Ouchi Cat Controlling, starting with the Ten Tiger Forms!

Chapter 90 Why don’t we come together?

Seeing that the last palace maid was completely cool, Li Xuan nodded with relief.

"Meow. (Follow me.)"

Li Xuan brought Mao Ba and the others to the Royal Garden, intending to fulfill his promise.

After these few days of testing, they have proven their worth in cultivation.

Even just being able to keep a simple eye on him would be of great help to Li Xuan.

In this way, these little things can be left to them.

Not to mention, there are so many cats in the palace.

If they were integrated through Mao Ba, it would be a pretty good source of intelligence.

Not to mention how complex intelligence can be detected, even if it is all simple information, Li Xuan's integration will be quite effective.

"It's up to me how to use this information."

This step is still a long way off, Li Xuan plans to train the three in front of him first.

"Meow. (Watch carefully, I will only teach you once.)"

After Li Xuan finished speaking, he practiced the ten tiger postures.

This is also the only martial arts that cat bullies can practice.

The Blood-slaying Tiger Claw requires the basics of the Ten Tiger Forms, and also requires the essence and blood of the Tiger.

So they can't practice at all.

As for the other Wang's Military Style Boxing, it's not suitable for them either.

If it weren't for Li Xuan's extraordinary talent and certain foundation in cultivation, even he wouldn't be good at boxing.

Many actions are not suitable for cats to imitate, or even impossible.

Therefore, the Cat Tyrants only have one choice: the Ten Tiger Forms.

Moreover, this technique focuses on cultivating the foundation, and the only drawback is that the appetite will increase during practice.

It can be said to be the most suitable technique for them.

As for how far they can cultivate, it's up to them.

While Li Xuan was practicing for them, he found that the cows looked stupid and lacked interest.

Only Mao Ba watched Li Xuan's every move seriously and imitated it from time to time.

After Li Xuan demonstrated, he said to them: "Meow, meow, meow. (Practice every day, stop when you are tired, and remember to catch more mice.)"

Having said that, as for the future, it still depends on their own opportunities.

Li Xuan never thought of teaching them step by step.

Not to mention the effort and effort, there is no guarantee of results.

After all, they are just ordinary wild cats and cannot be compared with Li Xuan.

This time he just gave it a try, whether it was successful or not.

He has nothing to lose.

After Li Xuan left the Royal Garden, Mao Ba couldn't wait to try it.

The movements of the Ten Tiger Forms are all imitated by tigers, and these movements are almost not difficult for cats.

Mao Ba tried his best to recall Li Xuan's previous demonstration, and then imitated each move, fearing that there would be any omissions.

It saw that the cow and Fat Orange were still in a daze and shouted to them.

Cow Cow and Fat Orange were immediately frightened, and they stood up and followed the boss to practice obediently.

But after practicing for a while, the cow and Fat Orange began to cry out in pain.

"Meow, meow, meow. (Boss, it's too difficult, I can't remember it!)"

"Meow meow. (The boss is hungry)"

The cat bully yelled irritably: "Meow! (Shut up!)"

To be honest, Mao Ba also felt the same way. In just a short while, the moves Li Xuan demonstrated earlier were blurred in his mind, and he could hardly remember them.

And my stomach began to growl, and I was unbearably hungry.

Only then did the cat bully realize why Li Xuan asked him to catch more mice.

But if he went to fill his stomach now, Mao Ba felt that he would most likely forget this set of exercises.

Thinking of this, it is not reconciled!

The road to becoming stronger is obviously in his own hands, but he has to watch this road pass through his claws like quicksand.

With the character of a domineering cat, how could it be willing to do so!

"Meow! (Practice with me again!)"

"Meow. (Cow, remember the first three moves.)"

"Meow. (Pang Ju, remember the last five moves.)"

Cow and Fat Orange were naturally happy when they heard that they needed to remember that there were fewer moves.

Although I have to practice again, it is always easier than before.

The cat bully also did this as a last resort.

Just relying on its own memory, it may be difficult to remember all ten postures.

In this case, I had to try division of labor.

It focused on memorizing the first five postures, and then asked Fat Orange to memorize the next five postures.

As for the cow, Mao Ba didn't expect this guy at all.

Mao Ba is doing his best to seize this opportunity.

But as they gradually mastered the Ten Tiger Forms, the mice in the palace faced an unprecedented disaster.

Li Xuan didn't know about Mao Ba's efforts.

At this time, the cold breath in his body was restored again, and its purity was further improved.

"Is it really useful?"

Feeling that the icy breath in his body became purer, Li Xuan was ready to accompany Princess Ankang to practice again without waiting to experience the stronger power.

After her last practice, she obviously felt much better and could even walk.

Although it only lasted less than a day, it was enough to prove its effectiveness.

If she perseveres, Princess Ankang may really recover one day.

"Without further ado!"

Li Xuan made a decision and directly pushed Princess Ankang, who was still basking in the sun in the yard, back to the house.

"Oh, Ah Xuan, what are you doing again?"

"Slow down!"

The wheelchair under her butt suddenly accelerated, startling Princess Ankang.

But she saw Li Xuan pushing a wheelchair last time, so this time it wasn't too surprising.

But the problem is, this time Yu'er is also there.

She couldn't help but widen her almond-shaped eyes when she saw Li Xuan's small body pushing the wheelchair with flying speed.

Even if she pushed the wheelchair, she couldn't push it so fast.

Curious, Yu'er quickly followed one person and one cat into the house, wanting to see what the cats at home were up to.

As a result, Yu'er saw a shocking scene as soon as she entered the door.

Princess Ankang was pushed to the bed. Lying on the bed was a lazy kitten, posing and slapping the bed board loudly.

"Axuan, how could you, how could you, be so..."


Yu'er was speechless, with a pretty face red, she quickly stepped forward and covered Her Highness the Princess's eyes.

But then he began to understand Li Xuan's difficulties.

"Yes, the child is old and it's time to go into heat."

But Yu'er then asked doubtfully: "But is a male cat so coquettish in heat?"

Following Yu'er's movements, Li Xuan's excited little face suddenly pulled up, shaking his head and sighing.

"It's different now that you're a few years older. Your thoughts are so dirty."

"What bad thoughts can a pure little kitten like me have?"

"Yu'er really disappoints me!"

At this time, Princess Ankang took off Yu'er's hand that was covering her eyes, and explained playfully: "Sister Yu'er, you misunderstood."

"Axuan is inviting me to exercise with him."

"It's not a strange thing."

"Shall we do it for you now?"

"Hey, that's right."

"Sister Yu'er, why don't we come together?"

Thanks to "Wu Mo Bai", "Never Awakened from the Nightmare", "Book Friends 20180728093211488", "Qili", "Misty Traveler 119", "Day by Day and Day After Day" for their monthly support.

Why don't we all exercise together and do morning exercises?


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