Ouchi Cat Controlling, starting with the Ten Tiger Forms!

Chapter 79 Strange things in the Imperial Garden

"Meow~woo! (Boss, come and see!)"

"Meow? (What's wrong?)"

Mao Ba saw that it was sunny and sunny today, so he took his two younger brothers to the Royal Garden to relax.

As a result, before he even started smoking grass, he heard Fat Orange shouting.

Mao Ba and Cow looked at it out of curiosity, but were shocked on the spot.

"Meow——(It's that boy!)"

The cow screamed and subconsciously clamped its hind legs, looking terrified.

Mao Ba was shocked, and his eyes became gloomy.

The shame of that day can never be forgotten.

The cat bully gritted his teeth. The more he thought about it, the angrier he became. He couldn't help but shoot the cow next to him with an electric cannon.


The cow immediately screamed and ran further and further away, leaving a clear water mark on the ground.

Fat Orange looked on, and couldn't help but shrink his head in fear, took a step back, and distanced himself from the boss.

"Meow meow? (What is that boy doing?)"

The calmer Mao Ba asked Fat Orange beside him.

"Meow woo woo woo. (I don't know, am I crazy?)"

Fat Orange replied cautiously.

"Meow, meow, meow, meow! (Boss, do you think this is the secret to this kid becoming stronger?)"

The sudden sound startled Mao Ba and Fat Orange. When they turned around, they saw that the cow had come back at some point.

"Meow! (Not sure, let's take a look!)"

The cat bully gave an order, and the three cats hid furtively in the flowers nearby, looking at the small group of similarly dark figures under the black dragon statue.

This dark figure is naturally Li Xuan.

After he finished practicing the bronze head and iron arm today, he came to the Royal Garden to "sharpen his claws and scratch his head" to promote the process of strengthening the body with the power of qi and blood.

This is not his first day here. The other cats were surprised by his strange behavior on the first day, but now most of them are used to it.

Li Xuan was also happy to be quiet.

These cats were all very curious. On the first day, they lined up to ask him what he was doing.

At first Li Xuan could answer patiently, but then he became more and more impatient and didn't bother to pay attention to them.

But there are also a few particularly persistent cats who meow non-stop around him, like a chatterbox.

When encountering such ruthless characters, Li Xuan could only give in and tell them that he was just sharpening his claws.

Of course, after hearing this answer, it was the other cats' turn to look at Li Xuanxing in shock.

Not all cats are so qualified, and a few who don't know the bounds of the world will call him "stupid".

As expected, these unqualified cats were all tied to the tallest tree in the imperial garden by Li Xuan.

Their tails were all tied to branches and hung upside down.

They were so frightened that they peed and wet themselves all over.

Strangely enough, these unqualified cats all had owners, and were later rescued by some eunuchs and palace ladies.

But what Li Xuan originally wanted to do was to teach them a lesson and improve their quality. If no one let them down, he would do it for them.

Li Xuan's thoughts wandered and he practiced the strengthened parts of the bronze head and iron arm. He felt so comfortable all over his body that he stretched and went home.

But he didn't know that what he did to the black dragon statue had been clearly seen by the cat bullies.

In the flowers, the three cats were dumbfounded, shocked that they had been born as cats for a hundred years.

"Meow, meow, meow... (Boss, was he attacking the black dragon statue just now...)"

Fat Orange stretched out a paw tremblingly. Even with their poor quality, they couldn't say the next words.

"Meow! (Stop talking nonsense, go and take a look!)"

After the cat bully finished speaking, he emerged from the flowers first and ran towards the black dragon statue.

The three came to the place where Li Xuan stayed before and checked to see if there were any secrets here.

But they found nothing.

At this moment, Cat Tyrant suddenly slapped the hard statue with his paw.

The moment the two came into contact, the cat bully's claws were violently bounced away, and a fierce look appeared on its face.

"Meow! (Boss, what are you doing!)"

Cow and Fat Orange exclaimed in unison.

But the cat bully didn't answer. Instead, he slapped his second and third paws, imitating all Li Xuan's previous actions.


The cat bully even hit it with his head, and his single eye was filled with fierceness and persistence.

“Meow——woo——(Pain is the only way to become stronger!)”

"Meow meow meow! (What that kid can do, I can do too!)"

The cat bully stopped making a sound and continued to destroy his body silently.

The cow and the orange cat were a little scared when they saw their boss being so crazy, but in the end they imitated these actions.

Eunuchs and maids passing by could not help but shake their heads when they saw this scene and sighed: "Nowadays, cats are not getting any better and are starting to go crazy."

"Oh, what is this? In the past two days, there was a cat climbing to the top of the tree, hanging upside down by its tail, and drenching itself with feces and urine. Do you think it is evil or not?"

"real or fake?"

"The cats in this palace are getting more and more evil. Let's not look at them too much to avoid getting entangled with unclean things."

As they spoke, they walked more and more anxiously, not daring to look at this weird scene again.

the next day.

Li Xuan came to the Imperial Garden humming a tune and began a new round of torture on the black dragon statue.

But when he arrived, he found that where he was yesterday, there were three cats lying unconscious.

"Hey, isn't this a cat bully?"

"You sleep here in broad daylight?"

Li Xuan was no longer afraid of the three of them. He walked over to check them out and found that something was wrong with them.

The cow's eyes were open, her pupils were brought together, and she had as many pairs of corns as she wanted, and her expression was even more silly than before.

Cat Tyrant was dripping with blood, and there were small wounds on his claws and head.

Fat Orange...

This guy was the most comfortable, not even passed out, but sleeping soundly.

The flesh on his body was paralyzed on the ground, occupying a large area.

"Ten oranges, nine fat ones, and one collapsed kang."

"It seems that this is the one that crushed the kang."

Li Xuan shook his head, looked at the blood stains on the black dragon statue, and understood what was going on.

"You're not imitating my martial arts, are you?"

He looked at Cat Bully's wounds and raised his eyebrows: "A guy with well-developed limbs and a simple mind."

"But after all, it's just an ordinary cat. It's not as talented as me."

But Li Xuan admired Mao Ba's determination to yearn for power.

Look at the other two.

Cows are really stupid, so I won’t mention it for now.

Although Fat Orange was protected by flesh and blood, he didn't even have any wounds on his body, which showed that he didn't try seriously at all.

Only Mao Ba tried this unreliable method as if he was risking his life.

"Just plain aggressive?"

Li Xuan thought, walked aside, ignored these three, and continued today's claw sharpening process.

Not to mention the luxury of this palace, the cat scratching posts prepared for him are so luxurious.

This black dragon statue is completely black, carved from a giant rock, and is seamless.

The black dragon is entrenched in the pool in the center of the imperial garden, showing its domineering power.

It's a pity that in the end he could only become Li Xuan's plaything.

Thanks to "Cherish the Blessings", "Book Friends 20180731211003969", "Thought 532", "Tian Muyin", "Melon-eating People", "Xianyuah Xianyubiu", "Yanyun Patriots", "eatwood" for their monthly ticket support .

Bai Miao has had a migraine these past two days. Please forgive me if the updates are not on time.

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