"What happened outside?"

"Sister Yu'er seems to have had a quarrel with someone."

Princess Ankang stretched her neck and looked outside the door of Jingyang Palace. After saying that, she got up and went to check.

She has been frail and sick since she was a child, and she is out of breath when she takes even two steps, so she usually sits in a wheelchair, with Yu'er pushing her around.

But now in a desperate situation, Princess Ankang couldn't care about anything else and struggled to stand up from the wheelchair.

Princess Ankang struggled to stand up halfway when Li Xuan suddenly ejected from her arms and sat her back down.

"Oh, Ah Xuan!"

Regardless of Ankang's complaints, Li Xuan went straight to the palace gate without looking back, at a very fast speed.

"Axuan, slow down and wait for me!"

And poor Princess Ankang can only regroup and brew a new round of strength to stand up.

When she stood up and walked to the palace gate, she didn't know what year it was.

Li Xuan also did it on purpose. His ears were better than An Kang's, and he heard a few words from a distance.

He didn't even need to think too much, he knew that someone must be looking for trouble again.

Even though they were all trapped in this corner of the cold palace, their lives were still uneasy.

This kind of scene is not suitable for girl Ankang to encounter.

Li Xuan took three steps and two steps at a time, covering a long distance in one leap, extremely fast.

In the blink of an eye, he arrived at the palace gate, where he saw Yu'er and two other strange eunuchs.

Yu'er was about to cry at this time, her face full of grievances.

She had a few broken pieces of silver spread out in one hand, and a pitifully shriveled cloth bag in the other.

"You are so audacious and defrauding Jingyang Palace's monthly regulations, so you are not afraid of anything bad done by Her Royal Highness the Princess!"

"When the time comes, and His Majesty investigates, which one of you will be able to escape any involvement?"

Yu'er stubbornly held back the tears in her eyes and threatened fiercely.

But in the face of such a straightforward threat, the two young eunuchs snorted coldly and replied angrily: "I have Miss Yu'er to worry about, but you should worry more about yourself first than us."

Hearing this, Li Xuan, who had already stood behind Yu'er, couldn't help but grimace.

"The monthly fee has been deducted again. This is getting more and more excessive!"

All expenses for everyone in the palace are uniformly distributed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which includes not only gold and silver represented by salary, but also many daily necessities, such as rice, flour, grain and oil, silk and satin cloth for making clothes, charcoal fire in winter, and ice in summer. , tea, quilts, pillows, etc.

Even more pampered are the supplies of fresh fruits and flowers, but these have nothing to do with Jingyang Palace, which is the cold palace.

Apart from the most basic money and food, Li Xuan had never seen anything else sent to Jingyang Palace.

Not only that, in less than a year since he opened his eyes, the monthly schedule of Jingyang Palace has been deducted several times for various reasons.

Even one of them was when Concubine Xiao was most seriously ill.

Otherwise, how could the people in Jingyang Palace be reduced to drinking porridge every day?

But I never expected that even so, some people would still be dissatisfied.

It seems that those people will not give up until all the gasping people in this cold palace are killed.

Another eunuch also said to Yu'er impatiently: "We are just following orders. Monthly regulations are decided by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. If you are dissatisfied, you can seek justice from the father-in-law of the Ministry of Internal Affairs."

Yu'er, a little palace maid, would not be able to get anything good if she really made trouble with the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

This eunuch just wanted to make Yu'er angry.

Yu'er held the broken silver and cloth bag tightly in her hands, her nails digging into her palms.

She knew there was nothing she could do about the two eunuchs, but she just couldn't swallow this breath.


Why should you bully them like this?

Why can't a princess have enough to eat in the palace?

The two eunuchs looked at Yu'er's expression of daring to be angry and dare not speak, and sneered disdainfully, turned around and prepared to leave.

As a result, Yu'er put the broken silver in her right hand into her arms, and then stepped forward to pull the two of them.

"No, there must be a reason for withholding the monthly quota, even the father-in-laws of the Ministry of Internal Affairs must be reasonable!"

Yu'er was also furious, and a burst of brute force came out of nowhere, making it impossible for the two eunuchs to break free for a moment.

After some entanglement, the two eunuchs also became really angry.

The two of them were entangled for a long time, but they couldn't break away from a palace maid, which could not help but stimulate their fragile self-esteem.

"Get out of my way!"

The two eunuchs used all their strength to push Yu'er hard.

Taking advantage of the weight of the two of them, Yu'er was pushed away violently, losing her balance and falling backwards.

Yu'er screamed subconsciously, and the back of her head slammed into the copper nail on the door.

There are copper nails the size of ocean bowls on the gates of the palace, neatly distributed in nine rows and nine columns.

These copper nails are used to reinforce the wooden door to prevent fire, and can also be used for decoration.

But now it has become Yu'er's reminder.

If this was a solid hit to the back of the head, how could Yu'er survive?

The viciousness of these two eunuchs is evident.

Li Xuan couldn't think too much and kicked the ground with all his strength, directly hitting Yu'er's back as she fell backward.

Then he stepped hard on her back with all four feet to offset Yu'er's momentum.

Yu'er only felt a lightness on her body, and a soft force supported her. The movement of her sudden backstroke was paused, and the soft flesh of her buttocks quickly came into contact with the hard ground.


Yu'er cried out in pain and sat down on the ground, her body stopping just inches away from the door.

Yu'er almost came into close contact with the copper nails on the door.

When the time comes, not only will he die an unexpected death, but he will also suffer broken bones and tendons.

Then there was a strange "pop" sound, which immediately attracted Yu'er and the two eunuchs to take a look.

I don’t know when there was a pool of black stains on the vermilion door of Jingyang Palace.

The stain stayed on the door for a moment, and then slid down softly.

Oh, it turns out to be a cat.


Yu'er exclaimed and quickly picked up the kitten that was soft in a puddle on the ground.

She tried to pull Li Xuan twice, but found that the cat couldn't even straighten its neck, and it was hanging weakly on the side.

The pink little tongue was sticking out and couldn't be taken back. A pair of eyes kept rolling, obviously the impact was really serious.

Although Li Xuan tried his best to protect Yu'er, he was only a kitten less than one year old after all, and there was a huge weight difference between him and Yu'er.

Although Yu'er's momentum was mostly neutralized, under the impact of inertia, Li Xuan was still hit hard against the door, and was smashed to pieces.

This is also thanks to the fact that he is born in the year of cat, can freely change his own form, and has the racial talent of "receiving hair".

If I change to a dog, I'm afraid the dog's life will not be saved now.

"Axuan, are you okay? Don't scare me!"

Yu'er hugged Li Xuan and shook her nervously twice.

Apparently she understood at this time that it was Li Xuan who gave her support just now.

Moreover, Princess Ankang likes Li Xuan so much. If something bad happens, how will she explain it?

If even Li Xuan is gone, I'm afraid Princess Ankang will never see a smile on her face again.

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