Chapter 345: The Destruction Plan of the No.5 Demon Furnace

Three hours later, two dark shadows floated down from the top disc three hundred meters above the ground.

One of the dark shadows suddenly fell to the open space outside Qifan Street. As soon as it hit the ground, the black shadow split into two, and the one who couldn’t stand still screamed and fell forward, but was grabbed by the person behind.

The two figures were Jesse and Claude, with parachutes scattered under their feet. It seemed that they jumped directly from the steel disc in the city on Qifan Street with the parachute bag.

Jessie raised his arms happily: “Too happy! So skydiving is such an interesting thing?”

Claude closed the parachute in silence. He still needs some time to digest what happened tonight.

First, he was chased by a 3rd special squad named Roche in the tunnel chase. His difficulty was no less than 2nd and he was extremely good at riding a motorcycle. Claude seriously suspected that Rochelle was stuck in the 3rd tier because of his weird character, otherwise he would have been able to reach the 2nd tier with his strength.

After finally getting rid of the Shenluo army, the group came to Jesse’s house in the upper city area of ​​Qifan Street and was treated warmly by Jesse’s mother.

Jesse’s mother thought that Jesse was still working as an actor in Kingdee Amusement Park. This time she only asked for leave to come home to visit. Everyone present was very cooperative and did not say anything. By the way, the pizza baked by Jesse’s mother is really delicious, and Wei Ji hasn’t enjoyed it after eating six in a row.

Leaving Jesse’s house, everyone sneaked into the military equipment warehouse of the Shinra Company in the upper city area on Qifan Street [Sixth Room]. Jesse is in charge of hacking into the system and sneaking in to steal explosives, and Crowder and others are in charge of responding.

The thing was stolen, but because the alarm was triggered, it was surrounded by Shinra soldiers, and the 3rd special soldier named Roche was also brought out.

At the critical juncture, intensive gunfire rescued them. A large number of soldiers wearing uniform combat uniforms rushed into the [sixth room] and attacked the Shinra soldiers.

Under Biggs’s introduction, Claude knew that the soldiers in front of him were members of the Avalanche General Association. Today happened to be the day when they planned to raid [Sixty-sixth room] to seize military supplies. people.

Crowder and others escaped while taking advantage of the chaos, but the tunnels and trains had been blocked by the army sent by the Shinra Corporation, and it was impossible to return to the downtown area of ​​Qifan Street by ordinary means.

Jesse found a box of parachute bags at a secret location her father had told her before. Then, as everyone saw, everyone returned safely to the slums on Qifan Street.

Because the magic wolf invasion a few years ago led to the large-scale cleaning of the area near the outer wall of Qifan Street by the Shinra Company, even if a few fish slipped through the net occasionally, it would be caught by the Volunteers and Heather and Heather who passed through here during morning exercises. Tifa cleaned up. The current Qifan Street slum is the safest area in the entire Midgar slum.

The clearing under the ‘moonlight’ was silent, only a pair of young men and women were talking.

“Let’s go, I’ll take you back.” Claude handed the collected parachute bag to Jesse. Although the process was a bit stimulating, everyone returned safely. I just don’t know what happened to Biggs and Wiggy.

“Thank you very much, my knight.”

Jesse chuckled, leaning over to take Crowder’s arm, and happily pulling him towards the slums of Qifan Street.

There were few people on the streets of the slums late at night, and the lights of the seventh heaven in the distance were all extinguished. It seemed that Heather and Tifa had closed and rested.

The house Jesse rents is a bungalow that is not very spacious, and the outer wall is wrapped in scrap iron, which is typical of a slum style. She rents this cabin with two girls who dream of becoming actors but clean and self-contained, and they have agreed that no one will be allowed to bring boys back.

Jesse stood in front of the door and stuck out her tongue at Claude: “Sorry, I won’t let you in and sit today. Wanda and Natasha should have fallen asleep.”

“I didn’t plan to go in either.”

Claude responded straightforwardly, but was stopped by Jesse just as he turned around and was about to leave.

“Wait a minute, there are special rewards.”

Jesse jumped over and hugged Crowder tightly, and kissed him lightly on the side of his cheek.

Crowder stood stiffly on the spot, the soft touch from his left face made him feel at a loss, and his breathing became rapid. After a few seconds, he found that Jesse didn’t mean to let go of him at all, so he had to speak with a slight embarrassment: “You, you let me go first.”

Jesse blushed and lay down in Claude’s ear and said, “Then you come to me tomorrow night? My roommates won’t be here tomorrow night.”

Claude looked unnaturally trying to push Jesse away: “What does it mean, ‘then you come to me’, in any case, let me go first!”

Jesse let go of Crowder with a smile, and put his hands on his shoulders, his big eyes seemed to be dripping water: “If I let go, will you come tomorrow night?”

For the first time in his life, when he encountered such a fierce offensive by a girl, especially when the other party was still a beauty no less than Tifa, Claude hesitated.

A few seconds later he sighed softly: “I know, I will consider it.”

“Great! I will bake a very delicious pizza waiting for you. The ingredients are Malco, Lucie, Black Million and Red Creek, how about?”

Claude was a little embarrassed: “…I have never heard of it.”

“Um~~~ You are so cute!”

Seeing Claude’s appearance, Jesse held her hands in front of her with excitement: “Very well, it’s all on me! I will definitely use the pizza recipe I learned from my mother to Ultimate!”

Is this…a date? Claude smiled a little dazedly and nodded embarrassedly.

Jesse clutched her red face and drew back into the house: “Then… see you tomorrow!”

Looking at the closed door, Claude slowly put down his raised hand:

“Well, see you tomorrow.”


In the early morning of the next day, the [Shinra Collapse Operation Plan] of the Avalanche Organization officially entered the second stage.

This time, their goal is the No. 5 Demon Furnace. Don’t ask the reason, after all, the ‘Ultimate Plan’ of the original Avalanche Organization is sorted in this way. Bullet doesn’t know the reason, but just does it.

Crowder didn’t intend to continue participating, and couldn’t bear Jesse’s hard work. Bullet used the money he was going to pay for the tuition to Marlene as the second salary, and Crowder agreed to the invitation.

Watching the Bullet and Crowder gather at the gate of Seventh Heaven again, Heather, who was leaning at the gate, said impatiently: “I said, you guys don’t treat Seventh Heaven as a save point. Change the place! ”

Tifa looked at Jesse worriedly: “Does it have to be today? I am worried that Shinra will arrange traps and arrange defensive forces in a targeted manner.”

Jessie shrugged: “This has to ask why someone left a’notice’ at the crime scene.”

“[If you don’t turn off the magic oven, we will continue to detonate in two days], the fault is Shinra, what does it have to do with me?”

Bullet doesn’t think he has done anything wrong at all: “If they are smart enough to turn off the magic oven, the planet will no longer suffer, we can also let Shinra a life, and everyone will be happy.”

Heather didn’t know where to spit out. If it wasn’t for Claude in the team, the Avalanche Branch’s action was suicidal from the very beginning, let alone a notice of the crime at the exact time, for fear that others would not deploy defensive forces. NS?

And the most worthy of complaint is that they actually plan to take a train to go to Shangcheng District to fry the magic stove?

It is estimated that when the train is halfway, they will be picked out due to ID card detection, and a situation of encirclement will be formed.

But these have nothing to do with Heather, he just wants to keep the seventh heaven home with Tifa, nothing more.

The life and death of others has nothing to do with him.

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