Chapter 359

Jessie is shooting at the Shinra soldiers with a specially modified submachine gun. She is an excellent weapon expert. She can modify or hack into bombs, grenade, guns or computer program systems. That is to say, she did not have the opportunity to contact the large combat robots of the Shinra Corporation Weapon Research and Development Department, otherwise she might also use the black one as her own dedicated car.

Another grenade was thrown, and the flames of the explosion engulfed several Shinra soldiers in an instant. The mermaid warrior who was also blown into blood in the sky reunited to form and gave Jesse a vicious look, then lifted his trident to find other Shinra soldiers. NS.

Jesse stuck out her tongue. She found that the mermaid warriors summoned by Heather had a certain level of self-awareness and would not be destroyed by physical attacks, so she boldly treated the mermaid warriors as MTs, and outputted as much as she wanted in the back.

But she always caught a mermaid warrior stalking his wool, no wonder the other side glared at Jesse. If Heather hadn’t been calling nowadays to make warriors not hurt his friends, it is estimated that Jesse would also have to change into skewers.

She had just changed the submachine gun into the magazine, and suddenly saw the black-haired horse-faced man in the Shenluo special forces uniform rushing towards her with sharp eyes. Even if the horse-faced man’s momentum was slowed by the scimitar thrown by Heather, Heather, who was empty-handed, was immediately entangled in another black-haired mustache and couldn’t get out.

Ma Lian Man used his full strength to hit the scimitar and rolled around on the ground to offset the impact. Seeing that Heather couldn’t make a move to stop him, he suddenly laughed and continued rushing towards Jesse.

Jesse was so scared that her scalp was numb, and she quickly picked up her submachine gun and fired at the horse face man. Benjamin, a horse-faced man, is a 2nd special soldier who has been soaked in magic. He has a crushing power against ordinary people. He quickly swings his long sword. All the bullets are shattered by the storm of the sword blade. .

Cang! A neat vertical split smashed the submachine gun that no one held.

At the critical moment, Jesse threw away the submachine gun with a sliding shovel and escaped to the nearest bunker, and escaped the fatal hacking.

“Jesse!” Tifa’s heart was anxious when he saw Jesse in distress out of the corner of his eye. She slammed her fist away from the Shinra soldier in front of her, and suddenly rushed towards the horse-faced man Benjamin with a stride from her feet. But several 3rd fighters wielded their swords and approached Tifa, blocking her way.

Benjamin was also a little surprised when he missed a hit. These civilians really brought a lot of ‘surprises’ to himself. With a backhanded sword, he smashed the metal bunker that was charred and filled with craters. Jesse just got up and watched desperately as Benjamin waved his long sword at her.

Are you going to die here? I haven’t been able to date Claude yet… I still have a lot to say to him…

At the moment of the moment, a figure sprang out from the stairs below. In the violent metal clash, this figure firmly held the long sword that Benjamin was swinging.

Cloud was dirty and scorched and bruised everywhere, apparently it took a lot of time to rush to the second floor quickly. He held the huge metal huge sword “Destruction Sword” firmly blocking Benjamin’s long sword, and slammed the huge sword with a soft drink to force Benjamin to leap back.

“Claude, where is my idiot apprentice?” Heather even took the time to shout to Claude during the fierce battle with Kaki.

Claude took a few steps back to protect Jesse, maintaining a posture of holding a sword against the enemy, and shouting without looking back: “Alice asked me to come up to help you first, and she went to the slum below to help evacuate. The people.”

Heather gave a “tsk” and turned to fight Kaki.

And Claude took the opportunity to turn his head slightly to look at Jesse: “Jesse, are you okay?”

“Claude…” Jesse only felt surrounded by happiness in his heart, he came when he needed him the most! Why don’t I envy Tifa who has a [hero] who will save her in times of distress. Now, I also have my own [hero]!

She wiped the corners of her eyes, stood up and stood back to back with Claude, and drew the pistol from her belt, her tone was unprecedentedly brisk and exhilarating: “I’m fine! Thank you for saving me, Claude. Everything is fine. It’s over, I will treat you well in the dormitory!”

“…Don’t say anything stupid, concentrate.” The corner of Claude’s mouth raised slightly, and he looked at Benjamin seriously, and clenched the destructive sword in his hand.

Seeing that the opponent is 2nd in subduing, my own state is not very good, but I should be able to beat the opponent, after all, I am 1st!

Claude exhaled, agitating the remaining strength of his body: “It’s going to go, Jesse!”

“Well, leave your back to me!” Jesse looked at the Shenra soldiers who were gradually surrounding him, no longer afraid and anxious in his heart.

Cang! The giant sword and the long sword slammed together again, igniting violent sparks.

Benjamin’s forehead burst into blue veins, and he pressed down the sword hard: “Look at those eyes, you have also soaked in the magic…have you been the former special soldier who betrayed the company? What class?”

“…It has nothing to do with you.” When Claude was competing with Renault, he was ridiculed by the authenticity of the 1st class. At this time, he didn’t bother to talk with the horse-faced man in front of him. To distinguish between the special forces, it really depends on the sword in his hand.

The steel blades in the hands of the two turned into metal storms, constantly hitting with sour metal crashes and sparks in the sky.

On the other side, Heather elbows the dagger blade that pierced from the waist, and the elbow is vaguely covered with pitch black metal.

Kaki immediately escaped into the darkness when he missed a hit. The fierce gunfire and gunpowder smoke perfectly provided cover for him. He was good at ‘silent combat’ and ‘assassination’, and his skills were indeed very superb. If Heather had not been turning on [Circle] and [Observation Haki], a few times, he would have almost touched the other’s way.

After moving his arms, Heather opened his posture and shook his hands into claws, and an astonishing [qi] began to flow in his body. He wants to use Zankan flow fighting technique to get this 1st fighter.

As mentioned before, if Zangan Liu martial arts practice reaches a very high level, it will evolve into a unique style most suitable for the user.

Zangan is good at crushing opponents with majestic thunder and fists, often using fist bones and whip legs; Tifa is good at high-speed mobile stations and flexibly use the powerful impact brought by his high speed, often Palm Heel Strike and kick kicks.

But Heather is very different from them, all his attack methods will be the best solution chosen by his instinct. Ruthless, swift, and ruthless, Heather is good at using claws, elbows, and foot knives, and when necessary, he releases the qi in his body into a weapon against the enemy.

[Vengeful Magic Light Ball]!

This trick used to be Tifa’s final exam question. As long as the Master is proficient in this trick, it shows that Tifa can use Zangan-liu fighting skills freely in any battle. The principle is to squeeze one’s own qi and release it to achieve the effect of assisting the enemy.

If this trick is used in Zangan’s hands, it will be as powerful as a close-range bombardment like Rasengan, which is as powerful as a grenade or a bomb.

If Tifa uses it, a phantom sphere with a diameter of about one meter will be released in front of you. The sphere will slowly float off the ground and continue to cause internal damage to the enemy engulfed by it. At the same time, it will pull and slow down the enemy’s movements. The auxiliary effect.

Now it is used by Heather, and it has a completely different effect.

He leaned and pressed his single claw on the ground, and his fingers were deeply buckled into the metal floor. The whole person turned sideways to avoid the black dagger that quietly protruded from behind. At the same time, he arched the back of his foot and turned into a blade to quickly kick in the direction of the dagger. Kaki crossed his arms in front of him and barely blocked the blow, as the metal guard on his arm smashed. With cracking sound, he was kicked and flew out.

Tear…Along with the sour metal tearing sound, Heather grabbed the whole piece of ground metal plate and pulled it up, like a playing card, and threw it in the direction where the card was flying backwards. The huge metal plate rotating at high speed chased Kaki with the whistling wind.

The light of the X-shaped knife flashed, the iron plate was cut into four pieces neatly, and Kaki turned over in the air and landed steadily on the ground.

Before he could catch his breath, he suddenly noticed a large number of translucent balls with psychedelic light in front of him.

In the distance, Heather kept his arms protruding forward, and his hands clenched into claws suddenly opened.

[Fighting Magic Light Ball·Dharma Fire]!

All the phantom spheres near Kaki were detonated at the same time, [Qi] had a substantial impact on the material world, and the air was shaking violently! Kaki only felt as if countless grenades were detonated around his body, and the violent impact of the explosion kept shaking his internal organs and muscles.

There was only an endless scream in his ears, a dizziness in front of him, he couldn’t see clearly, his limbs were limp, and his internal organs were severely painful. Kaki knew that he was in an unprecedented crisis. Instinctively, he reluctantly clenched the short sword and slashed and slashed towards the surroundings desperately, trying to force the enemy back to gain time for himself to recover.

Then he fell into eternal darkness.

The golden cross sword swept across the battlefield with terror beyond the speed of sound, and directly smashed Kaki’s head. In the exploded blood mist, the golden cross sword turned into flame and dissipated invisible.

In the distance, Heather put away his throwing posture and curled his lips. Isn’t it too delicious, this is the 1st? That Cloud really didn’t brag, he did have 1st strength.

He glanced around, the situation had been reversed, and the avalanche side had the upper hand.

Tifa is one-to-three, and every punch is thoughtful, and the 3nd-level fighters can’t hold her offensive.

Claude gradually suppressed Benjamin regardless of strength or skill.

Bullet is using a machine gun to shoot at the Shinra soldiers who are fighting with the mermaid fighters, while Jesse defends Claude from behind to prevent other Shinra soldiers from sneaking.

Not to mention those mermaid warriors who are not afraid of death, the trident in their hands is full of blood today!

Heather did not retract the mermaid prince of the Scimitar but allowed it to stick upside down in the steel plate on the ground, so he stepped up the stairs step by step and walked towards the top of the steel pillar.

The top of the steel pillar is a huge and empty platform. At the end of the platform is a large screen and a console. Behind the console is a huge pipe connecting the steel disc and the pillar. There are a lot of magic in it.

Under the blowing of the night wind, Heather stepped onto the top platform, and his pupils shrank slightly when he saw the figure in the center of the platform.

He saw unexpected people.

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