Chapter 301

Whenever the light of the magic furnace soars into the sky, it will always bring dots of crystal light all over the sky.

Experts say that those bright green light spots are the unique phenomenon produced when the ‘Magic’ is refined, and the people are convinced.

Because that was the explanation put forward by the experts of [Shinra], and no one could refute it.

[Shinra], whose original name is [Shinra Electric Power Company], decades ago, [Shinra] invented the method of extracting new energy “Magic”, and expanded at lightning speed to become a rich and enemy country and a private company. Bing’s super enterprise.

This company, which controls the lifeblood of the world, even built a huge steel city-the sky city ‘Midgar’, and used it as the headquarters of the Shinra Corporation.

A huge steel disc three hundred meters above the ground carries the prosperous city and the headquarters of the Shinra Corporation, and lifts the entertainment and bustle above the sky.

But below the disk, there are slums that are not favored by the ‘upper class’.

Cheap labor gathering places, garbage dumps, wild beasts’ homes, dirty and stinky…the slums that are despised by the upper class have their own way of survival.

At this moment, a train is driving along a spiral track from Mead Plus to the lower slum.

Because it is not the rush hour, there are not many passengers in the train. In an empty carriage, there are two people sitting side by side, and there is no one in the carriage except them.

This is a wonderful combination. Sitting on the left side of the car door is a brawny man with a full body muscles and an expression of irritation. His face and beard and hair tied into a short ponytail are both brown and black. The red coat with sleeves, the clothes and trousers looked a little shabby, and the boots on the feet were also very old.

Sitting next to the strong man was a black-haired girl. With long hair reaching her waist, she seemed to be recovering from a serious illness, and there was still a pale white that had not completely faded on her delicate face. She was simply wearing a cheap coat and short skirt, and her red sneakers rubbed the floor of the carriage a little boringly.

“Tifa, are you okay?” The strong man turned his head and asked with concern.

The girl nodded: “I have fully recovered, Master, thank you.”

If it weren’t for being rescued by Master, I’m afraid I would really die in that fire, right? Thinking of the overwhelming fire and screams, the girl called Tifa couldn’t help turning pale, her fists clenched tightly.

The burly man glanced at the girl and sighed in his heart. How could such a tragic experience be smoothed out in just a few weeks?

His name is Zangan. He is a world-renowned martial arts instructor. His hobby is to travel around the world. Along the way, he will select some outstanding children to teach martial arts.

About half a year ago, Zangan traveled to a village called Niebuhrheim. Because the Mochen Mountain near the village is a good place for cultivation, Zangan stayed in Nibuhrheim for the time being.

During this period, he discovered that there was a young girl named Tifa in the village who was born with great strength and had excellent bones. She was a good seed for practicing martial arts. After obtaining the consent of Tifa and his father, Zangan began to teach Tifa martial arts.

The people in the village are very kind, and Tifa is also a genius among the apprentices he has taught, and Mozhu Mountain is a rare training ground. Zangan intended to stay here for a year or so, and teach Tifa all his proud skills before leaving.

But that morning half a month ago, everything changed.

Zangan had originally set off to practice a little further on the Sunshine Coast a month ago, but only returned today. But as soon as he entered the vicinity of Niebuhrheim, he found a soaring fire in the direction of the village below the mountain. He hurried to the village, and there were corpses all along the way. The village was swept by the raging fire, and there were screams of despair from time to time.

What happened! Zangan burned in anger, and the corpses found along the way were either charred or cut cleanly. That kind of knife… definitely a master!

At this time, Zangan found a dying man. He was a blacksmith in the village. It seemed that because of his strong muscles, he was not beheaded the first time. Zangan rushed to help the man up and asked what happened.

“Sephiroth… it’s Sephiroth! He killed people when he saw them and set fire to the village…everything is over, it’s over…”

Sephiroth, of course Zangan has heard of this name. The strongest 1st fighter of the Shinra Company, Sephiroth, the unbeatable swordsman. What does he come to Nibuerheim for? There is nothing here except the magic furnace.

Ta Ta Ta… The sound of rapid footsteps came, and Tifa ran over and shouted in surprise: “Master? You are back? What the hell is here…what’s wrong?”

“It was Sephiroth. Why did the strongest fighter from the Shinra company come to Nibelheim… Tifa, what’s the matter with you?” Zangan suddenly found Tifa pale.

Tifa murmured, “Safiros…no, my father is still on Moss Mountain!”

After that, the girl hurried away.

Although Zangan worked hard to treat him, the blacksmith soon died of his injuries. After clearing up his mood, Zangan rushed to Mosha Mountain, where there was a Mosha furnace built by the Shenluo Company.

When he arrived, he found Tifa lying in a pool of blood with a deep knife wound on his chest. If it were an ordinary person, he would have died. But thanks to Tifa’s daily practice of martial arts, she can still be saved.

Zangan hugged Tifa and looked aside. On the metal ladder of the magic furnace, two young men were lying on their stomachs respectively, one of them was a Shinra 1st soldier and the other was a normal Shinra soldier. Blood was dripping from under them, and the metal steps were almost stained red.

The injuries of these two… are out of help. Zangan made a judgment after just one glance.

As for Sephiroth, Zangan didn’t think he was sure to beat him, not to mention that Tifa’s situation was urgent. He gave up the idea of ​​revenge for the villagers of Niebuhrheim, picked up Tifa and quickly ran into the distance.

I went to the nearest village to find a doctor to do a simple treatment for Tifa, but the doctor frankly said that even the rare “treatment” magic stone was useless for such a serious injury, and he could only temporarily help Tifa hang his life. Only the steel city Midgar has the best doctor to treat Tifa.

So Zangan took Tifa to Midgar, the sky city where the headquarters of the Shinra Corporation is located. Worthy of being the world economic and cultural center, Midgar’s hospital can really handle Tifa’s injuries, and the medical level is indeed top-notch.

Of course, the charges are also top-notch.

Zangan, who had empty pockets, almost borrowed Midgar’s friends to raise treatment fees for Tifa. Fortunately, he finally found a big account and finally made up the cost.

After nearly half a month of treatment and recuperation, Tifa was discharged from the hospital. On the day she was discharged from the hospital, Zangan took her on the city train and headed towards the slums of the lower part of Midgar.

“…Master, Master!”

Zangan was awakened from the memory by the girl’s shouting. He then looked at Tifa, who was bulging beside him, and touched the back of his head: “Sorry for being distracted. What did you just say, Tifa?”

“I’m asking, what are we going to do in Xiacheng?” The girl is only fifteen years old this year. Even if she loses all her family, friends and hometown at once, she won’t be immersed in the depression for too long. Even if he didn’t let Master worry about him, Tifa decided to become strong.

Zangan rubbed the thick beard on his chin and said with a smile, “We went to Xiacheng to visit some old friends.”

“Old friend?”

“Well, I borrowed these old friends all over to raise the treatment fee. But how much money can they have in the slums? Fortunately, I finally found a big family…”

Zangan looked at Tifa and said seriously, “Tifa, do you really want to stay here? Stay in Midgar, where the headquarters of the Shinra Corporation is located?”


Tifa was silent for a while before he nodded: “Even if my father is gone, I have to learn to live independently and strong. Midgar is so big, there will always be a place for me… right?”

She knew that if she spoke, Master would definitely take her out of here and continue wandering around the world. But that powerful master kept begging people to borrow money in a low voice for himself… Tifa would not let himself continue to be a drag on the master. No matter how difficult it is, she will work hard to survive in Midgar.

It’s just that when Master left him, he no longer had his family to accompany him…

For a while, the girl’s heart became sentimental, and her eyes were red.

Zangan was so frightened as he saw it: “Don’t cry! When I didn’t ask, let’s change the subject! Hmm… I think… Do you know how many magic ovens Midgar has in total?”

“…How much?” the girl cleaned up her mood and asked cooperatively.

“Eight seats.” Zangambi made a [eight] gesture: “Think about it, there are a total of eight towers standing and surrounding Midgar on the Moxie Mountain. A large number of Moxie are drawn and converted into almost infinity. Endless electricity, this is Shinra’s method of dominating the world-only they can master the energy technology.”

Ding Dong! At this time, the train sounded a radio-[The down town of Qifan Street has arrived, thank you for taking this train].

The door automatically opened to the side, Zangan took Tifa out of the car, and the old open-air station was greeted by the eyes.

Sundries are piled up in the corners of the station, wooden benches are placed side by side at the edges, and most of the backs of the chairs have been cracked. At night, the street lights lit up with dim lights and connected to the distance. At least in Midgar, even the slums can enjoy plenty of electricity.

Tifa looked up and saw that the extremely huge steel disk almost obscured the entire sky. The huge black shadow shrouded downwards, and the dense steel pipes and the lights on the disk facilities dotted the darkness like stars. Middle, like the night sky.

Full of industrial beauty and magnificence, Tifa was not moved in his heart, only unspeakable anger.

If [Shinra] does not exist in this world, it will be fine.

This thought suddenly appeared in the girl’s heart.

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