Chapter 327 Party A and Party B

I have to say that the Devil Wolf King still has something.

The two veteran agents of Tucks fought the Demon Wolf King with all their strength, but they were evenly matched. The skin of the Demon Wolf King is very different from that of the ordinary Demon Wolf. It is extremely tough and can buffer any kind of attack. Even if it is slashed with Balto’s katana, it will only leave a superficial white mark.

The muscles of the shoulder wound that had been hit by a sniper rifle squirmed, squeezing out a deflated bullet and fell to the ground. The bullet was completely clamped by the muscle without even hurting the bones, and the wound showed signs of healing.

Freya in the distance wanted to make some more shots to the limbs and joints of the Demon Wolf King, but was avoided by the Demon Wolf King in advance. With a roar of anger, a large number of magic wolves began to rush towards the top of the building one after another. Cisne, who showed two cross shurikens, danced into a whirlwind, trying his best to resist the attacking magic wolf, Freya was also forced to turn her gun to deal with the attackers.

Heather is full of question marks, that’s it? I was full of self-confidence just now, but is it like this now?

He was a bit wronged by these Tucks, because Baotiao’s order was [Be sure to capture samples alive] and they were not allowed to kill them. This is why Freya wanted to shoot to stop the battle between the Demon Wolf King and Heather. If they can kill the killer, they will have more and more convenient means to accomplish the task.

Renault drew a backflip to avoid the giant claws of the Demon Wolf King, and was pounced by two demon wolves as soon as he landed. As a last resort, he had to activate the magic spar [Hurry] embedded on the metal short stick, and a small whistling whirlwind appeared around Renault and rolled away the two magic wolves.

Activating the magic spar needs to consume its own mental power, because all humans on this planet have spiritual power, or Mana can also be called. This peculiar energy can resonate with magic spar and use magic. However, the mental power of an ordinary person can support him to use one small magic at most. A well-trained master like Helmer uses four healing arts to get exhausted and panting with headaches. Even Reynolds can use up to ten small magics or six. A medium-sized magic.

And as the mental energy is consumed more, the user will have more headaches, difficulty concentrating, and even auditory and visual hallucinations and eventually faint unconscious.

For experts such as Tucks who specialize in combat, [magic] is a strategic resource that needs to be used carefully and planned.

“It’s really troublesome, I had already applied for a [MP upgrade] magic spar from the Science R&D Department if I knew it.”

Reynolds, who was grumbling and complaining, turned the metal short stick upside down, and a set of fast swings knocked the approaching magic wolf to the ground and howled. The katana Balto was not so good either. His several swipes were blocked by the Demon Wolf King, but instead he had a lot of claw marks on his body.

Renault made a’cut’ and looked at Heather inadvertently. He found that this amazing civil master was sitting on the top of the huge steel pipe, holding his arms and cocked his legs as if watching a good show, lying beside him. A strong man covered in blood.

Does this bastard treat Tucks like a juggling clown?

“Hey! Renault!”

Suddenly heard a violent wind and Balto’s roar in his ears, Renault rolled on the spot without turning his head, and could not help avoiding the giant claws from the Demon Wolf King. The tip of the claw against Renault’s suit slammed on the ground, and even a pit was smashed.

When Renault got up on the ground two laps, he was holding three white balls drawn out of his arms. This is the latest electric mine developed by [Weapon Research and Development Department]. I hope it will work. While thinking about this, he threw the electric lightning mine at the Demon Wolf King vigorously.

These electric mines did not fall freely like ordinary iron balls after being thrown, and then they were suspended around the devil wolf king. The upper and lower shells lifted up to reveal the discharge device inside, and then released a large amount of current! Three electric lightning mines formed a triangle, and the huge power grid wrapped the Demon Wolf King in it, and the painful anger sounded through the open space.

Renault and Balto took the opportunity to move away from each other, first swept away the surrounding magic wolves, and then raised their weapons one after another, the magic spar inlaid on the weapons shining bright green light.

The gale that was much stronger than before formed a powerful wind blade that blasted towards the Demon Wolf King, and at the same time a strong and dazzling thunder light shot from the Katana, hitting the Demon Wolf King’s body surface.

[Medium Hayate] + [Medium Thunder and Lightning]!

Heather in the distance blew a whistle, it was a magic spar that had grown to a very high level. Magic spar is actually a solid expression of the flow of life. It naturally has the growth characteristic of life. The more frequently it is used and the more powerful it is to fight against strong enemies, the more it can stimulate its growth to a higher level. The magic spar in Renault and Balto’s hands has grown to at least the intermediate level, and its value is immeasurable.

This round of magic attacks caused severe damage to the Demon Wolf King, and even burnt marks and black smoke could be seen on its surface. But it was modified by the treasure of the science department of Shinra Corporation, and its resistance to magic and physical attacks was extraordinary, and it quickly recovered.

The Demon Wolf King made a big turn and swept the three electric mines with a long tail covered with a bone shell. As the three explosions sounded almost indiscriminately at the same time, the triangular lightning grid that trapped it also disappeared.

Renault and Balto stepped out and confronted the increasingly furious Demon Wolf King. It’s really troublesome, if it can be killed, how could it be so troublesome… Renault scolded the old Bao Tiao bloody in his heart, but it didn’t help the task. I had already brought a few more people, but four people are still a bit reluctant.


He suddenly looked at Heather in the distance, and Heather also looked at him with a smile: “It seems that you can’t play well. Do you need to hire a professional?”

Renault grinned: “Occasionally, it’s good to be Party A. What do you want? Money? Weapons? Or a decent job at Shinra Corporation?”

“[Summon magic spar].”

Heather rubbed his thumb and index finger: “If you want’Ifrit’ or’Shiva’, don’t give me any junk stuff like Chocobo.”

“…I have a big appetite, folks. Why don’t you have the Summoning Stone of Bahamut? It’s not once and for all?” Renault laughed sarcastically.

“Since the end of the Five-Taiwan War, Shinra has no Bahamut Summoning Stones in stock, right? Or the ordinary Summoning Stones are more realistic. Friendly reminder, whether you agree or refuse, it’s better to hurry up, the one with the samurai sword My little brother can’t hold it anymore.”

With that, Heather pointed to the distance.

Balto is holding a knife against the Demon Wolf King and the surrounding Demon Wolf, buying time for Renault. But without Freya’s sniper assistance, Balto’s pressure increased greatly, and there were already many scars on his body.

“Tsk…” Renault thought for a while and felt that an’Ifrit’ summoning stone should be available for application, so he nodded and agreed: “Yes,’Ifrit’s summoning stone. The mission requirement is to capture this head alive. Demon Wolf King, remember to capture it alive. Let me see if you can get this reward, folks.”

Heather stood up from the huge steel pipe and moved his hands and feet.

Originally, he planned to kill the Demon Wolf King, but now there is an unexpected surprise like the Summoning Stone.

Then come as requested by Party A.

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