Ever since he came back from Qianxing Pavilion, Li Xuan had never left the house and stayed at home making ice every day.

Perhaps relying on the special yin and yang true energy, or perhaps because of his true talent, Li Xuan cultivated Xuan Han Jin, which is called a thousand miles a day.

Li Xuan can now make a piece of ice by rubbing his two little paws together, so that Princess Ankang and Yu'er can have cold drinks every day.

It's just that this season is a bit unsuitable. After all, it's already winter. Even if Li Xuan doesn't rub his paws and pours out a basin of water, it won't take long for a large area to freeze.

"Axuan, are you a little late in learning this magical skill of rubbing ice with your hands?"

Princess Ankang sat aside and read a book and couldn't help but joked.

Li Xuan rubbed his little paws back and forth, and after a while he was able to rub out a piece of ice.

At first, the rolled ice had different shapes and uneven edges, but Li Xuan's skills are getting better and better now, and each one is round, as if it has been carefully polished.

Princess Ankang was tired from reading, so she just watched the kitten rubbing ice for a while, which was not very interesting.

Li Xuan picked up the ice ball he had rolled out and played with it, then threw it forward without a care, and threw it into the hot spring in front with a "pop".

This hot spring is naturally a pond with golden pigs. Because of the existence of golden pigs, it maintains a warm temperature even in winter, and wisps of hot air continue to float from the water to the sky.

Except for the golden pig, there were no other fish in the pond, and there was not a single plant.

After all, it is difficult for other creatures to withstand the "enthusiasm" of the Golden Pig.

But this pond is not monotonous. There are many strange rocks as decorations. It can be regarded as a large villa built for the golden pig.

This winter this year, it is not difficult at all in Jingyang Palace.

First of all, Jingyang Palace is no longer short of food and clothing, and it is still abundant in supplies.

In the past, they longed for endless charcoal, but now they can burn it however they want.

Now Jingyang Palace has a special charcoal room, which is used to store charcoal for burning in winter. It is piled into a hill.

But now the three little ones have already achieved cultivation and will no longer worry about the severe cold in winter.

This time last year, the three little ones were all sleeping together on the same bed, otherwise they would be woken up by the cold in the middle of the night.

At that time, they thought every day that it would be great if there were endless charcoal to burn.

But now that charcoal is available, they can’t use it.

Princess Ankang was sitting in the pavilion in the backyard of Jingyang Palace reading a book, while Li Xuan was lying on the fence of the pavilion rubbing ice and throwing golden pigs, creating a harmonious scene.

Winter in the capital is always windy, and sometimes the cold wind cuts my face like a knife.

Princess Ankang's current physique is not afraid of these cold winds, but it always messes up the books in her hands.

But for some reason, the pavilion in the backyard is always calm. I don't know if it's because the surrounding trees block the wind, or because of the Golden Pig's hot spring.

But no matter what the reason is, Princess Ankang has liked reading here since winter.

She had stayed in the room for too long in the past many years, and now she was no longer willing to hold it in there.

Even when reading, Princess Ankang prefers to be outdoors.

Li Xuan practiced martial arts, Princess Ankang read a book, and the golden pig was smashed all over the head.

"What a wonderful daily life."

Li Xuan sighed with emotion and showed a happy smile.

At this time, Yu'er walked in from outside, and she brought someone with her.

"I have met His Highness."

Manager Shang followed Yu'er to the pavilion and saluted Princess Ankang.

"Manager Shang, you are here."

Princess Ankang put down the book and responded with a smile.

Manager Shang smiled and nodded, then looked at Li Xuan aside.

Seeing Li Xuan constantly condensing ice to smash the golden pig in the pond, he couldn't help shaking his head and laughing.

"Axuan, why do you always have trouble with Golden Pig?"

Li Xuan turned his head to the side and stopped moving his hands.

Princess Ankang covered her mouth and smiled, and then explained to Manager Shang:

"Manager Shang, Ah Xuan said this is helping the Golden Pig exercise."

"He said that the golden pig would sit under the pond all day long and be too lazy to eat. Sooner or later it would become fat and the pond would not be able to accommodate it."

The reason Princess Ankang said made the three of them laugh.

Only Li Xuan would make up such a ridiculous reason just to bully Golden Pig.

Seeing that everyone didn't believe it, Li Xuan couldn't help but roll his eyes at them and silently rubbed a bigger one.

The golden pig, who was hit dizzy, felt desperate when he saw this scene and hurried to find a bunker.

Seeing Li Xuan holding up an ice cube larger than himself with both hands, Manager Shang's expression changed.

He didn't expect that Li Xuan would become so proficient in the evolution of ice attributes after not seeing him for a few days.

"As expected of Yin Yang Qi."

Manager Shang thought to himself, stepped forward and pressed down on the ice hockey ball raised by Li Xuan.

Before Li Xuan could throw the ice ball out, the ice ball disintegrated instantly, turned into a ball of water and lost control, giving Li Xuan a chill and turning into a pitiful drowned cat.

In response to this, Li Xuan did not jump in anger. Instead, he looked at Manager Shang in shock.

"Is ice turned into water?"

Manager Shang was standing behind Li Xuan, but he was not splashed by the water at all.

With General Manager Shang's cultivation, this is not difficult.

Even all the water on Li Xuan's head was poured on Li Xuan, and even the fence under his feet was not very wet, which shows how terrifying Manager Shang's control of Qi is.

"Axuan, do you understand?"

Manager Shang asked Li Xuan.

Li Xuan maintained the posture of a drowned cat, lowered his head and meditated for a moment, and then used the yin and yang energy to dry the water on his body.

"Can water turn ice back into water?"

Li Xuan wrote an inexplicable sentence with his tail.

In response, Manager Shang nodded seriously: "That's right, but there is a premise. A large amount of water can turn ice into water again."

That's right, Manager Shang just used the numerical advantage of the water attribute to turn the ice ball condensed by Li Xuan back into a water ball.

According to common sense, ice, as an attribute mutated from water, has an advantage.

But in the face of quantity, the ice attribute was unconditionally reversed into the water attribute.

At that moment, Li Xuan actually felt like he was suppressed by his attributes.

"Axuan, you will come back when you come."

"The same is true for the power of the five elements."

"You still have plenty of practice."

Manager Shang saw what Li Xuan was doing as soon as he arrived.

He condensed the ice ball to practice his ability to use yin and yang energy to evolve the ice attribute.

Then use the ice ball to hit the golden pig, which is practicing the control of the ice attribute.

The pond where the golden pig is located is a hot spring, and the closer you get to it, the hotter it gets.

If Li Xuan wants to hit the golden pig with the ice ball, he must first make the temperature of the ice ball he condenses low enough, and secondly, he must have enough control to track the golden pig.

Although the Golden Pig is large, its movements underwater are not slow at all.

But even so, the golden pig who used to be able to fight Li Xuan back and forth, now faced with the gap in strength, can only be beaten unilaterally.

Manager Shang saw that Li Xuan's practice had reached a bottleneck and the effect would only get worse in the future, so he gave some advice and provided a new practice idea.

Li Xuan's understanding is indeed very high. He can understand at a glance and immediately understood what Mr. Shang meant.

"Okay, let's talk about the cultivation later."

"Axuan, Your Majesty has summoned me. Please come with me quickly."

As Manager Shang spoke, he picked up Li Xuan, who was still thinking.

Li Xuan was still recalling the feeling when Mr. Shang took action earlier, and did not hear clearly what Mr. Shang was saying.

Seeing that Li Xuan was lost in thought, Manager Shang and Princess Ankang asked for permission before taking Li Xuan to the Manlu Palace.

When Li Xuan came to his senses again, he found that the person in front of him had been replaced by Emperor Yongyuan, and the familiar dragon case had also appeared under his buttocks.

"What are you thinking about?"

"So serious."

Emperor Yongyuan was reviewing the memorial, but when he saw Li Xuan come to his senses and put down his brush, he asked with a smile.

"Hey, why did I get here?"

Seeing Li Xuan's confused look, Emperor Yongyuan couldn't help but feel a little funny.

What made him even more amused was that his dignified Emperor Daxing actually still had questions to ask Li Xuan.

"What brought me here?"

"Is something wrong?"

Li Xuan remembered that he and Princess Ankang had been here just a few days ago. In just a few days, he was summoned again.

Thinking of the last conversation between him and Emperor Yongyuan, Li Xuan couldn't help but understand what the issue was about.

"There are some problems with the speculation of antiques, and the price cannot be pushed up." Emperor Yongyuan frowned and expressed his problem.

"What's going on? Are the rumors not dealt with?"

Li Xuan asked doubtfully.

He once briefly explained the subsequent operations to Manager Shang.

Li Xuan would not underestimate the wisdom of these political experts. Their vision may not be as good as his, and their ideas may not be as new as his.

But as long as they understand the key to the routine, these people will understand it faster than anyone else.

After all, politics is all about people.

And people happen to be things that don’t change very much.

From ancient times to the present, aside from the shell with different images, the desire as the core is too monotonous.

At most, there are only a few types.

Regardless of whether they are ancient people or modern people, the things they pursue are common, or even exactly the same.

In the final analysis, Li Xuan's tricks only exploit the weaknesses of human nature.

Regarding human nature, Li Xuan believed that Emperor Yongyuan and Chief Monk had a knowledge far beyond his.

"We were the ones who spread the rumors in the first place, so this aspect is easy to resolve."

“More and more people are participating in the market, and more and more money is being gathered.”

"But now it seems that there are competitors entering the market."

Emperor Yongyuan closed his eyes and gently nodded his eyebrows.

"A lot of our imitations have appeared on the market, which has begun to disrupt transactions, making the recent price increases lower and lower, and even going backwards."

"In this case, if I continue to guide the rise, it seems that the gains outweigh the losses."

Li Xuan couldn't help showing a speechless expression after hearing this.

“Someone is copying my imitation antiques?”

Emperor Yongyuan nodded and smiled bitterly.

He had almost the same expression when he first heard about it.

Li Xuan thought he was shameless enough, but he didn't expect there to be a master.

The batch of imitation antiques they had previously made cost only a few taels of silver each. Later, as the business became more popular, the cost gradually increased to 20 taels of silver.

Now, the transaction price of imitation antiques has almost returned to 3,000 taels.

Driven by such huge interests, it is not surprising that imitations appear.

"Are these imitations real?" Li Xuan asked curiously.

Manager Shang immediately presented two identical antiques.

Emperor Yongyuan introduced: "It is almost difficult for people on the market to distinguish, and the workmanship is even better than ours."

Li Xuan took a look and found that it was really the case.

"Although their costs will definitely be higher than ours, possibly several times higher, there are still enough benefits." Emperor Yongyuan commented.

Emperor Yongyuan's words are correct.

The group of people Li Xuan found at that time were casually making antiques, while the other party took great pains to imitate them.

And looking at the workmanship, the other party must be an expert in this field.

Li Xuan was a complete layman when it came to imitating antiques. He couldn't tell which of the two antiques in front of him was made by them.

"If we continue to push prices, I'm afraid we will become a wedding dress for others."

After Emperor Yongyuan finished speaking, he looked at Li Xuan, waiting for him to give him an idea.

But just a few days ago, Li Xuan reminded Emperor Yongyuan that someone would learn the rules of the game soon, but he didn't expect it to come true.

Emperor Yongyuan's hype this time was carried out behind the scenes, and many methods could not be brought to the table, so he had to keep a low profile.

This left him unable to use all his abilities.

But anyway, with Li Xuan as the person who proposed the plan, it doesn't have to be so troublesome.

"How many fakes are there?"

Li Xuan needed to grasp the situation first, but when he said this, he couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. After all, they themselves were authentic fakes.

Emperor Yongyuan's eyes signaled that Manager Shang immediately introduced the current market situation to Li Xuan.

Emperor Yongyuan's plan originally went smoothly, pushing the price all the way to around three thousand taels.

Logically speaking, it will break through the 3,000 tael mark in the next few days, but due to the large number of fakes on the market, the price increase has been absorbed.

According to Mr. Shang's rough estimate, no less than two hundred fakes flow into the market for trading every day.


"It's actually quite big."

Li Xuan immediately became interested.

"Axuan, what do you think we should do next?"

Emperor Yongyuan humbly asked for advice. After all, he still wanted to point Li Xuan to give him advice to make money.

Li Xuan immediately spread out his paws and gave Emperor Yongyuan these four characters:

"Leave it alone."

Regarding Li Xuan's answer, Emperor Yongyuan's chief monk was furious.

Manager Shang glanced at Emperor Yongyuan's face with concern.

Obviously, Emperor Yongyuan's face didn't look good.

"Then hasn't all the money I invested so far been wasted?"

Li Xuan said seriously: "It's not much anyway."

Emperor Yongyuan's face turned dark.

"Oh, anyway, Ankang made so much money for you before, even if you lose a little, you still have something left."

Li Xuan comforted him as it had nothing to do with him.

Emperor Yongyuan turned directly to Commander Shang and ordered:

"According to my decree, all male cats in the palace will be caught and purified!"

Li Xuan immediately stood up and raised his paw to stop the impulsive Emperor Yongyuan. His expression was serious and serious, and his eyes showed rock-like perseverance. He swung his tail and wrote quickly like sparks:

"But I did this just to test the other party. If the price does not drop quickly, it proves that the other party has a big appetite."

"You can use this as bait to lure the opponent into the game."

"When the time comes, we will catch them all in one fell swoop and take them all, leaving no one behind."

Li Xuan held his paw with great confidence and handed out a small ball of black mangosteen in front of Emperor Yongyuan.

Emperor Yongyuan glanced disdainfully at Li Xuan, who was completely different from before, and then reluctantly took back his orders.

"Let's talk about the castrated cat later."

"Follow the Holy Order!"

Manager Shang replied loudly and respectfully.

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