Chapter 347: Alternate Girlfriend

Claude was groggy, feeling like he was falling.

The surrounding area was dark, and the speed of his fall seemed to be accelerating, and it seemed to be gradually slowing down.

In a daze, he felt himself falling among a sea of ​​flowers, surrounded by endless white light, the light was soft and not dazzling.

Crowder sat down between the flowers, his head hung up, and no matter what thoughts he thought could not be condensed.

[Are you okay? 】

A man dressed the same as himself stood in front of him, with a concerned tone.

who is it? Who is talking? Claude tried to concentrate on remembering the owner of the voice, but he couldn’t help but said, “Um… it’s okay.”

[At that time, I just scratched my knee. 】

“that time?”

[How about this time, can you still get up? 】

“……this time?”

Claude became drowsy, and his mind became more and more confused.

[Don’t mind, now I’m thinking about my body, can my body move? 】

The voice seemed gentle and concerned.

Claude closed his eyes, and his voice became somewhat calm: “I’ll try.”

[Come slowly, move little by little. 】

“I know.” Claude felt the power gradually return to his body.

Who the hell is it? He was about to look back at the figure, but a strange voice came from the distant horizon–


“Hello? Are you okay?”


who is it! ? Claude opened his eyes abruptly and saw the broken wooden beam. The roof made of wood also broke through a big hole, and a huge steel disc could be seen in the distance.

Claude struggled to stand up and found himself in an empty church. He looked around, and when he saw to the right, he suddenly noticed a figure crouching beside him, looking at him intently.

This is a very sweet and lovely beauty with long brown hair in braids, a pink headscarf tied into a bow behind her head, and she is wearing a red jacket and pink dress.

At this time, when she saw Claude wake up, she couldn’t help but laughed: “Great, I finally woke up.”

Claude got up to his feet and put the huge destruction sword on his back again: “Who are you?”

“Alice, you can call me Alice.”

Alice also stood up with her hands on her hips: “You smashed the ceiling of the church and fell into my flower field. This is what the teacher often calls the “Heaven descending system”?”

Claude was taken aback, only to realize that he was in the middle of a large flower field, suddenly wondering whether to leave or stay still: “Uh, is this the flower you planted? Sorry!”

Alice smiled and stopped his embarrassing movement: “It doesn’t matter, this place is very special, the flowers are very tough. You can still be safe when you fall from such a high place. It should be the flower field that relieved most of the impact for you.”

“Thanks a lot.”

Claude nodded: “I have another question…?”

“This is an abandoned church on the outskirts of the Wufan Street slum. Do you want to ask this?”

Alice walked slowly around Claude with her hands on her back: “You are definitely not from the Wufan Street slums. Where do you want to go? Maybe I can show you the way.”

“Slums of Qifan Street.” Claude always felt that this woman named Alice had focused most of her attention on the sword behind her.

Alice suddenly got her energy: “Ah, Qifan Street…Have you ever been to a bar called’Seventh Heaven’? The one with the very handsome boss.”

“If the’seventh heaven’ you said is the same as I know, then your understanding of’handsome’ must be different from that of ordinary people.” Claude couldn’t help but complain.

“Oh, it seems that you have indeed been to the seventh heaven and know the teacher.” Alice nodded confirmingly.

“Teacher…you mean Heather?”

“Yes, Mr. Heather is the teacher who taught me the ‘fitness technique’. By the way, I’m the teacher’s alternate girlfriend!” Alice smiled and uttered shocking remarks.

Waiting, alternate girlfriend? Heather, you bastard! How dare to live up to Tifa! ?

For a moment, Claude really wanted to rush back to Qifan Street and hack Heather with a knife. It was not enough to have Tifa to provoke other girls outside, and it was a taboo love between teachers and students! Damn it!

At this time, Alice seemed to unintentionally asked: “Speaking of which, there is also a Kanban girl named Tifa in the seventh heaven? Is she having a good relationship with Teacher Heather?”

“Tifa is a bartender in the seventh heaven, not a kanban girl.”

The super straight man Claude seriously corrected the mistake in Alice’s words: “She and Heather…”

Cang Dang!

Before he finished speaking, the church door was suddenly pushed open.

Several Shinra soldiers with live ammunition filed in. The last one who walked in was a man in a suit with red hair and ponytail. This man was Renault, a member of the Shinra company secret agency Tux.

“Oh, it’s quite lively here.”

Renault carried the metal short baton on his shoulders, still looking like a foolish man: “It’s time to go, Miss.”

“Don’t worry about Renault, I have a new bodyguard, Shinra Special Forces.” Alice hid behind Claude, poking out her tongue at Renault.


Renault looked at Claude with a vigilant look, and carefully looked at his eye pupils: “Or is it a special soldier of the Shinra? Oh, it was the eyes of Mosha.”

“Former Shinra Special Forces.” Claude scanned the surrounding environment and the Shinra soldiers behind Renault, thinking about the possibility of getting out or killing them in the shortest time.

“I’ll take you to [Bar], how about you temporarily serving as my bodyguard?” Alice whispered in Claude’s ear.

Crowder thought for a while and felt that it would work, so he drew out the huge metal giant sword [Destruction Sword] from behind.

He did not see that Alice’s eyes lit up in vain when he pulled out the destruction sword.

Renault shook his stick and looked jokingly: “Hehe, really a special soldier? What class?”

“1st.” Claude opened his posture very seriously.

“1…puff hahaha!”

Renault was taken aback for a moment and then couldn’t help but laughed, laughing while sarcastically saying: “Only you? 1st is too ridiculous, right?”

He is a veteran agent of Tuxley. There are only a handful of 1st fighters in the Shinra Company. Everyone is an elite among the elite. How could he not know him? The blond boy in front of him does not belong to the identity of any 1st fighter in his memory. I don’t know where I stole a 1st fighter’s special combat uniform and scammed it, right? Renault sees too many punks who have the title of Special Forces and then cheat for money and sex.

But your brat is too courageous, and you have deceived Alice? Not to mention the importance that Director Zeng and even the entire Shinra company attach to Alice, do you know who her master is?

Snapped! Renault shook off the metal swinging stick in his hand, and electricity began to entangle on it.

That’s all, let yourself teach this fledgling little bastard, let him know what is “the sky outside the sky”.

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