Chapter 338: Three Years Later

Midgar in 2007 was as calm as ever.

Today is Wednesday, the rest day of the seventh heaven.

In the bar hall of Seventh Heaven, the ceiling fan is turning unhurriedly, keeping the air flowing and a little cool in the room.

The decoration of the bar has changed a lot from a few years ago. First, the back kitchen was changed into a warehouse, and the new small stove was moved directly behind the bar. There was one less pachinko machine in the hall, and it was replaced with a private slot machine that is not open to the public (with a note prohibiting minors from approaching it). In fact, this slot machine is the entrance to the lower basement. Then the TV was changed to a newer style. Several memos were posted on the refrigerator, and there were many more vases full of flowers in the lobby and lounge as decoration.

Jessie sat on the bar stool in front of the bar, with her hands on the bar and cupped her face, watching Tifa boringly behind the bar.

Compared with the immature five years ago, Tifa now has both the vitality of a girl and the gentleness of a mature woman. Even if the plump breasts are tightly wrapped in tight elastic underwear and a white vest, they still show an exaggerated visual impact, and Shaking slightly with the movement. The slender and strong waist and abdomen outline a clear waistcoat line, and the strong and powerful slender legs exposed at the hem of the short skirt are wrapped in black knee-high socks. The whole person is exuding amazing charm every moment.

“Every year the bust can get bigger, did Heather secretly give you some nutritional supplements?” Seeing no one left or right, Jesse asked Tifa in a low voice.

“Really, you have to ask this kind of question many times a year, so there is no such thing.”

Tifa is not as easy to blush and shy as it was a few years ago. She has adapted to the rhythm of Jesse’s driving and even has plenty of time to fight back and joke:

“Last month you said you wanted to find a handsome boyfriend. Did you have any good looks? Biggs is stable and reliable. Why don’t you choose him.”

Jessie waved his hand: “Forget it, I’m a good-looking party, not a super handsome type can not attract me, or else I won’t be an actor and haven’t had a relationship for so long.”

Tifa smiled and shook his head slightly, placed the cleaned cups neatly in the cupboard, then picked up another clean rag and began to wipe the bar: “Raise your arm.”

“Oh.” Jesse leaned back, folded his arms in front of him and continued to say to himself:

“The Biggs are really good people, but they are always a little bit worse in appearance. Sometimes there is a little difference between friendship and love.”

Tifa looked at Jesse while wiping the bar, and asked with a smile, “Just ask for good looks? No other requirements?”

Jesse shrugged his shoulders: “The appearance is the first to take the brunt. Of course, other things should be considered, such as character, strength, financial resources, etc.. But think about it, strength and financial resources don’t really matter. I am willing to start from zero with my boyfriend. Start working together to create a warm little home, and don’t mind protecting your future boyfriend. But after all, the character should be good, and the character should be particularly reliable. Well…thinking about it, is Heather very suitable? ”

Tifa stiffened when he wiped the table, and quickly said, “No, no, brother’s face value won’t catch your eyes. Let’s think about it. How about Weiji?”

A teasing smile appeared on Jesse’s face: “Oh? So eager to eliminate all risk factors? Don’t worry, although Heather is indeed very reliable, strong and rich, but his face is directly sentenced to death, and I am absolutely not. I’ll grab a boyfriend from you, don’t worry.”

“Male, boyfriend or something…” Tifa’s face reddened slightly, then his expression dimmed, and he lowered his head and continued to wipe the bar, muttering in a low voice: “Isn’t it a boyfriend at all…”

Jessie saw the look of a good girlfriend, and took Tifa’s hand all of a sudden, and asked with concern: “It’s been five years, what are you two going to do?”

“…I don’t know.” Tifa slowly shook his head: “Senior brother only treats me as a younger sister who needs to be taken care of. I think…I want to wait.”

“Stupid! I won’t be able to wait any longer!”

Jesse angrily lightly nodded Tifa’s smooth forehead: “If there is no competition, then Biggs and I secretly followed Heather and saw the flower girl from a distance. She looks very cute and sweet. , It’s the type that makes men involuntarily inspire protective desire. Do you want to hand Heather to someone else?”

In order to help Tifa check, three years ago, Jesse and Biggs risked being caught and beaten by Heather and hung far behind him. They followed all the way to the abandoned church on the outskirts of the Wufan Street slum, where they saw Tifa. Fa’s competitor-the flower girl named Alice.

It has to be said that Alice is not inferior to Tifa in terms of appearance. Although her figure is not a level, her slender figure and exquisite face can more inspire a man’s desire for protection and possessiveness. And the most important thing is that Alice is different from Tifa, she is the kind of cheerful and lively type who will take the initiative to attack.

That is to say, Heather, a purebred straight man with a cold style, did not accept the move at all. If he changed a man, he would have been defeated by Alice’s various combinations.

I don’t know if they are competing with each other. Alice and Tifa both know each other’s existence, but they have never actually met, and they never mention the initiative to meet each other.

Faced with Jesse’s hatred of iron and steel, Tifa bit his lip and didn’t speak, but just wiped the bar on his own.

“Speaking of which, did Heather go to the flower girl again?”

Seeing that Tifa was unwilling to talk about this, Jesse had to change the subject:

“In the past few years, whether it is Heather, the flower girl, or you are all mysterious, what are you learning?”

Tifa folded his hands and apologized: “I’m sorry, Jessie, brother didn’t let me say, so I can’t tell you.”

Two years ago, she asked if Heather could teach others to learn [read], but Heather rejected it by one vote.

At that time, Heather had not been able to prove to the planet the value and harmlessness of this new power system. It was not suitable for attracting too many people. The specific correlation in this area was not suitable for explaining to Tifa, so Heather was very domineering. Use [they don’t have that talent] to veto it.

When Jessie was chatting with Tifa, the bar door was suddenly pushed open, and Heather in a black trench coat stepped in. His appearance has not changed at all from five years ago, except that his hair has become slightly longer with slightly curly black hair.

“Let’s talk about it first, see you later~” Jesse was a little afraid of Heather for no reason, a little that kind of child’s feeling of reverence and fear for the strict father or eldest brother in the family. Seeing Heather was back, she was afraid of being grabbed and said that she was doing nothing with Tifa, so she planned to take the opportunity to drive away.


Jesse greeted Heather and wanted to escape, but Heather stopped him.

He handed the windbreaker that he took off to Tifa, looking at Jesse while adjusting his cuffs, and said, “Tell Bullet that the idiots of the Avalanche Association are looking for him. They seem to be very opinionated about your plan.”

“Since we already have a branch house, what do those guys care about us?” Jesse shrugged his shoulders indifferently, without the reservation that a beauty should have: “Our plan is derived from the ultimate plan of [Original Avalanche]. There is a plan that may impact and threaten Shinra Corporation.”

“It doesn’t matter, I’ve brought it anyway. Also, don’t always put your water purifier in the bar for sale. The style is completely different from the bar.”

“You can control it! Tifa is willing to help me sell it on behalf of me. This is an important source of funds for our Avalanche Branch! I’m leaving Tifa!”

Jesse stuck out his tongue at Heather, waved his hand to Tifa, and quickly ran out of the bar hall.

Tifa smiled and waved his hand in the direction where Jesse was leaving, then looked at Heather, with a worried tone: “Brother, you mean Bullet’s plan…”

“It’s a stupid plan, but it’s also very straightforward.”

Heather shook his head slightly: “It is indeed a plan from [Original Avalanche]. The problem is that the powerful strength of [Original Avalanche] at the time is indeed capable of completing such a crazy plan. To what extent can the two or three cats and kittens [Avalanche Branch] accomplish this plan? Without Helmer as a brake, Bullet’s Avalanche Branch will only embark on a path of self-destruction and no return.”

Two years ago, the avalanche organization in the slums of Qifanjie was raided by the Shinra Corporation when it was gradually growing. At that time, the gathering place was set in a slum on Yifanjie. The Shinra Corporation took advantage of the night to send helicopters and a large number of special forces to encircle the avalanche members participating in the rally. Helmer was shot dead in order to cover the organization members during the raid, and he did not even have time for his last words Confess.

Without the leader, the avalanche organization that had just started to fall apart once again. At this time, Bullet stood up to shoulder all the burdens and became the new avalanche leader. With him as the center, the avalanche organization gathered many capable people and strangers.

But gradually, two sounds appeared in the avalanche. One is Bullet’s proposition that to make the Shenra company repay the blood debts, only by hurting the Shenra company can they stop harming the planet, even if there are casualties or even damage to Midgar in the process; the other is They intend to liberate Midgar from the hands of the Shinra Corporation. In this process, the safety of civilians and members of the organization must also be considered. For this reason, they hope to unite all trusted forces.

The differences between the two sides grew, and the final result was that Bullet took Jesse, Biggs, and Wiggy out of the avalanche angrily, calling himself [Avalanche Branch]. Why a club? Because they have few people, and there are many more members there.

Under Heather’s interference, Tifa did not participate in the avalanche organization like in the original work. After all, she only longs for a stable and peaceful life, even if she hates the Shinra Company in her heart, she does not want to participate in this kind of war of resistance intertwined with blood and fire.

Heather didn’t want Tifa to be too involved in this kind of thing, and immediately changed the subject: “Don’t cook at noon. Do you want to go to the station to buy something to eat?”

“Well, it’s been a long time since I have eaten Baban Baozi.” Tifa nodded.

Heather changed his coat and walked out with Tifa towards the station. The place where he met Alice in recent years is no longer an alley on Bafanjie, but has changed to the place recommended by Alice—an abandoned church on the outskirts of the slums on Wufanjie. There is a secret base for Alice, where a lot of flowers are planted. Because there are occasional beasts on the road, and very few people will go there.

In this way, Heather only needs to go through the tunnel between the slums to go back and forth between Qifan Street and Wufan Street. He does not need to take a train to Shangcheng District and spend a lot of time changing to two trains to Wufan Street.

When the two of them were walking, they suddenly saw a crowd gathering near the station, which seemed to be onlookers.

“It’s so pitiful, is Moxun poisoned?”

“Shhh, don’t be nosy, go away.”

“That sword looks dangerous…”

There were whispers from the crowd, perhaps because the onlookers had a certain degree of danger, and the gathered crowd began to disperse. Heather and Tifa glanced inward as they passed by, and Tifa suddenly screamed:


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