Chapter 349 The Ghost Legend of the Train Cemetery

Step, step, step…

The leather boots made a crisp sound as they stepped on the wooden floor.

Heather dressed in a dark blue trench coat and walked towards the bar door while adjusting his cuffs.


Tifa’s voice came from behind, and she walked out of the lounge inside and asked suspiciously, “Are you… going out?”

Heather nodded and put on a pair of black leather gloves.

“Understood, leave it to me at the bar.”

Tifa is not a weak woman who can only rely on Heather, she has always been strong.

With the sound of the fine electric current, the five-meter-long Thunder Wolf Dragon cub appeared next to Heather out of thin air. As soon as it saw Tifa, it drooped its tongue and shook its head and walked to Tifa’s body, begging to touch him. Touching expression.

“I will leave Jin Aoga on your side in case there is an attack by the Shinra army. If the situation is urgent, ask Jin Aoga to cancel the call on its own, then it will tell me what happened.”

“Well, I know brother. Hee hee, Jin Oga, do you miss me? So good, good~~”

Heather glanced at the old wolf lying on the ground comfortably slapped by Tifa, with a look of disgust. Look at the look of your pet dog with squinting eyes and grunting noises. How can you still have the majestic and majestic temperament of Lanlong who died on the top of Lingfeng Mountain?

“I’m leaving.”

“Well, be careful on the way.”


“So, what exactly is this place?”

Claude held the hilt of the destruction sword in his hand and looked around warily. Alice stood beside him with a metal stick in her hand, tiptoes and looked into the distance.

The two are in a deserted site that no one cares about. There are old train carriages everywhere, and there are staggered tracks on the ground. Farther away is a very huge old vehicle storage warehouse. The surface of the warehouse is all nailed with iron sheets, which looks a little strange.

Alice touched the surface of the old train car closest to her, and the dark red rust particles kept falling with her movements.

“It looks like this is the train graveyard.” She nodded affirmatively, and wiped her hands on Claude’s clothes by the way.

“Train cemetery?”

“A long time ago, when Midgar was just established, it used to be an important transportation hub with many trains coming and going. But with the establishment of the steel disc, all important Shinra company facilities and upper-class residents were relocated to Yuanyuan. On the board, the lower area was completely abandoned, and this train transfer station became a wasteland.”

Alice spoke eloquently:

“I also heard a rumor. It is said that whenever night falls, the train graveyard will be haunted!”

“How old are you, do you still believe this?” Claude looked helpless.

“Midgar has many urban legends, but the rumors of this train cemetery are spreading widely!”

Seeing Claude’s unbelief, Alice suddenly puffed her cheeks in anger: “People say that if they are swallowed by the black whirlwind of the train graveyard, they will wander in the train graveyard forever.”

Claude shrugged his shoulders: “I didn’t see the ghost, but a lot of monsters were chopped off along the way. I said, did you confuse a monster with a weird appearance with the ghost in the rumor?”

“No! What about monsters, I have seen no less than you!” Alice couldn’t wait to knock Claude’s hedgehog on the head with the metal staff in her hand.

Obviously holding a destruction sword exactly like [that person], but talking so irritating!

Although Claude was a bit venomous, he had no problem with Alice’s words. After the two teamed up to defeat Renault and Shinra soldiers in the abandoned church, they marched along the road pointed out by Alice, and encountered many monsters on the way.

Originally, Claude thought that as a bodyguard, he would have to work hard to protect Alice, but he did not expect that the metal stick in Alice’s hand would dance vigorously, and his combat effectiveness was no worse than his own.

Moreover, he keenly discovered that Alice occasionally used her wand to condense the substantial magical energy to attack monsters in a long range. A set of far and near tactics seemed to be fluent, obviously taught by a famous teacher. Thinking about how she called Heather a ‘teacher’ before, does Heather still have this kind of ability?

At this point, Claude misunderstood Heather. It is Alice’s unique skill to condense magical energy out of thin air. This is her ability as an ancient Setra.

In ancient times, those powerful Setras could display powerful magic without the power of magic spar. This is because they can communicate with the flow of life and convert the energy contained in the flow of life into magical energy. From this point of view, the ancient Saitras are actually walkable humanoid magic spars.

When Heather started reading for Alice, she unexpectedly awakened the abilities of the ancient Setras. Needless to say, Heather, Alice also knows that she must never let Shinra Corporation know the fact that she has awakened her ability.

She had been hiding the truth from the Shinra Company, but today she was suddenly inspired and always felt that something big was about to happen. This inspiration has saved her life many times, and it is also one of the abilities of the ancient Saitras.

When she saw Claude descend from the sky, Alice thought that the trouble came from him. But inspiration did not respond to Claude. The familiar destruction sword also reminded Alice of her first love, the man named Zacks Phil, who was once the 1st powerful fighter in the Shinra Corporation.

Immediately afterwards, Renault brought the Shinra soldiers to the church and made Alice’s heart sink. The tiny expression on Renault’s face even hinted to Alice-Shinra Corporation is about to take action against you, run!

So Alice decided to flee here with Claude, to find Heather!

She understands that as long as she has not been caught, her adoptive mother Emina is safe, so when she and Claude passed through the Wufan Street slum, she did not even go home to find Emina, but asked the orphanage of Luyezhijia that she knew well. ‘S child brought a note to Emina and said that she was safe and pleased her to rest assured.

The two passed through an underground tunnel near the Wufan Street slum to the junction of Liufan Street and Qifan Street, but they were overtaken by soldiers from the Shinra Company and the two sides fought.

Due to the fact that the enemy has too much force, Alice and Crowder are defeated and have to escape into the walled commercial street located in the slum of Liufan Street.

Unexpectedly, the boss of the Walled Commercial Street, Gu Liu Genwei, had already joined the Shinra Company, and he and Shinra Company joined forces to push Alice and Claude into a desperate situation. In the mansion of Gu Rugenwei, he confided the truth when he was overwhelmed. “You guys will soon end up like the poor worms on Qifan Street! The disc falls from the sky, and everything will disappear, even the sea. The obnoxious guy Se will also turn into meat sauce! Ooh! Ooh!”

Only then did the two realize that the Shinra Company had already planned to destroy the slums of Qifan Street and pushed everything to the avalanche and Wutaitou. In this way, not only can the avalanche organization be completely eliminated, Wutai will be blamed for arousing oppositional hostility and gathering public opinion in Midgar, but also the slums of Qifanjie slums can be cleansed upright. A sewer rat of any value is not even qualified as a backdrop for the city’s embellishment.

The extremely angry Claude and Alice shot at Gu Liu Genwei, but they were thrown into the sewer by Gu Liu Genwei’s opening of the room mechanism, where he was holding a huge and infinitely powerful beast called “Abozu”.

He thought he would go through a fierce battle, but what Claude didn’t expect was that he found that Alice seemed to use an unprecedented 【power】in the battle.

With that weird and powerful ability, A Bozu was killed by two people.

When escaping from the sewer area, Claude asked more than once what abilities Alice was using at that time, but was always prevaricated by Alice, and finally was asked anxiously and said, “Mr. Heather won’t let me.” Say, go and ask him yourself’.

After finally leaving the sewer, the two found that the exit of the sewer was between a piece of abandoned trains, so the beginning scene occurred.

The two of them were just about to move forward, but suddenly there was a weird laughter of children in their ears.

Claude and Alice looked at each other, their faces a little ugly.

The ghost legend of the train cemetery… is true! ?

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