Seeing her cat's big eyes filled with tears, Yu'er couldn't help but reached out and wiped them with distress.

"Axuan, why are you crying?"

"Are your eyes uncomfortable?"

"Isn't Ah Xuan feeling sorry for my sister?"

"Hehe, there's nothing wrong with me. I just accidentally fell down and it doesn't hurt much now."


As Yu'er spoke, she shook her head and moved her arms, trying to prove that there was really nothing wrong with her.

Li Xuan silently held down her moving body, looking at her grinning and forcing a smile, he didn't bother to say anything more and continued to apply medicine on her.

Seeing that her trick didn't seem to work, Yu'er couldn't help but become quiet.

“The cats at home are so smart, it’s getting harder and harder to fool them.”

Yu'er sighed in her heart, stopped doing useless work, and silently enjoyed Li Xuan's service.

It's actually a good feeling to have a cat caring about you.

After applying the medicine, Yu'er hugged Li Xuan, feeling the small warm body in her arms.

One person and one cat were silent for a long time, just clinging to each other quietly.

Li Xuan didn't move, and stayed in Yu'er's arms obediently, letting her hold him.

"Thank you, A-Xuan."

"If it weren't for you and His Highness, I would have been defeated long ago."

Yu'er's tone was extremely serious.

Li Xuan understood what she meant and just gently rubbed her cheek in her arms.

"There will definitely come a day."

"When the time comes, no one will dare to bully us anymore!"

Li Xuan said to Yu'er silently.

He was also making a secret vow to himself.

When that day comes, he won't have to worry about anyone anymore.

Punish those bad people however you want.

Once he has absolute strength, he no longer has to be so hesitant.

Li Xuan stood guard on the courtyard wall of Jingyang Palace, paying attention to the movements around him.

This feeling is really unsettling.

He knew that someone would come to his door.

It was during the day when the incident occurred, and so many people had seen Yu'er, so someone would definitely come to Jingyang Palace to question her.

"You just don't know who is coming?"

But no matter who comes, Yu'er will have to suffer some hardships.

Their cold palace is already helpless, and no one will be afraid of anyone coming.

It would be even more troublesome if there was another obsessed person who knew that the queen didn't want to see them and wanted to show his face.

The incident occurred in the alleyway.

A group of eunuchs in colorful clothes and a group of Ouchi guards blocked the place.

Except for the eunuchs and palace maids who were howling here before and were taken away, the other blood stains are all well preserved here.

"Mr. Shang, the injured people said that a palace maid stole their money and used magic to harm them."

"The palace maid's name is Yu'er. She works in Jingyang Palace and is responsible for serving Princess Ankang. Do you want to arrest her for questioning?"

An imperial guard reported respectfully.

"Oh, Jingyang Palace?"

A smile suddenly appeared on Naofumi Fuku's originally bored face, which aroused some interest.

"That is to say, these nine injured palace maids and eunuchs were identified as the palace maid named Yu'er, and they used some kind of magic to split their buttocks into four parts."

"Is it right?"

The Ouchi guard smiled awkwardly and heard some rumors, and then said: "Mr. Shang is joking, how can the words of those ignorant people be taken seriously."

"My subordinates have checked their wounds. Although they look scary, they are just flesh wounds. They were injured by a hook-shaped sharp blade. But judging from the depth of the wounds, the other party should have been merciful and only used brute force. There is no sign of even using the power of Qi and blood.”

Manager Shang nodded after hearing this, and then asked: "In your opinion, this matter..."

The Ouchi guard quickly clasped his fists and bowed deeply, saying, "How dare you show off your lowly position and humble opinion in front of your father-in-law."

Manager Shang waved his hand and smiled, disapprovingly.

"What are you afraid of? There are only you and me here, can I still blame you?"

Manager Shang patted him on the shoulder and told him to speak freely.

After the Ouchi guard got the confidence, he put down some worries and expressed his thoughts.

"It's my humble opinion, please give me more evidence from the manager."

After all, these are his majors, and he has really seen a lot of problems.

"This person can scratch everyone in an instant without them realizing it. It shows that his body skills are amazing and his cultivation must be extraordinary."

"If this person can make a slit in their butt, then it must not be difficult to make a slit in their throat."

"It can be seen that the other party has no intention of killing, and just wants to teach them a lesson."

When Manager Shang heard this, he pondered for a moment, pointed to the ground and asked:

"But there is so much blood shed on the ground. I'm afraid if you come a little late, they will bleed to death too, right?"

The Ouchi guard smiled slightly and explained: "Manager Qi, only one team of people passes by here every day, and it only takes less than ten breaths to cross the alley."

Manager Shang understood what he meant. As long as the other party waited for the Ouchi guards to pass by, these people would definitely die here.

With the other party's cultivation level, it was impossible not to notice a group of guards approaching.

"So I think there should be someone who couldn't see through it and gave them a deeper lesson."

"As for whether the investigation will be thorough, please let me know clearly."

Nine people blocked one palace maid. If Yu'er really had some witchcraft, these people would not dare to do so even if they had the courage to do so.

How could they, who had been serving in the palace for many years, not know the dirty things here?

Too lazy to mention it for fear of dirtying my mouth.

As for the person who took action to teach him a lesson, whether or not he should be investigated and how he should be investigated was not something that he, the imperial guard, could decide.

After hearing these words, Manager Shang nodded with appreciation: "Yes, the analysis is well-founded."

"As for the next thing, leave it to me, and you don't have to worry about it."

With these words from Manager Shang, the Ouchi guards couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

No matter how you look at it, this matter is a hot potato.

There is really no need to offend a master in the palace for the sake of a few humble palace maids and eunuchs.

"Leave those nine people to me and tell your superior that this matter will be handed over to me."

"I will report the final conclusion."

Manager Shang made the arrangements, and the Ouchi guards naturally agreed happily.

"Then there's Chief Laoshang!"

This is not that Manager Shang is taking their credit, but helping them solve their problems.

The Ouchi guard was grateful and took the people away gratefully.

Outside the alley, nine palace maids and eunuchs lay on a cart with their butts stuck out, wailing repeatedly.

Although it stopped their bleeding, it didn't stop their pain.

Who can understand the pain of having your butt split into four pieces?

Manager Shang watched the Ouchi guards leave, and then ordered the eunuchs in colorful clothes behind him:

"Take them with you and head to Jingyang Palace."

Hearing this, the palace maids and eunuchs on the cart suddenly stopped howling.

Their eyes were all glowing green, and their faces looked fierce.

After looking at each other for a few times, they already had a tacit understanding.

"You've hurt us so badly, let's see if we don't bite you to death!"

Thanks to "Grandpa Seven Gourds", "He was also her only one", "Thank you Senior Brother", "Little Braid in the Wind", "A Muddlehead" for their monthly support.

Ouchi guard (putting his hands on his hips and leaning back): "What does it mean to be a master in solving crimes?"

\u0026amp;lt;( ̄︶ ̄)\u0026amp;gt;

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