to confirm the identity of the person in front of her through [read]. She trot two steps to Tifa and greeted happily: “Hello, Tifa.”

Tifa, who saw the’rival in love’ for the first time, replied hesitantly: “Hello, Alice.”

She hadn’t figured out how to face Alice, she was hugged tightly by the latter, and Alice’s gratitude came in her ears: “Thank you, thank you for saving me.”

Feeling the slight trembling of the slender girl in her arms, Tifa’s expression suddenly softened. With a gentle nature, she gently hugged Alice, patted her on the back, and calmly said, “Don’t worry, it’s okay.”

“Everything is agile, we have a very short time.”

Heather and others had changed back to their usual clothes and equipment in the previous laboratory. Of course, the three men changed clothes in the middle of the laboratory, and the two women changed clothes in the warehouse next to the laboratory.

The scientific researchers who assisted the abuser were all killed by Heather. A large part of the human experiments in Baotiao were carried out by these researchers. The word “innocent” does not match them. After witnessing the strangely-shaped human body in the culture tank, even the kind-hearted Tifa did not stop Heather from killing.

Perhaps in order to further study Alice’s habits and ancient abilities, the equipment and weapons she carried with her were also stored in a warehouse not far from the glass-covered cell, at which time it happened to return to the original owner.

While Alice was holding the bracelet inlaid with magic spar and putting it on the white and delicate wrist, Heather commanded the other companions: “Claude, you and Bullet go to fix the gang of Shen Luo soldiers at the door, Jesse, try black The computer that enters the treasure article collects the confidential information of the Shinra company as much as possible. Tifa, you partner with Alice, go…”

The words stopped abruptly, and Heather suddenly looked down at the metal floor under his feet, with a smirk on his face: “I found you.”

The golden cross sword [Absolute Kingship] was condensed in his hand, and then the blade and the hilt were all turned into a burning flame and continuously enlarged. Looking from a distance, Heather seemed to be holding the flame sword of the end of the gods in the myth. 【Lei Wan Ting】.

【Mythological Weapon Catalog】Start! Login【Devil Fruit· Mera-mera Fruit】+【Cross Sword·Absolute Kingship】!

Although limited by the planet’s will, Mera-mera Fruit cannot act on him, but Heather can attach it to the absolute kingship that has the best affinity for flames, turning it into a huge flame sword.

“Get out of the way!”

Needless to say, Heather, everyone immediately ran away.

Heather picked up the huge flame cross sword and slammed it towards the metal floor reflecting the flames!


The hard metal floor that can bear the attack of a huge monster immediately melted into red molten iron, and a huge cavity was burnt out in the center of the empty laboratory! Looking down through the hole where molten iron is dripping, you can vaguely see scorched corpses, blown up instruments, the same burned-through floor, and vaguely visible lower space.

Looking at the shape of those scorched corpses, they should be the alien monsters cultivated by the treasure, obviously they can’t resist the power of the flame sword at all.

At this moment, a figure in a white coat flashed from the lower gap, obviously panicking.

Ah, I found you.

Heather jumped directly into the hole dripping with molten iron, and aimed straight at the treasure that flees frantically along the 64th floor.

The long-lost feeling of hunting, Heather only then remembered that he was also an official [hunter].

So… the hunt begins!

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