Ouchi Cat Controlling, starting with the Ten Tiger Forms!

Chapter 99 It’s too dirty, I can’t swallow it

After Li Xuan helped the cat bully teach Gouzi a lesson, he began to live an ordinary life again.

Yu'er finally discovered that Mao Ba and the others were temporarily staying in Jingyang Palace.

It wasn't that Yu'er saw Cat Ba who was recovering from his injuries first, but that Cow and Fat Orange were so naughty that Yu'er saw them while they were running around in Jingyang Palace.

Yu'er saw that they didn't look like good cats, so she paid close attention to them, for fear that her own kittens would be bullied by bad cats from outside.

As a result, Yu'er followed the clues and discovered that they were hiding in an inconspicuous corner of Jingyang Palace.

And there was another injured cat.

At that time, Yu'er and Mao Ba stared at each other, and the atmosphere was very strange.

But Mao Ba was warned by Li Xuan, so he didn't dare to attack Yu'er at will.

But the next moment, Yu'er found a broom to drive away the cat bully.

After all, the cat bully is not a good person at first glance. If he stays in Jingyang Palace, he may bully Li Xuan, and he may even bump into Princess Ankang.

Yu'er also has her own concerns, so even if the cat bully looks scary, she still has the courage to drive away the cat bully.

Li Xuan had a sharp ear and heard the noise, so he rushed over and stopped Yu'er.

After a lot of effort in explaining, he asked Yu'er to put down the broom in her hand.

"Axuan, you said this is your friend?"

"It's just here to recuperate and then leave after it recovers?"

Li Xuan showed Yu'er the wound on Mao Ba's leg, and finally made her understand what he meant.

Yu'er didn't have much to say, so she stopped trying to drive away the cat bully. She just couldn't help but mutter a few words when she hugged Li Xuan and left.

"Axuan, I know you mean well, but you can't make all friends."

"It's very complicated outside Jingyang Palace, and I'm afraid you'll be led astray."

"Look at how badly injured the cat was. If you were to go home with one leg like this, His Highness would be very sad."

"You can't imitate them in fighting. You are such a small cat with such a kind heart, you will definitely be bullied."

Yu'er said a lot of things sincerely, just because she was afraid that her own kitten would also learn bad things and become some kind of cunning cat, imitate others in fighting and killing, and eventually go home with missing arms and legs.

Li Xuan also knew that Yu'er cared about him, so he listened obediently in her arms and meowed in response from time to time.

The days passed.

Mao Ba's injuries are slowly recovering.

Maybe it's because of the help of the wound medicine this time, or maybe it's because his physical condition has become better.

Mao Ba felt that the wound healed extremely quickly this time.

He is now able to stand up, and as long as he does not exert too much force, the injured leg will not feel any pain.

Li Xuan was happy for the cat bully when he saw that he could stand up again.

Otherwise, if one leg is lame, I am afraid that the cat bully will have a very painful life in the future because of his strong temper.

Fortunately, the worst-case scenario didn't happen.

"Meow, woo. (Be careful in the future and remember to come to me if anything happens.)"

Li Xuan told Cat Ba.

He finally taught them the Ten Tiger Forms, and now he couldn't bear to let these three guys get hurt again.

The cat bully didn't speak. It silently walked up to Li Xuan, then lowered its proud head, waiting for something.

Li Xuan was stunned for a moment, not knowing what it meant.

On the other hand, Cow and Fat Orange looked surprised and a little surprised.

But as Li Xuan made no move, the cow still looked at them blankly, while Fat Orange quietly stuck out his tongue towards Li Xuan and made a licking motion.


Li Xuan looked at Mao Ba's head in front of his mouth, then looked at Fat Orange's hint, and understood the situation in front of him.

"Cat bully, are you asking me to lick its fur?"

This is a way for cats to interact with each other.

After two cats determine their status, the cat with higher status will lick the fur of the cat with lower status.

This is both a way to declare sovereignty and a symbol of their friendship.

But Li Xuan looked at Mao Ba's dirty head and couldn't stop talking.

He silently stretched out his paw and pushed Cat Bully's head away.

Mao Ba's originally closed eyes suddenly opened and stared at Li Xuan in disbelief.

Li Xuan's refusal caught Mao Ba off guard.

It seemed that it had never expected that it would put down its pride and surrender to Li Xuan, but Li Xuan rejected him.

Mao Ba couldn't understand why.

No matter what, it once dominated the palace cat circle.

Although Li Xuan is much stronger than himself...

Thinking of this, Mao Ba felt that he suddenly figured it out.

Li Xuan was despising his low strength.

The cat bully looked at his still aching legs, and remembered the embarrassing situation when he was surrounded by several dogs.

"I can't even defeat a few dogs. No wonder he looks down on me."

Cat Tyrant wanted to understand the reason why Li Xuan rejected him, and his one-eyes were filled with fighting spirit.

"Meow! (I will prove my strength!)"

Mao Ba's low and hoarse voice sounded, and then he left Jingyang Palace to take care of himself.

When Niu Niu and Fat Orange saw their boss leaving alone, they quickly chased after him.

Before Fat Orange left, he thanked Li Xuan and hurried after Cat Bully.

Li Xuan looked at their departing figures, chirping, but in the end he said nothing.

"It's hard to tell a bully cat that his head is too dirty..."

Cats’ habit of licking each other’s fur is actually a bit bad.

Because the person with higher status usually licks the cat with lower status, there is no cat that licks the fur of the cat with higher status.

So the heads of cows and fat oranges are relatively clean, but the heads of domineering cats are a bit unbearable to look at.

Secondly, even if the cat bully's head is clean, Li Xuan will not lick it.

So far, Li Xuan has only licked Princess Ankang's hair.

He felt that it would be enough to lick Ankang's fur from now on.

"It's okay to lick one, but I can't lick more than one."

Li Xuan thought silently in his heart, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Axuan, I just washed my hair yesterday, and you licked it wet for me again."

Princess Ankang held the book and said helplessly to the cat lying on her head.

But Li Xuan didn't care what she said, he just licked her fur.

Yu'er watched this scene from the side and couldn't help but smile knowingly.

She went to check it out just now, but Cat Bully had already left.

Li Xuan is also as naughty as usual at home, and the years are still peaceful.

"That's great, Ah Xuan was not led astray."

Yu'er thought happily.

Just when she was about to continue working, there was a knock on the door of the palace.

The three little ones were all alarmed and looked in the direction of the door.

"Hey, it's so early, who could it be?"

Yu'er said and went to open the door.

Li Xuan didn't care to continue licking Princess Ankang's hair, jumped off her head, and hurried to the door to see what was going on.

Yu'er watched helplessly as her cat surpassed her and jumped into the corner above the door. She was already used to it.

"I love to join in the fun every day."

Yu'er smiled and opened the door late. When she saw the figure standing in front of the door, she immediately saluted respectfully:

"Yu'er has met Mr. Shang."

Thanks to "Misty Traveler 119", "Autumn Nights Are Longer Than Sadness", "Hot Hot Cold", "20171124081407690", and "Old Yi" for their monthly ticket support.

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