Chapter 341 Curry Rice and Thank You

Claude walked to the bar and watched the ordinary-looking black-haired man behind the bar was holding the spoon and stirring the soup pot on the stove slowly, the scent of curry was constantly emanating from the pot.

Facing the senior Tifa, Claude’s voice was cold: “Tifa said, can you help me find a place to live?”

“Yes, what are the special requirements for the house?”

Heather replied without looking back, the spoon in his hand showed no signs of slowing down or getting faster, still stirring the curry chicken in the soup pot at a constant speed.

Claude held his hand on the bar. Serious expression: “I will find a place to live by myself, I don’t need you to bother.”

For Heather, Claude had an inexplicable sense of competition in his heart. He didn’t want to find cheap and suitable accommodation with Heather’s help, especially Tifa pleaded with him. Claude thought he could do it alone.

“Really? Then you go and talk to Tifa, whether she agrees or not, she means what I mean.” Heather didn’t even look back at Claude.

In the distance, Bullet, Biggs, and Wiggy were already sitting on the stool in the corner, watching the two talk in silence.

Claude frowned: “I don’t need to talk to Tifa by myself. It’s just asking you to give up finding a place for me. This saves you a lot of time, right?”

The spoon in Heather’s hand stopped stirring, and slowly turned back to look at Claude, and said with a smile, “Heh… boy, did you make a mistake?”

Claude leaped back abruptly, and at the same time put his right hand on the hilt of the giant sword behind him, he noticed the ferocious aura emanating from the black-haired man in front of him, enough to make him, the 1st special soldier, feel his scalp numb. Terrible threat!

Heather knocked the spoon on the side of the pot and put it in the bowl on the side. He stretched out his hand to untie the apron tie on his back, and said slowly:

“You just came to Qifan Street, there may be a lot of things that are still unclear. It doesn’t matter, you have time to learn slowly. But please remember one thing…”

His figure disappeared from the place in an instant, and even Claude could not catch his trace.

The next moment, a hand was placed on Claude’s hand that was holding the hilt of the sword, and he slowly pushed back the huge sword that he had pulled out. Heather’s voice also sounded in Claude’s ears:

“As long as you are still on Qifan Street, you have to listen to me obediently. Now, all you need to do is to play the role of [the old friend from the hometown after a long absence] that can make Tifa happy, understand?”

Claude was tight, and his right arm holding the hilt was even more muscular. However, the strong power of the 1st warrior he had soaked in the magic was completely unable to counter the strange power of Heather. The huge sword was pressed vigorously on his back. go back.

For a moment, Claude had the urge to swing a sword, but then he remembered that this man was the brother who had been taking care of Tifa and was the person she valued.

For the time being, there should be no conflict with him, at least not in this bar, otherwise Tifa will be sad.


Claude took the huge sword back and released the hilt, watching Heather’s eyes become more and more indifferent.

Heather put his hand on Crowder’s shoulder, and said mildly: “Look, I not only help you find a place to live, but also teach you the principles of life in Qifan Street, and also help you avoid a beating. You should How to say?”

“…Thank you.” Claude’s fist was clenched, and the metal flap on the surface of the glove creaked.

“You’re welcome.”

Heather smiled and patted Claude on the shoulder, walked back to the stove behind the bar and continued to cook the chicken curry.

In the far corner, the three of Bullet looked at each other, not daring to take a mouthful, whispering in a very low voice.

“Wow, Boss Heather hasn’t been angry for a long time, and it’s still so terrible. Wiggy, what are you shaking?”

“Bigs, I, I, I’m afraid… Bullet, why are you…”

“Shhh! Be quiet! Heather is a super trembling S, and he will be finished if he hears it. Listen well, pretend to see nothing and hear nothing, put on a smiling face and prepare to eat curry rice, talk less and more Eating is the trick to a happy life.”

Obviously, Bullet has gained valuable experience in defeating Heather again and again, at least he is very familiar with how to get along with Heather.

Avalanche boss? This position sounds really good, but can it help Bullet have an extra meal in front of Heather? For himself and Marlene’s savior to add the chef, even Bullet, who is irritable and irritable, has to put away his temper.

“However, Boss Heather didn’t lose the slightest in the face of the former 1st fighters. How strong is his strength?” Biggs dragged his cheeks and lay on the table, looking bored.

Wiggy rubbed his stomach: “I don’t know, I only know that Big Brother Heather is better than anyone. Whether it’s fighting or cooking, he’s so hungry…”

They had no sympathy for Crowder, and they were not beaten by Heather, they just suffered a few silly words, which is not worth mentioning to them who have been living in slums and having experienced the sea of ​​corpses. The most important thing is that Heather’s relationship with them is much closer than Claude.

People are always close to each other. Even if Crowder is a mercenary they hired for money and has Tifa’s endorsement, he will not be able to gain more trust from Bullet as a newcomer.

At this time, Heather also put the curry chicken in the soup pot on the plate with rice. The steaming chicken curry and potatoes and carrots were mixed in the thick soup, exuding a strong aroma.

“Tifa, we have dinner.”

Heather yelled to the lounge, then placed the plates on the bar, and beckoned to Bullet: “Come on, this meal counts as a treat.”

“Wow! Boss Heather’s secret curry rice! Usually a serving will sell for 40 GIL!”

Wiggy and Biggs cheered and rushed towards the bar first. Bullet ran upstairs to find Marlene, and the little girl ran to the second floor after Claude came in.

Claude smelled the aroma of curry rice, and his throat moved unconsciously. Only then did he feel the emptiness of his stomach and protest. The intense hunger seemed to be blocked by something before, and now he began to show his sense of existence. This unbearable hunger…how long have you not eaten? Claude was just about to think about it, and the headache was showing signs of another attack.

As he relieved his headache by pressing his temples, a steaming plate of curry rice was suddenly brought to him.

Claude looked up and found that it was Heather’s ordinary and disgusting face.

“I’ll treat you, let’s eat. Of course, if you insist on paying, you can put it on the account first, and pay me back when you make enough rent.” It seems that all of Claude’s words have been calculated. Heather took his The possibility of decline is all blocked.


This time, Claude’s ‘thank you’ was much more sincere. He hesitated, then took the plate and spoon, and sat down at an empty table nearby to start eating.

After Tifa and Jesse walked out of the lounge, the latter suddenly raised his hands and cheered when he smelled the curry. Without asking, he picked up a plate of curry and ate from the bar. I don’t know if it is because Claude is also in the hall, Jesse’s food is much more dignified than before, and he deserves to be an actor.

Tifa looked around and found that Claude was sitting in the corner of the hall immersed in the meal. He couldn’t help but look at each other with a smile on his face.

Heather shrugged, as long as she was happy, it was more important than anything else.

That night, Heather loaned the basement of the bar to Claude for temporary stay. The basement was made warm and comfortable by Heather and Tifa. There are not only beds and sofas for rest, but also spare drinking water and TV sets.

Time soon arrived at 4 o’clock in the afternoon the next day, and everyone gathered at the gate of Seventh Heaven.

Bullet wears sunglasses and carries an arm-type revolving machine gun in his right hand; Jesse has a red headband on his head, a metal breastplate that highlights his figure, loose sweatpants, and several grenades on his waist; Biggs and Wigey He also wears a red headband and simple combat uniforms that are easy to move.

Claude is still the same, but his energy is much better than the previous day.

The [Shenra Collapse Project] of the Avalanche Organization has officially begun!

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