Ouchi Cat Controlling, starting with the Ten Tiger Forms!

Chapter 66 Thinking about the past makes me heartbroken!

Several talented people who have just entered the palace can think of this, let alone Wei Chengji, who is the father-in-law of the printing house.

Li Xuan looked at Deng Weixian, who was still under strict supervision, and couldn't help but become more worried.

If the plan is exposed, even if Deng Weixian has ten heads, it won't be enough.

"What exactly does Deng Weixian's godfather want to do?"

But now Li Xuan can't do anything except wait.

He was not strong enough to take Deng Weixian out of the palace.

At this time, Li Xuan could only watch as Deng Weixian entrusted his fate to his godfather.

After the fire was extinguished, the eunuchs disposed of the remains inside the ruins.

These building debris must be cleared out quickly, otherwise if they are left like this, they may cause more collapses later in the night.

At that time, it will be troublesome if it affects other surrounding buildings.

Therefore, they lit torches, and the eunuchs of Yanqu Palace got busy during the night.

This fire forced everyone to work overtime.

Even the talented people cannot go back to rest. They are waiting in the dining area for the time being. They need to confirm that there is no danger before going back to their rooms to rest.

If they can't go back to their room to rest, the printing father-in-law can only arrange another place for the talented people to rest tonight.

And as pieces of broken walls were moved out of the ruins, a conspicuous object was suddenly lifted out.

It was a burnt corpse, and only a vague human shape could be seen.

Everyone present could not help but feel shocked, even Li Xuan and Deng Weixian.

Both of them had seen the body, but neither could identify it.

What's even more strange is that this body suddenly appeared in the fire scene.

Li Xuan still clearly remembers that when he and Deng Wei first broke into the fire scene, the fire at that time was far less powerful than behind.

But the body had been burned very thoroughly.

It was as if this corpse was the source of the entire fire.

After that, the fire spread at a strange speed.

The unusual spread of the fire was probably related to the corpse in front of him.

Li Xuan and Deng Weixian were also curious about the true identity of the corpse.


As the body was carried out, there were screams.

Some of the palace maids and Wang Suyue's sisters even vomited and ran away.

However, Wang Suyue and Xia Wanfeng were not afraid at all, and even stepped forward to take a closer look.

Immediately, a palace maid stopped in front of them and prevented them from getting any closer.

"You two talented people, don't come any closer."

"Otherwise, father-in-law will punish us later for not knowing the rules."

Talented people may be willful, but they must fulfill their duties as servants, otherwise they will be derelict in their duties.

Wang Suyue also knew their difficulties and did not embarrass them. She stopped and said, "Then let's just watch here and not go over."

Seeing what Wang Suyue said, the maids could not say anything more.

If the other party is willing not to embarrass them and give them face, it is already considered a good thing.

Most of them are willful talents who, regardless of their obstruction, end up having problems and are punished by the printing father-in-law, who also puts all the blame on them.

"Thank you both for your understanding."

Wang Suyue and Xia Wanfeng nodded slightly and just looked at the charred corpse. However, it didn't take long for them to take out their respective handkerchiefs in tacit agreement and cover their mouths and noses.

"Su Yue, do you have any impression of the person who was brought out from your room?" Xia Wanfeng asked.

Wang Suyue shook her head: "Now that I think about it, it's a bit strange. I've always been in good health, but today I suddenly felt tired and fatigued. After I lay down and fell asleep, I wasn't even woken up by the fire."

Speaking of this, the two people looked at each other and looked at each other solemnly.

Both of them came from noble families, and they had seen a lot of intrigues and intrigues since they were young.

It's not that there are no harmonious noble families, it's just that there are too few.

They come from a privileged background and are exposed to conflicts of interest earlier than children from ordinary families.

There are several parties in every family. They may be consistent externally, but internally they compete.

And because they are women, they watch how their mothers fight for their own interests to survive.

Both of them were keenly aware at this time that today's fire was probably not a simple accident.

Perhaps even the little eunuch sitting far away was a victim.

Years of tacit understanding allowed Wang Suyue and Xia Wanfeng to understand each other's thoughts without having to say much.

They stood there, intending to wait and see what would happen.

At this time, Wei Chengji came back, but his mood was obviously much worse than before.

He saw the charred corpse on the ground from a distance and asked, "What is this?"

"Eunuch, I just found it from the ruins."

Wei Chengji didn't waste any time and said to the accompanying eunuch: "Bring that boy over to me."

Deng Weixian was immediately picked up from the ground and escorted to Wei Chengji.

Wei Chengji roughly held his head down and then moved to the charred corpse.

Deng Weixian's face was so close that he almost kissed the face of the burned corpse.

A disgusting burnt smell filled his nose.

Deng Weixian subconsciously tilted his head back, but he could not withstand Wei Chengji's strength.

He kept retching, and after just a while, he almost couldn't help vomiting.

"Little Dengzi, let me ask you, who is this?"

"Father, ugh, I don't dare to lie to you, I really don't know."

Deng Weixian simply closed his eyes and tried to answer quickly, suppressing his nausea.

He had lost the ability to use his brain at this time, and just wanted to get away from the charred corpse in front of him as soon as possible.

But no matter how hard he tried, Wei Chengji's hand was pressing on his head, slowly approaching the charred corpse.

Even with his eyes closed, Deng Weixian could feel a heat coming from his face.

He had seen dead people.

He had seen many, many.

But at this moment, he still felt uncontrollably terrified.

He even recalled the bad memories in the past, which made him even more unbearable.

Looking at Deng Weixian's terrified struggle, even Wang Suyue and Xia Wanfeng, who had doubts about him, couldn't help but frown.

And Li Xuan unconsciously grabbed the wall with his claws, leaving deep claw marks.

He had long regarded Deng Weixian as his own, and was furious to see him being bullied like this.

"Damn old eunuch!"

But Wei Chengji still felt it was not enough, and then pressed: "Really don't you know him?"

"Or, little Dengzi, open your eyes and take a closer look."

"Or, do you have to get closer to see clearly?"

Wei Chengji continued to push Deng Weixian's head forward, and saw that his face was about to touch the charred corpse.

Deng Weixian couldn't hold it in any longer, and tears flowed from his tightly closed eyes.

There was fear, but more humiliation.

That day, he was also pressed so hard on his head, and forced to look at the bloody corpses of his parents.

That kind of helplessness!

That kind of humiliation!

That kind of being trampled like an ant! ! !

He didn't forget it, and he couldn't forget it.


Deng Weixian's expression suddenly became fierce, and his eyes were red when he opened again.

He decided to fight, even if he was trampled to death.

This time he would resist to the end.

The cold breath in Deng Weixian's body gathered, ready to go.

Thanks to "坑对十三4年" and "苏摩白VI" for their monthly ticket support.

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