Manager Shang's playful voice came, followed by Zhao Feng's slightly embarrassed laughter.

"I really can't hide anything from my godfather."

Zhao Feng's tone was flattering, as if he had found the feeling of being a young eunuch again when he was young.

"Feng'er, you are now the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and you must behave in a certain way in front of others and behind the scenes."

Being reminded like this, Zhao Fengcai coughed dryly: "Well, I'm used to it, I'm used to it."

Zhao Feng didn't care much about this and was still smiling.

He was very kind in front of others, but now he had no temper at all when facing Mr. Shang.

Manager Shang frowned at his appearance, shook his head and sighed: "If you could be stricter in front of others, how much trouble could you save?"

"Maintaining dignity can deter those with evil intentions. Don't you think it's troublesome every time you deal with them?"

As Manager Shang said, he picked up another chess piece and continued to study the chess record in his hand.

"Haier has other opinions on this."

Zhao Feng laid out the chessboard and looked at the dazzling array of black and white pieces on it, unable to arouse much interest.

"It's better to deal with those with evil intentions as soon as possible."

"It would be nice if the palace could be cleaner, and the children can also relieve their boredom. It would be worthwhile to be a little tired."

Zhao Feng grinned, a child-like mischief appeared on his wrinkled face.

The current head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is an old man with a young heart.

Manager Shang shook his head secretly and made no further comments.

Even though his godson smiles every day, he is crueler than himself.

Otherwise, with so many godsons, how could it be Zhao Feng's turn to take the throne?

As many smiles as there were on Zhao Feng's face, there were as many calculations in his heart.

When he was young, he was nicknamed "Smiling Tiger".

There is also the widely circulated saying "Zhao Feng smiles, life or death is unpredictable".

Zhao Feng then suppressed his smile and continued: "The child has some questions to ask his godfather for advice."

Manager Shang directly raised the chess record in his hand, covered his face, and said, "I made an agreement with you back then. Now that you are the manager, you have to handle these things yourself."

"Whether you can do it or not, I don't care."

"Whether you can hold on to this position or not, it's your own fate!"

Manager Shang ruthlessly rejected his godson.

Zhao Feng immediately took down the chess record and explained: "Oh, don't worry, I am doing a good job as the general manager."

"You don't even have that little trust in me."

Zhao Feng muttered dissatisfiedly.

The relationship between these two people is different from that of most adopted fathers and sons in the palace. They really have a bit of a father-son relationship.

The tone of both of them was very casual. Even though they were both in high positions, what they were talking about was definitely not a trivial matter, but they were as relaxed and comfortable as a casual chat.

"The relationship between Manager Shang and Zhao Feng is quite good. I don't know what they have experienced over the years."

Li Xuan thought of Deng Weixian and his godfather. If the relationship between the two was to be so strong, I'm afraid it was still a long way off.

At this time, Zhao Fenglue pondered for a moment and continued: "Recently, the hearts of the people in the palace have been unstable, the situation is strange, and there are many forces secretly wrestling with each other."

Upon hearing this, Manager Shang slapped Zhao Feng's hand away and picked up the chess book again.

"This is the business of the Minister of Internal Affairs!"

"Do you think I brought you up here as a sign of auspiciousness?"

But the next moment, Zhao Feng took off the chess records from Manager Shang's hand again and said with a serious face: "Godfather, I think they seem to be plotting against Your Majesty!"

Manager Shang did not slap his hand away this time, but narrowed his eyes and asked, "Are you serious?"

"If you don't have confidence, how dare you disturb your godfather?" Zhao Feng replied.

Manager Shang finally showed a serious look, and then asked: "To what extent?"

"It's just a few insignificant chess pieces, but looking at the situation, it can't be compared to the past."

"The previous turmoil over the establishment of a reserve bank was just the beginning."

"Although the civil service system was designed to be defeated for a while, it has not been damaged yet."

"The noble side has taken advantage of the situation and seems to be about to rise, but it is just the next prey."

"Someone is secretly stirring up the troubled waters and disrupting the court."

"This matter has gone beyond the scope of the harem, and the child doesn't know what to do."

Zhao Feng seemed to be asking Manager Shang for his opinion, but from his expression and tone, it was not difficult to tell that he had already made a decision.

Manager Shang put down the chess book completely and rubbed his brows.

"I knew this kid would have no good intentions when he came to me."

Being used to living a leisurely life, Mr. Shang sincerely hates this kind of intrigue.

But in the palace, you can't help yourself.

"How sure are you?"

"That depends on His Majesty's determination."

Zhao Feng replied, but slowly clenched his right fist.

Manager Shang knew that his godson was sure of victory.

"I will report this matter to Your Majesty, but I am not sure how Your Majesty will do it or to what extent."

"But please remember, no matter what His Majesty asks, you must satisfy it and do not do anything without permission."

Zhao Feng immediately smiled, patted his chest and said, "Godfather, can you still not believe me?"

"If it weren't for you, would I need to use this extra sentence?"

Manager Shang said angrily.

How many years have they been father and son? Who could hide it from the other?

Zhao Feng laughed twice and said no more.

"In this case, the child is waiting for news about his godfather."

Zhao Feng was about to get up and say goodbye, but was stopped by Shang.

"Why are you in such a hurry? Help me put away the chessboard."

After hearing this, Zhao Feng sat down again and slowly helped to collect the chess pieces on the chessboard.

While collecting the chess pieces, Shang said:

"You should try to do as little as possible."

"Just take these extra chess pieces, don't think about the chessboard."

"If you want to have a good end in the future, you have to work harder now."

"Godfather can protect you for a while, but not for a lifetime."

"You are not young anymore, you should think about your afterlife."

Zhao Feng didn't think so. He picked up the chess pieces one by one and said, "Based on my cultivation, I am afraid that I will be as old as you by then. What are you afraid of?"

"You kid!" Shang frowned fiercely.

Even though they both looked old, in Shang's heart, Zhao Feng was still the child he was back then.

Although the two are not related by blood, they are as close as father and son.

Especially in this deep palace, this kind of affection is even more rare.

The fact that Shang Zongguan can spend his old age so peacefully is due to his godson.

Otherwise, who would dare to give away the power they have obtained easily.

Otherwise, who would allow a more worthy steward of the Ministry of Internal Affairs than themselves.

"All adversities are born from profit; if you don't seek profit, where does the disaster come from?"

Shang Zongguan finally advised earnestly.

But Zhao Feng still insisted on his own way.

"Godfather, it's not me who wants to toss, it's them who want to toss me."

Zhao Feng looked at Shang Zongguan seriously, showing his attitude of not giving in.

Who would have thought that Shang Zongguan would say again with a regret:

"I'm not talking about you!"

Zhao Feng was stunned, and then suddenly realized.

He cleared all the chess pieces on the chessboard in a few moves, and said with a smile: "Godfather still loves his child."

Thanks to "Bookworm who forgets everything", "喵柒柒丶殿", "Book friend 20220925161323859", "Black and white beast", "Red panda biubiu", "Endless meditation", "Book friend 151220183050372", "Book friend 20180729215218375", "People who have always been in a book shortage" for their monthly ticket support.

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