Ouchi Cat Controlling, starting with the Ten Tiger Forms!

Chapter 92 Eat the marrow and know the taste

After the three little ones were exhausted from playing, they realized that they were already hungry, so they got up and started eating dinner.

Tonight's dinner was very sumptuous. Yu'er took advantage of Li Xuan and Princess Ankang's sleep to prepare more food.

Although they didn't know what moves Li Xuan taught them in the afternoon, Yu'er was very hungry after practicing, so she felt that the same was true for the two of them.

But to Yu'er's expectation, during dinner, Li Xuan and Princess Ankang's appetite was about the same as usual.

On the other hand, she herself had doubled her appetite and started to worry about her round belly.

Yu'er is not afraid of getting fat, but is worried about food expenses.

She was obviously just a palace maid, but she ended up eating the most and spending the most.

Although Jingyang Palace is rich now, it cannot always be like this.

What Jingyang Palace got was a windfall, not a monthly one.

Manager Shang showed great kindness last time and gave them fifty taels, but where would he find such a good thing next time.

Moreover, Yu'er didn't want to use the money, and planned to keep it for Princess Ankang's emergency needs in the future.

It is really frightening to live without any savings at home.

Therefore, during this period, Yu'er used all the money she found.

Although the frequency of picking up money has become less and less recently, the amount is also getting smaller and smaller.

Although Yu'er set up tables several times later, the effect was not very good.

She estimated that Concubine Xiao's spirit in heaven had reached its limit.

From now on, they can only rely on themselves.

In this case, Yu'er is even more reluctant to spend money on herself.

"I hope I just had a big appetite today."

At the dinner table, Li Xuan saw Yu'er's worried expression in his eyes and couldn't help but sigh.

It's not like he can't understand Yu'er's thoughts.

Children are used to being poor. How can they get rid of their frugal habits in a short time?

And having suffered the hardship of poverty, I am even more afraid of going back to the old days.

Therefore, even if many people's lives are better, they still cannot change their stubbornness.

“When it’s time to use it, you still have to use it.”

Li Xuan also wanted to take this opportunity to see if Yu'er had the talent to practice martial arts.

Her younger brother has very good qualifications in martial arts, but I don't know how she is as a sister?

If Yu'er also has this talent, Li Xuan naturally doesn't want to let her bury him.

"Just by practicing the Ten Tiger Forms, the appetite of ordinary people will inevitably increase. It's not okay for Yu'er to be reluctant to eat."

"We have to find a way to get her to eat with an open stomach."

Li Xuan thought about this and couldn't help but look at Princess Ankang, who was dozing at the dinner table.

Just like before, her good state was gradually fading.

It's just that it's different from Yu'er's situation. Princess Ankang's appetite is not good at all, it's still the same as before.

Logically speaking, at this stage, you must eat to replenish the energy consumed.

But it seems that Princess Ankang doesn't need it.

Li Xuan guessed that this had something to do with the chill in her body.

Although that coldness was the cause of Princess Ankang's frailty, it seemed to be some kind of force that he couldn't understand.

Otherwise, there would be no ability to purify the cold breath.

Neither Princess Ankang nor Li Xuan can control this power.

Maybe they won't have such an opportunity until they are stronger.

But no matter what, after practicing the Ten Tiger Forms, Princess Ankang did not have the problem of increased appetite.

Moreover, Li Xuan needs to wait until the breath of ice is completely restored before he can continue to practice with Princess Ankang, which will take a long time.

But after several attempts, he also discovered that not only would the breath of ice be purified, but the recovery speed would also become faster and faster.

To a certain extent, Princess Ankang is Li Xuan's external humanoid plug-in, which complements his extraordinary talent.

the next day.

Li Xuan wanted to drag Yu'er to bed again.

Princess Ankang also wanted to join in the fun, but was driven away ruthlessly by Li Xuan, who only allowed her to watch from the bedside.

Princess Ankang is also talented. From the last time Li Xuan stopped her from practicing, and from the signs of taking him to practice yesterday, she has noticed that maybe due to her weak body, she needs to rest for a while before she can play games with them on the bed.

But understanding is one thing, being emotional is another.

Princess Ankang became even more depressed thinking that A Xuan and Yu'er wanted to do such a comfortable thing without her.

Princess Ankang sat in the wheelchair angrily, with her mouth slumped, and her unhappiness was almost written on her face.

Seeing Princess Ankang's cute expression when she was sulking, Li Xuan couldn't help but feel funny.

But there is nothing that can be done about it. Princess Ankang has a special constitution. If she cannot suppress the chill that breaks out in her body, even Li Xuan doesn't know what the consequences will be.

Naturally, he would not take such an unknown risk.

But even if Princess Ankang is unhappy, Yu'er is also reluctant.

"Axuan, it's better not to do this kind of thing so often, right?"

"Although it's very comfortable, it's too tiring."

"How can I still have the energy to work after you keep tossing me like this?"

No matter how loudly Li Xuan slapped the bed board, Yu'er refused to come up and kept making excuses.

Although Li Xuan felt a little weird when he heard it, as if he was forcing Yu'er to hand in her homework.

But he still persisted, grabbing Yu'er's sleeve and taking her to the bed.

Yu'er was pulled so hard that she staggered and fell directly onto the bed.

She didn't expect the cat at home to be so strong!

"Axuan, no."

"You hurt me."

"And His Highness is still watching, it's not good for us to do this!"

Compared with yesterday, Yu'er refused more firmly today.

When Princess Ankang, who was already unhappy, heard this, she pointed to the door expressionlessly and asked:

"How about I leave?"

Yu'er quickly straightened her messy clothes, got up from the bed, and said, "Your Highness, let me take you out."

Li Xuan had already expected Yu'er's reaction. Fortunately, he was prepared.

He rushed in front of the two of them, blocked their way, glanced loudly, and rushed outside.

Princess Ankang and Yu'er looked at each other and said at the same time: "Isn't A Xuan angry?"

"Sister Yu'er, why don't you play with Ah Xuan? Besides, wasn't it very comfortable yesterday? Why are you unwilling again today?" Princess Ankang asked.


Yu'er bit her lip, not knowing what to say.

She screamed so happily yesterday, and Princess Ankang wouldn't believe her if she said she wasn't feeling well.

But if the truth were told, Princess Ankang would never care about her increased appetite.

Just like this, Yu'er felt really sorry.

She has the typical big sister mentality at this time.

The family's money is spent on the younger brothers and sisters without blinking an eye.

But if you spend it on yourself, you will feel very distressed.

When Yu'er was hesitating and wondering how to deal with Princess Ankang, Li Xuan left and returned.

Moreover, a big guy was picked up from nowhere and was dragged in with a squeaking sound.

Princess Ankang and Yu'er's eyes widened when they saw what he had in his mouth.

The two girls exclaimed in unison: "Axuan, where did you get this thing?"

Thanks to "Book Friends 20180320011002506" for the reward support.

Thanks to "Book Friends 20190214121552620", "Looking into the Stars", "Snail 402", "Brother Yu", "Book Friends 20180320011002506", "Book Friends 20220830150338957", "Book Friends 20230615201914275", "Book Friends 20220502" 085830705"," There is no cure for nothing" and "Wandering to Africa" ​​is supported by monthly votes.

Guys, come and help us, otherwise we won't be able to drag him in until tomorrow morning.


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