"As long as we can attract them to join the antique speculation this time, it will not be a problem to cheat them."

"As for how much money we can make, it depends on our own operation."

Li Xuan analyzed for Emperor Yongyuan.

"Are you so sure that they will join the game?" Emperor Yongyuan asked curiously.

"These guys have no bottom line to lend money at high interest rates. As long as they hear that they can make a lot of money, they will definitely flock to it."

"But these wealthy families may not be so easy to deceive."

"If there are any abnormal reactions in the market at that time, you can tell me and I can help you make a decision."

With Li Xuan's words, Emperor Yongyuan was relieved.

"Finally, I have another question."

"How did you come up with this method?"

Emperor Yongyuan looked at Li Xuan and asked seriously.

Li Xuan smiled slightly, looked in the direction outside the palace, and then shook his tail casually and said:

"The trick I saw in the West Market is just a magnified scale."

After that, Li Xuan jumped down from the dragon table, turned his back to Emperor Yongyuan and continued to shake his tail and wrote:

"If there is nothing else, we will go back first."

Emperor Yongyuan did not keep him, waved his hand and gently uttered two words:


Li Xuan jumped into Princess Ankang's arms again. After Princess Ankang saluted Emperor Yongyuan, she left Ganlu Palace.

The three little ones have other things to do today.

Since the competition this month lasted for a full twenty days, they didn't have the opportunity to return the book to Qianxing Pavilion.

If they don't go, this month's opportunity will be wasted.

After the three little ones left the territory of Ganlu Palace, they saw the carriage waiting there.

It was still Xu Lang who drove the carriage for them.

Originally, Zhao Feng helped them do this job before, but Zhao Feng was too busy recently, so he couldn't accompany them to Qianxing Pavilion today.

After the three children got on the carriage, Xu Lang drove to the East Palace.

After a while, they arrived at Qianxing Pavilion.

Old Ye was still sweeping the floor.

But now it was winter, and the leaves on the trees had almost fallen. Only three or two were left hanging on the branches, trembling in the wind, as if they would fall at any time.

It seemed that except when they came to read, Old Ye was constantly sweeping the floor in Qianxing Pavilion, and there was nothing else to do.

No matter who it was, if such a day lasted long enough, they would be tired of it.

But from Old Ye's calm eyes, Li Xuan could not see any impatience or irritability.

"Is this the so-called character?"

No matter when and where, Old Ye seemed to be so calm and indifferent.

The three children got off the car outside the courtyard of Qianxing Pavilion, and Xu Lang went to park the carriage.

Princess Ankang held Li Xuan and took Yu'er directly into the yard.

"Mr. Ye, we are here to return the books."

"I'm so sorry that we've been delayed for so long this month."

Princess Ankang said apologetically.

Mr. Ye took the broom and shook his head gently: "It's okay. I've heard about your highness's going out of the palace for the competition."

Mr. Ye said, put the broom aside, then opened the door of Qianxing Pavilion, and then sat at the door as usual, took the books that Princess Ankang borrowed last month, and made a record.

After returning the books, Princess Ankang and Yu'er walked into Qianxing Pavilion to read the books they were interested in.

Princess Ankang still likes to read history books now.

Because there are no enlightenment stories in Qianxing Pavilion, and there are not many pure story books.

Therefore, she had to confide her desire to read stories in those history books.

After all, the history books record real stories and characters.

And Princess Ankang thinks that history books are as interesting as story books.

After she finished reading books related to Beiliang, she began to read the relevant historical records of Daxing.

There are many books of this kind in Qianxing Pavilion.

In addition, Princess Ankang also reads some books related to formations.

However, she is not yet an entry-level person, and the books she reads are relatively superficial.

As for Yu'er, she has a strong purpose in reading books, and she only looks for books on alchemy.

However, Yu'er's reading speed is not fast, and sometimes she will encounter many words that she does not know, and she needs to ask Princess Ankang for advice.

In this regard, Princess Ankang is much better.

Although Princess Ankang has not been systematically enlightened, Concubine Xiao laid a good foundation for Princess Ankang before her death. In addition, she is talented and can study and read books at the same time.

In terms of cultural level, Princess Ankang may soon become the leader of the three little ones.

Li Xuan did not go in to read, but waited eagerly at the table, watching Mr. Ye finish his work.

"Why don't you read books today?"

The last book in Mr. Ye's hand disappeared into the shadows, and then asked Li Xuan with a little smile in his eyes.

"Why don't you read it?"

"I have already read the five books you gave me before."

Li Xuan said, and shook the Emperor Hong bone ring on his tail, shaking out five of the books.

Old Ye looked at the five books, nodded slightly, and then said:

"Use the true qi to evolve the five elements and show me."

Li Xuan immediately circulated the Yin and Yang Qi in his body, slowly evolving according to the order of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, and constantly changing the attributes of the Qi.

During these days, except when he was busy with something, he was constantly practicing whenever he opened his eyes.

Li Xuan has memorized these five books related to the Five Elements Qi that Mr. Ye gave him. After a lot of practice, he is now able to skillfully transform the attributes of the Five Elements.

Even if there is a relationship that is mutually reinforcing and incompatible, Li Xuan can immediately switch attributes, making his response speed much faster than before.

His current Yin and Yang Qi can only grow naturally due to the lack of corresponding skills.

Therefore, Li Xuan now focuses all his energy on these technical skills.

Because of his extraordinary talent, no matter how difficult the skill is, he can learn it step by step and constantly make himself stronger.

Seeing Li Xuan using Yin and Yang Qi to continuously transform the attributes of the five elements, Mr. Ye also nodded with satisfaction.

"As expected of a destined person who can cultivate yin and yang true energy, he is indeed gifted."

Although Li Xuan is a cat, according to past traditions, those who can cultivate the true energy of yin and yang can be called the destined ones.

Come to think of it, this is also the first time in history that a Destined One outside of the human race has appeared.

As a witness to history, Mr. Ye also felt extremely gratified.

He knew that his name would be recorded by future generations because of Li Xuan.


After seeing Li Xuan's current method of evolving the Five Elements, Mr. Ye nodded lightly and made a positive evaluation.

"Axuan, you must continue to practice more and more in the future. Only when you become more proficient in evolution can you use any attribute of heaven, material and earth treasures to transform yin and yang true energy in the future."

"When the time comes, you won't have to be as passive in your cultivation as you are now."

When Li Xuan heard this, he couldn't help but asked excitedly:

"Mr. Ye, can I use other heavenly materials and earthly treasures to increase the yin and yang energy in the future?"

Mr. Ye nodded affirmatively.

"Axuan, every yin and yang attribute skill has its own special way to increase the yin and yang true energy."

"The Yin and Yang Zhenji Jue passed down from the Twin Saint Emperors has endless wonderful uses."

"In addition to the effects I told you before, there are several special ways to use it."

Li Xuan's eyes widened and he listened carefully to Mr. Ye's words.

The Yin Yang Zhenjijue technique only records the effects of being able to transform Yin and Yang Qi through the power of the five elements of heaven and earth, using the evolution of Yin and Yang Qi to simulate the attributes of the five elements, and being able to practice any technique regardless of the requirements after it is completed.

Others were not mentioned.

Li Xuan's current cultivation level can improve on its own every day, which is the benefit brought by the completion of Yin Yang Zhenji Jue.

This kind of automatic cultivation ability is outrageous enough, but according to what Mr. Ye is saying now, it is obvious that the Yin Yang Zhenji Jue has other wonderful uses.

"The ability to evolve the Five Elements can actually be used in reverse, but the requirements for understanding the Five Elements are relatively high."

"Using this, you can absorb a large amount of the power of the five elements in the treasures of heaven, materials and earth to increase your yin and yang true energy."

"But if you don't understand the Five Elements enough, it's just a waste."

"With your current ability, being able to absorb and transform 12/10 of it is already your limit."

After hearing this, Li Xuan was a little disappointed with his current efficiency, but it still pointed out a clear way for him.

Otherwise, it would be a bit boring to just do this every day and wait for the Yin and Yang Qi to increase automatically.

Moreover, the amount of Qi he increases every day is almost fixed, with no surprises at all.

According to Ye Lao, as long as he becomes more and more proficient in using Yin and Yang Qi to evolve the five elements in the future, he will be able to absorb the power of the five elements in the treasures of heaven, material and earth more efficiently.

When the time comes, there will be one more way for him to improve his strength.

"And this is not the limit of Yin Yang Zhenji Jue."

Mr. Ye continued.

Li Xuan was stunned. Isn't it outrageous enough to be able to use other attributes of heavenly materials and earthly treasures to enhance his own Yin and Yang Qi?

So what is the limit of Yin Yang Zhenjijue?

Li Xuan couldn't help but be curious.

"Although there is no written record, I have heard an interesting rumor."

"According to legend, the Twin Saint Emperors have the ability to grant others cultivation and rob others of their cultivation."


The more Ye Lao spoke, the more outrageous he became, and Li Xuan's big eyes were full of confusion.

"Initiation and absorption of gong?"

"So evil!"

"But I like it."

Li Xuan was confused and couldn't help but start to fantasize.

He never thought that the Yin Yang Zhenji Jue he practiced would have such ability.

However, Li Xuan had already mastered the true ultimate of yin and yang, but he had not awakened to this ability at all.

Recalling that Mr. Ye had asked him to practice evolving the Five Elements before, Li Xuan couldn't help but start to wonder: "Could it be that the yin and yang attribute skills need to be continued to be developed on the basis of Dacheng."

Seeing that Li Xuan's expression became more exciting, Mr. Ye paused and then continued:

"This kind of thing is nothing more than a fantasy for ordinary practitioners."

"But for those who are destined to cultivate the true energy of yin and yang, I think it may not be an impossible thing."

"Anyway, I think this high probability is not just a mythical legend."

"Axuan, I'm waiting for you to develop such abilities in the future."

In fact, Mr. Ye didn't say a word. Rather than saying it was an ability, he felt more like a magical power in a story novel.

If someone can take whatever they want from others' cultivation, it's not just as simple as being invincible in the world, but also transcending all living beings.

Li Xuan nodded, then excitedly waved his tail and wrote:

"Is there such a legend?"

"Tell me more, I love to hear it."

Ye Lao couldn't help but smile, thought for a while and continued:

"In recent years, I often study things about Yin and Yang Qi."

"If the legend about the Twin Saints is true."

"I guess the Yin and Yang attributes of the exercises have their own magical uses."

"Otherwise, I can't understand why there are so many ways to practice even the power of Yin and Yang attributes."

"Logically speaking, Yin and Yang Qi is already the purest power in the world."

Ye Lao's eyes flashed with excitement, as if thinking about these questions made him particularly happy.

I think this is also the reason why he is willing to guard a small Qianxing Pavilion and be an ordinary eunuch here with his outstanding strength.

"If my speculation is correct, each kind of Yin-Yang attribute technique may have its own special way to cultivate Yin-Yang Qi."

"Just like the Yin-Yang True Extreme Technique can utilize the power of the five elements of heaven and earth."

When talking about this, Ye Lao lost his usual calmness and seemed quite passionate.

"I have another story, but it has not been proven and may be even less reliable than the legend of the two saints."

"Judging from some minor details, the Yin-Yang attribute technique of Qianren Sword Pavilion should be able to increase its own Yin-Yang Qi through sword energy or sword intent."

"But I have no way of knowing its principle."

"The answer to this secret is probably hidden in their forbidden area."

After hearing this, Li Xuan's heart beat wildly and he couldn't help licking his lips.

"Can you also use sword energy to increase Yin-Yang Qi?"

"This is too cool!"

Li Xuan had heard Ye Lao mention the name of the Qianren Sword Pavilion before.

When Li Xuan had mastered the Yin-Yang True Ultimate Art, Old Ye told him the names of some sects that might have Yin-Yang attributes, and told him to "visit" them when he had the chance in the future and try to get these Yin-Yang attributes.

The Qianren Sword Pavilion sect was known to be a sword-wielding sect, and since Old Ye paid attention to it, it must be pretty good.

Seeing that Li Xuan was interested in him, Old Ye smiled with satisfaction.

"Alas, I hope I can see other Yin-Yang attributes in my lifetime."

Although Old Ye had not been able to cultivate Yin-Yang Qi in his lifetime, his curiosity about Yin-Yang Qi had become his lifelong pursuit.

These Yin-Yang attributes were the lifeblood of those sects. Even though Old Ye had a good cultivation and the identity of a eunuch in the palace, it was not enough for others to give him such a big face.

Therefore, a large part of his hope of fulfilling his wish fell on Li Xuan.

It should be said that the appearance of Li Xuan had already given Old Ye too much satisfaction.

Before this, Mr. Ye had never expected to witness the cultivation process of a destiny person with his own eyes.

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