Chapter 343 Vulcan Stone

When Crowder approached, the Jesse trio was in front of Heather and Tifa praised Crowder’s reliable strength.

Wiggy imitated the posture of Cloud swinging the huge sword, and kept nagging: “Brother Heather, you don’t know how powerful Cloud is. Such a big metal huge sword wields as easily as a small dagger. Swiftness.”

“Weige, you’ve said it several times on the way back.” Biggs pushed Wiggy away impatiently.

Heather gave the tray of potato cakes to everyone: “Bullet, how do you feel about the strength of this foreign aid?”

“Really worthy of this high commission… Hmm! It’s delicious!”

Bullet ate two potato cakes in three or two, then raised his neck and poured a whole bottle of iced drink, then wiped his mouth: “But the reward is a problem. Before 2000 GIL was just a reward for hiring him to assist in this operation, right? ”

Jessie nodded: “This remuneration waits until tomorrow to recover the arrears of the water purifier.”

“Jesse, how could this explosion be so exaggerated?” Bullet scratched his head, and he also felt something was wrong.

“I guess it was the bomb that caused the massive explosion of Mozhao.”

Jessie sighed: “But even if that’s the case, it’s not as powerful as the number… Is the bargain from the black market really unreliable? I will replace it with a more stable bomb in the next action.”

“Ah, [Hero] is back.”

Heather noticed that Claude was slowly walking here, and took out a bottle of iced drink from the ice bucket and threw it to him: “Isn’t it fun to participate in a team building occasionally?”

Claude caught the icy glass bottle: “The fierce battle and the explosion that spread to the entire magic furnace are just team building activities for you?”

Heather twisted a piece of potato cake and took a bite: “Sorry, the term is not appropriate. Maybe I should use [the suburban picnic organized by the kindergarten] to describe it more appropriately?”

Seeing that the two were about to quarrel again, Biggs hurriedly stopped in the middle: “In order to celebrate, why don’t we have a banquet?”

Tifa folded his hands on his chest, and said cheerfully, “Okay, brother and I will take care of the cooking. There are a lot of fresh ingredients in the refrigerator. Is it okay, brother?”

Heather tilted his head and barely hummed. Tifa, who has lived together for so many years, doesn’t understand Heather’s subtext, and smiles to everyone with a [OK] gesture.

Seeing that Heather agreed, everyone in the Avalanche Organization cheered, which meant that they could have another delicious free meal.

Claude looked at Tifa and Heather, who were talking happily, with a slightly gloomy expression, turning around and preparing to leave. But he had just walked two steps, and his arm was hugged directly by Jesse. Even though his chest was covered by the metal breastplate and there was no soft touch when it collided with Claude’s arm, Claude still blushed slightly. stand up.

He looked at this beautiful brown-haired beauty who always used the words of tiger and wolf to tease his melon face and the bridge of his nose, with an unnatural tone: “…you can pay me tomorrow.”

Jessie grinned and showed her pointed little tiger teeth: “Thank you, but if you are missing from the celebration party, the topic and atmosphere will fade a lot. Let’s come together, okay?”

Feeling the care from Jesse’s heart, Claude felt a little warm, and the arm that had originally planned to break away from Jesse’s arms no longer tried too hard. Seeing this, Jesse hurriedly pulled him towards the bar, and Biggs and Wiggy also ran over and pushed Claude together.

In this way, the seventh heaven was haunted by the lively laughter and the fragrance of the food that night.

After eating and drinking, the drunken Wiggy and Biggs went back to the rented house, and Bullet left with the sleeping Marlene.

Heather looked around the hall with his hips akimbo, and muttered bitterly: “This bunch of bastards, did they run away without cleaning up?”

Tifa, who was picking up the trash into the trash bag, laughed: “It’s not because Biggs is drunk. If it is usually his favorite is to clean up after eating. Don’t be angry, brother, I Just come and clean up, go and rest soon.”

How could Heather let Tifa clean up by himself, he turned his head and blew a whistle: “You two move faster!”

Jesse, who ran too slowly and was arrested by a strong man, and Claude, who could not escape from the basement of the bar, heard Heather’s command and had to speed up the cleaning action.

No way, if you make the big guy upset, there will be no free and delicious meal to eat.

Jesse wiped the table with a moistened rag and whispered to Claude quietly, “Claude, can you please do me a favor?”

“Ah? You want to pay in advance?” Claude, who was on the floor struggling to wipe the floor, raised his head.

“No! I will be able to pay you when I collect the arrears for the water purifier tomorrow, don’t worry!”

Jesse waved his hand vigorously, first glanced at Heather who helped Tifa clean up the trash in the distance, then continued to lower his voice and said, “I want you to accompany me to the downtown area on Qifan Street. I will pay you extra. The reward.”

“What are you going to do there?” Claude is a good student this time, and instead of talking so full, he intends to ask about the content of the task before considering whether to accept it.

“Didn’t I tell you? The downtown area on Qifan Street is the residential area of ​​the staff of Shinra Corporation. My parents also live there. In addition, I need to replace the bombs needed for the next operation, so I must invade. Go and steal some “good stuff” from the warehouse reserve area of ​​Shinra Corporation on Qifanjie.”

Jessie also spent the money this time:

“This action should not have too many people. I can hack into the system of the Shenra company’s warehouse reserve area, and you can protect me. The reward is a date with you and a summoned beast magic spar, okay?”

Cloud’s reaction was very straightforward: “Forget the previous one. If you summon the beast demon spar as a reward, you can really consider it.”

Jesse slapped Claude, “I hate it, the one at the back is a plus! Then I’ll meet tomorrow afternoon, I can take you to meet my mother, I learned all my pizza making skills from her. Yo.”

“Wait a minute, what is the magic spar of the summoned beast?”

Claude must ask clearly, the summoned beasts include both powerful beasts such as [Bahamut] and [Tiamat], as well as mascots such as [chocobos] and [jewel beasts] with little effect. There is a big gap between up and down.

“[Ifrit], Vulcan Stone. This is still a treasure I got at Kingdee Amusement Park when I was an actor, isn’t it exciting?”

Jesse smiled and said:

“Weak women like me cannot resonate with the summoning stones, and only powerful fighters like you and Heather can use them to their fullest effect.”

“Heather also has a summoned beast magic spar?” Claude looked at Heather who was talking with Tifa in the distance.

“Hmm, of course he has, and the ‘resonance’ with him is very high.”

Jesse pointed to Claude:

“I want to give you the Vulcan Stone [Ifrit], and what he holds is the Ice God Stone [Shiva].”

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