Chapter 352

Heather hugged Alice and fell from the sky to an abandoned carriage lying on the ground, looking at the weird carriage on the clearing not far away.

This is an unusually weird black carriage, as if the front half of the horse and the back half of the vehicle were assembled.

The black giant horse with dark smoke lingers only to the middle of the lumbar spine, with curved and sharp sickle-shaped giant horns on top of its head, its hooves are burning with blue fire, and its emotionless eyes are flying around with a black mane. Scarlet eyes shone under the fur.

The second half is half a wagon with a weird style. The outermost wheel is an iron hoop wheel with sharp edges and corners and neatly arranged bone spikes. The inner sides of each side are connected by three wooden gears with sharp tooth spikes. , The middle is the’body’ with air jets. The body is half-human upright and is covered with a tattered linen cloak. Under the cloak, there is a flashing red one-eyed and black metal skeleton, which is entangled with a lot of rust. The metal arms of the iron chain were holding the extremely huge double-edged long-handled chopping axe horizontally.

He confronted Heather from such a distance, and the black giant snorted and sprayed out bursts of faint blue sparks.

Heather put Alice down from her arms, and before the red-faced girl thanked him, she scolded:

“There is no sense of crisis! If I hadn’t searched for your life energy with [Round] and arrived in time, you would have been skewered into meat skewers!”

The throbbing in Alice’s heart was instantly dissipated, and she pursed her mouth and retorted unwillingly: “It first used space ability to separate me and Crowder into different battlefields, and then attacked me with illusion. It’s hard to deal with.”

“What about your [reading ability]? Don’t worry if your brain is not working well, even if you forget how to use it?” Heather poked Alice’s forehead with a finger, poking the girl’s head back and forth.

“I have used it, I have already used the ability to read! Don’t poke, it hurts!” Alice’s eyes were sore with tears that her two small hands crackled and slapped Heather’s hands to force him back.

Heather gave a ‘tsk’, this guy’s thinking ability is quite practical, but the capable person’s own actual combat experience is too poor, and further training is needed.

He looked at the dark carriage in the distance, and the opponent was already restlessly treading on his horse’s hoof, ready to initiate a sprint.

Although he is a stupid apprentice, no cat or dog can bully him.

Flames flashed in Heather’s hand and immediately condensed into a gorgeous golden cross sword. The end of the hilt of the cross sword was linked with Heather’s wrist by a golden chain.

【Mythological Weapon Catalog】Start! Login【Cross Sword·Absolute Kingship】!

Heather has only recently felt that the planet has acquiesced in unblocking a part of [Nian] and the less exaggerated [Mythological Weapon]. Absolute Kingship is one of them.

Although there is no support from myths and legends and the excessive pressure of the world has led to dissatisfaction, absolute kingship is still a reliable weapon against evil spirits.

As if being stimulated by absolute kingship, the pitch-black giant horse raised its hooves high and neighed, and then instantly accelerated towards Heather and Alice. Each time the horseshoe slams on the ground, it will bring up a faint blue fire, and the high-speed friction between the iron hoop wheels and the ground will continue to drag a long string of sparks.

“The body of this guy is Ellig, a powerful evil spirit that continuously breeds and grows by sucking on human ghosts and grievances. It is rarely found by living people. Perhaps it is because of the long time that he has been in the train cemetery, which has caused the appearance to change. Become more cyberpunk.”

Heather looked at the horse-drawn carriage rushing toward him, with no panic in his tone: “Stupid apprentice, I have already thought about the topic of this week-the ghost king of the hunting train graveyard, that’s it.”

“Don’t assign homework in such a critical time!” The momentum of the evil spirit carriage opposite made Alice panicked.

“Don’t be afraid, make good use of your mind and magic skills, you are much stronger than Him.”

As the evil spirit carriage approached, Heather twisted his neck and lowered his body slightly: “It’s going to be on!”

“…Hmm!” Alice squeezed the metal staff in her hand and nodded heavily.

The evil spirit carriage Ellig is close at hand, and he raised the huge long-handled axe blade in his hand high and swept toward the location where Heather and Alice were! The axe brought a fierce whistling sound. Seeing this posture, he planned to split the car with them into pieces together!

Alice took a deep breath and ran forward two steps, picking up the metal long stick and swiping it towards the attacking axe blade.

There was a sharp contrast between the weak girl and the five-meter long axe blade. The former seemed to be blasted to pieces in an instant.

But at the moment when the long rod and the axe blade fought, the powerful impact driven by the axe blade disappeared instantly, only a slight but clear collision sound with the long rod.

The scene was extremely quiet. Eliger seemed to look at the long-handled axe blade in his hand very puzzled.

On the other hand, on Alice’s side, her pale little face, which was originally tired from the long journey, was now full of vitality, and the magic power all over her body was agitated. The magic spar on the top of the metal wand glowed with bright green light, and then burst out dazzling. Arc! ,

High-level magic [big thunder and lightning]!

Nearly ten bluish-white arcs as thick as tree trunks gathered together and slammed on Eliger’s chest fiercely. The black giant horse suddenly neighed, and even the horse and carriage was blasted backwards by the powerful upper lightning magic. go.

This battlefield located in the deserted open space on the other side of the train storage warehouse was disturbed by the dazzling light of thunder and the constant crackling of electric current.

The pitch-black giant horse at the front of the carriage endured the violent electric current bombardment, slammed its head violently, raised the curved sickle-shaped giant horn on top of it, and slashed down forcefully, aiming at Alice!

Before the giant horn touched Alice, he was hit by a golden cross sword that flew from the side and smashed to the side obliquely, slashing the abandoned carriage under the two people’s feet into a huge gap, and the ground underneath the carriage. A long deep dent was also smashed!

Although she couldn’t attack Alice, she finally interrupted the continuous lightning magic.

Eligo took the opportunity to regroup and distanced himself, facing off with Heather and Alice.

“How many times is this today?” Heather, who held the golden chain and pulled the cross sword back into his hand, looked at Alice and asked.

“The second time.” Alice’s expression was a little weird, as if she was getting used to something.

This is her special ability to read, and its name is-[Unfading Flowers for You]!

There are three opportunities every day, Alice can specify a kind of ‘thing’ that she sees and can understand not to be harmed by it. The designated ‘thing’ cannot be a specific ‘person’, such as a certain person or a certain monster. Instead, it is necessary to specify more ‘one-sided’ concepts, such as ‘steel’, ‘thunder and lightning’, ‘needling’, ‘toxic substances’ and so on. The number of ability usages will be refreshed every day at 3 o’clock in the morning.

The first time you use this ability, you need to consume mind energy, and the longer the ability lasts, the greater the consumption of mind energy. To use this ability for the second time, you need to temporarily seal one of your five senses, you can choose which ‘five senses’ to seal, and the sealing time is equal to the damage invalidation time. Casting this ability for the third time will temporarily deprive one of your five senses at random.

This ability can be used on others, but it still consumes the number of abilities, and the cost is borne by Alice.

If it is attacked by the corresponding concept during the duration of the ability, it will be fed back to Alice’s mind and magic. The greater the power of the attack received, the more thought energy and magic power that will be fed back.

Before, Alice chose to let’steel’ not harm herself. This time she played against Elliq, she used her mind for the second time, and the designated concept was ‘slash.’

The price is her sense of taste.

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