"Shang Zongguan, you must not be bewitched by this witch!"

Someone on the cart spoke first, and then the pot exploded.

Because they felt that if they didn't say anything now, they might never have to speak again in this life.

"Shang Zongguan, think about it, she is just a little palace maid, where did she get so much money?"

"She must have stolen it!"

This group of bastards didn't mention the bad things they did, but just tried every means to find fault with Yu'er.

The suspected crime is aggravated.

It's simply their specialty.

Creating something out of nothing, turning black and white.

That's their basic skill.

The flowery eunuchs looked at Shang Zongguan, waiting for his order.

As long as he gave the order, there would be only corpses left on the cart.

But Shang Zongguan didn't do that. Instead, he looked at them and smiled, and said shockingly: "I gave the money."


The eunuchs and palace maids on the cart were all frozen as if they were hit by a spell, and they all turned into statues.

Perhaps, this trick of Shang Zongguan is the real magic.

"Shang, Shang Zongguan, please don't joke with us."

People are like this. When faced with a reality that they don't want to accept, they start to refuse.

But they don't understand that even if they refuse, what can they do?

Reality will not change at all because of their refusal.

"Do you think I'm joking with you?"

Shang Zongguan asked coldly.

He happened to be very idle today. If he was busy in the past, he would have killed them long ago.

There are also benefits to retreating to the second line. There is always no shortage of opportunities in this palace to make up for his conscience.

I threw away too much when I was young, and now I can't sleep well.

It's just right that I can find some new consciences to fill myself now, which can not only find some fun, but also make myself sleep more peacefully.

The more Shang Zongguan's attitude leans towards Yu'er, the more panicked these people are.

When people are about to die, they will have a very obvious premonition.

Just like these unlucky guys on the cart.

Faced with the fear of death, their rationality began to collapse like dominoes, and panic spread rapidly among them.

"Then, then the wound on our buttocks must be real!"

"Shang Zongguan, please make the decision for us. If she doesn't know magic, how can it be so coincidental?"

"Even if it's not her, it must be her who drove the evil spirit to do mischief!"

They still didn't give up, just like a drowning person grabbing a life-saving straw, regardless of whether they can pull themselves up, and just hold on to it.

But it should be said that their nonsense actually hit some unexpected results.

Especially Li Xuan, who was hiding in the dark, felt a little stinging, and cursed in his heart:

"You are the evil spirit, your whole family is evil spirits!"

Of course, Li Xuan only dared to complain silently in his heart, and didn't dare to really say a word.

But Manager Shang just smiled slightly, came to the cart, nodded to them, and said: "You said there is an evil spirit, I can't deny this, it is indeed possible."

Hearing Manager Shang's change of tone, the people on the cart were surprised and felt that they had gone through the gates of hell and returned.

Yu'er's face turned pale, not knowing what Manager Shang meant.

But Manager Shang's next words made everyone silent.

"How about this."

"I will send you back. If you die within a few days, I will believe you that there is indeed an evil spirit."

"But if you don't die, then you are deceiving me!"

Looking at Manager Shang's serious expression, the people on the cart would rather there is an evil spirit that wants to harm them.

Li Xuan blinked his eyes, and was stunned for a while before responding: "Isn't this blocking both ends?"

"What a vicious old man!"

He secretly complained in his heart, but when he saw Manager Shang turned his head and looked at him as if he had noticed something, he was so scared that he quickly retracted his head.

Chief Steward Shang looked up at the empty wall, and withdrew his gaze with a sense of wonder.

He looked at the eunuchs and palace maids on the cart who had lost all hope in life, and sought their opinions: "What do you think?"

"Chief Steward Shang, Chief Steward Shang..."

"We know we are wrong, please spare our lives, we will never dare to do it again!"

Hearing their plea for mercy, Chief Steward Shang could not help but raise his eyebrows slightly, wondering: "What? Are you admitting that you lied to me?"


They are now in a dilemma, neither this nor that.

"I, Shang Wenfu, have been in the palace for many years, and you should know me as a person."

"I am the most fair and just person."

"Now, I will give you two choices."

"One, go back and wait to be killed by evil spirits to prove that you did not lie."

"Two, wait for me to find out that you lied, and then be severely punished by the Ministry of Internal Affairs."

"You can choose for yourself."

These two choices are both dead ends for them.

They also can't figure out why Chief Steward Shang is helping Yu'er speak.

The people on the cart came with full confidence, and left with even more confidence.

They were all very confident that they were doomed this time!

What was even more tormenting was that Manager Shang was unwilling to give them a quick death and let them go back to wait for death.

There was no more cruel way to die in the world than this.

Every minute and every second that followed was a countdown to their lives.

And what was even worse was that none of them knew when this countdown would end.

Amidst a burst of shrill begging for mercy, the cart was pushed away.

Yu'er stared blankly at the cart going away, feeling a little like a dream.

She had previously imagined what might happen to her with great anxiety, but she never expected that things would develop like this.

Not to mention Yu'er, even Li Xuan didn't understand.

Manager Shang always seems to be helping them.

Let’s just call it a coincidence last time.

So what happened this time?

Li Xuan was a little confused about Manager Shang's intentions.

In his opinion, no matter how you look at it, Manager Shang is unreasonably giving them a platform.

But if you have no relatives and no connections, why should you do this if you have the status of Manager Shang?

Li Xuan didn't know Mr. Shang's mental journey up to now, let alone the strict logical reasoning behind his behavior.

Manager Shang used his common sense to uncover the "truth" and punished the evildoers in his eyes.

From the perspective of Manager Shang, he not only completed his work perfectly, but also punished evil and promoted good, which attenuated his conscience.

It can be said that it kills two birds with one stone.

Manager Shang looked at Jingyang Palace and Yu'er, no matter how pleased he was.

"This child's life has been a bit tough, but he still has a good nature. If he has any grievances, he will endure them for the sake of his master. He is quite sensible."

After visiting Jingyang Palace last time, Manager Shang was deeply impressed by this place.

Naturally, he had not forgotten the fact that he had left fifty taels of silver for this girl.

Therefore, I feel that Yu'er has her own reasons for encountering this kind of thing.

But even so, Yu'er didn't use her name immediately.

Manager Shang believed that he still had some prestige in the palace. If Yu'er was bullied and told that the money was given by him, those people would not dare to be so unscrupulous even if they did not believe it.

But Yu'er insisted not to say anything, which made Manager Shang couldn't help but look at Yu'er more highly.

"He is a good boy."

Thanks to "Book Friends 9527" and "Book Friends 20230623222354312" for their reward support.

Thanks to "Muxi Dixi", "Book Friends 20201025113620075", "Dream Not Chang'an", "Floating Life Menglin", "Chen Yanmo", "Duan Tianya 123", "Beet Chef Wendy", "Book Friends 20230623222354312" ", "Book friend 20210301106470483992", "Green hair to white hair for the rest of my life", "2846053625", "Oukei", "Jian Wu Gong", "Writing a painting of floating life_", "Meow relatives", "stuffing gluttonous food", "w "edge point", "smoke_flavor", "hat is the body", "dingdingdaga" monthly ticket support.

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