Deng Weixian slowly finished his work, a stream of heat steaming from his body.

Every time he finished practicing, the blood all over his body would flow rapidly. While he felt warm, there was also a hint of chill hidden in it. The heat that devoured the blood gradually strengthened his body.

Deng Weixian knew that the hint of chill was the growing icy breath.

With the rapid flow of Qi and blood, his body felt light and light, his mind became clear, and the world in his eyes was extremely clear.

This feeling was extremely refreshing, but unfortunately he could only maintain it for a moment after finishing the exercise.

"Maybe this is what it feels like to be in the Blood Coagulation Realm. When I break through, I may be able to maintain this state forever."

After practicing every night, the door to the Blood Coagulation Realm would open for him, allowing him to glimpse the magnificence and majesty inside, tempting him to continue studying and practicing hard.

"The charm of martial arts is so cunning."

Deng Wei first clenched his fists, full of yearning for a breakthrough.

The godfather looked at the energetic Deng Weixian and couldn't help but think of himself when he had just started to contact martial arts.

This young man's vitality made him sigh.

I don’t know when I lost this innocent heart.

My godfather knows very well that the simpler your mind is, the faster your skills will improve when you are dedicated to martial arts.

If possible, he really wanted to give Deng Weixian an environment suitable for martial arts training to see what level he could reach in this life.

But alas, this is the palace.

This is the most intolerable place in the world for people with simple minds.

"Instead of growing up at a heavy cost, it's better for me to guide you."

Thinking of this, his godfather took out a scroll from his sleeve and called out:

"First, come here."

Deng Weixian came over immediately and asked respectfully: "Godfather, what are your orders?"

"In terms of martial arts, you no longer need my guidance."

"As long as you practice with peace of mind and advance to the blood coagulation realm, I will have my own arrangements from now on."

Deng Weixian nodded to express his understanding.

"As for the blood evil, I think you have felt it too."

The godfather glanced at the clay pot, and then continued: "Although you have a special constitution and can eliminate the blood evil in Linhu's essence and blood, it seems that this ability is limited now and should only benefit you."

"But you have to understand that even this is remarkable."

"Because this means that you can give birth to ice-cold breath at this stage that is far superior to others. Do you still remember the effectiveness of ice-cold breath?"

As the godfather said, he started to take the exam and asked questions.

Deng Wei thought for a moment, and then immediately replied: "My godfather once said that the breath of ice can enhance the power of the blood-slaying tiger's claws, and in the future, practicing Yin-cold attribute skills will get twice the result with half the effort."

Seeing that Deng Wei was answering fluently, his godfather nodded with satisfaction: "You answered well."

"Next, you should practice hard. When you advance to the blood coagulation realm, I will arrange suitable techniques for you."

Hearing this, even Deng Weixian couldn't hide his joy. He immediately knelt down and said thanks, "My child should live up to his godfather's kindness in nurturing him."

These are things that Deng Weixian never dared to think about before.

Not only will someone guide him in his practice, but all the techniques and practice resources will be prepared for him.

Deng Weixian naturally knew that none of these things were free.

After all, the godfather cultivates himself so that he can work hard for him in the future.

But now what Deng Weixian needs most is these. As long as he can become stronger, he will do it at any cost.

If he didn't even have this awareness, how could he have entered the palace? He would have died a coward outside.

But now, his godfather brought everything he needed to him.

No matter how calm Deng Weixian was, he was inevitably moved at this moment.

He understood that this move was irrational, but after all, his heart was not completely cooled down, and it was still affected.

"Haha, why should we be so polite between you and me, father and son?"

The godfather smiled and helped Deng Weixian up.

It was the first time that Deng Weixian was treated with such courtesy, and he was even a little overwhelmed.

But a soft force in his godfather's hand held up his body, and Deng Weixian stood up before he had time to think about it.

"At night, you continue to practice as you are now. During the day, you need to pay attention to one person."

The godfather said and handed the scroll in his hand to Deng Weixian.

Deng Weixian took the scroll and opened it, and found that what was painted on it was a beautiful woman with a beautiful face and a graceful figure.

Her name is also marked next to the portrait: Wang Suyue.

"Do you recognize this person?"

Regarding the question of his godfather, Deng Wei first nodded and then said: "I have met him several times. He seems to be a talented person in our Yanqu Palace."

"That's right, you have been paying attention to this person recently and pay more attention to her words and deeds. After she is favored by the Holy Emperor, she will choose a close attendant. When the time comes, you must do what she likes and gain her trust as much as possible."

Deng Weixian hesitated for a moment and asked about his concerns: "Godfather, as far as my child knows, after talented people are favored, they will choose their own attendants according to their own preferences. Some talented people even only choose palace maids."

Deng Weixian was afraid that Wang Suyue would not choose him.

After all, there are things he is not good at.

Given Deng's temperament, if he were to try his best to please a strange woman, the effect would probably not be much better.

When the time comes, if the other party doesn't choose you, wouldn't it be the end?

Because he knew his disadvantages, Deng Weixian anxiously expressed his concerns at this time.

The godfather couldn't help but smile slightly when he saw Deng Weixian's nervous look.

"Don't worry, I will make my own arrangements when the time comes, and she will definitely choose you."

Deng Wei was relieved when he heard this first. Then he studied the scroll in his hand and asked, "Godfather, is there anything else the child needs to know?"

The godfather slowly shook his head and said enigmatically: "The less you know about her, the better. Just observe her through your eyes. Don't even inquire about this person in private. Do you understand?"

Deng Weixian nodded as if he understood.

That's the only thing he's good about, being obedient.

If you don't understand something, you will never make your own decision.

"Okay, when the time is right, I will come to you again."

After the godfather finished speaking, he disappeared.

Deng Wei first bowed respectfully to the night in the distance, then put away the scroll, tidied it up and went back to the house to rest.

After the yard became completely quiet, Li Xuan crawled out from the bushes.

"Why are you involved with Wang Suyue again?"

Li Xuan shook his head and shook off the leaves on his head.

He remembered that this talented man, Liang Chuchu's rival, was not only as beautiful as a flower, but also had extraordinary skills. He could fight superbly with a set of Wang's military style punches.

Li Xuan still has a incomplete set of Wang's Military Body Boxing, which he learned from her.

Although it only has two and a half moves, it is extremely fierce.

Moreover, Wang Suyue has great ambitions, and I am afraid that her future achievements will be difficult to estimate.

"Deng Weixian's godfather is also very knowledgeable. He took a liking to Wang Suyue so quickly and wanted to place Deng Weixian next to her."

Li Xuan nodded, confirming his godfather's aesthetic taste.

"But I remember that Wang Suyue's family background is quite extraordinary. Her father seems to be some kind of general?"

He thought for a moment, then shook his head.

"I'm afraid I won't have a good heart this time."

Thanks to "thought 532" for the reward support.

Thanks to "Book Friends 20210313132706949", "Thinking 532", and "PAIL2" for their monthly ticket support.

I finally finished writing today’s writing, go to bed and continue tomorrow!

(﹃)Good night everyone~~~

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