"It's fallen below 7,000 taels!"

"Fourth brother, how about we sell some too?" The Sixth Princess said a little nervously.

The Fourth Prince smiled calmly, touched his sister's head lovingly, and explained patiently:

"Sixth sister, if the other party doesn't have this strength, they won't dare to make such a fuss."

"We can just watch the show with peace of mind. You can also take this opportunity to practice your character. Not to mention being able to remain calm in the face of danger, but also to be able to remain calm and composed in the face of danger."

The eldest prince nodded in agreement.

In the chaotic black market, the calm brothers stood out, and even attracted many people's attention.

If it weren't for the fact that they were not dressed like ordinary people, and the guards beside them were tall and mighty, someone would have started to say something unpleasant.

The Sixth Princess nodded as if she understood.

But she still felt distressed when she saw the price falling step by step.

When the price rose just now, she felt so happy, and now she felt so uncomfortable.

The Sixth Princess simply stopped looking at the prices on the board and closed her eyes tightly, saying, "Out of sight, out of mind."

Seeing their sister's cute reaction, the First Prince and the Fourth Prince smiled at each other.

"It's fallen below 6,000 taels!"

"It's fallen below 5,000 taels!"

The speed of price decline, as the panic spread in the black market, became faster and faster.

Just now, people were scrambling to buy, but now it's completely reversed, and everyone is squeezing to the front to sell the antiques in their hands.

But how popular these antiques were just now, how hot they are now.

Looking around, all of them are people who want to ship.

Therefore, the prices on the board are refreshed quickly, and one seller after another offers lower and lower selling prices, forming a vicious competition, like an avalanche.

The free-trading black market does not have any price limit system, it can rise as much as it wants, and it can fall as much as it wants.

As the price fell rapidly below 5,000 taels, and even the speed showed no signs of slowing down, the First Prince couldn't help but change his face.

"Fourth brother, how about selling a little?"

"Otherwise, we may not even be able to pay the mortgage interest later."

"Sell now, buy when the price reaches the bottom later, and you can still make more money, right?"

The eldest prince persuaded.

His character is more stable, and now seeing the fluctuation far beyond imagination, he can't help but panic.

The fourth prince frowned and thought for a while, then said:

"Brother, what you said is wrong. If you sell now, you may not be able to buy it back later."

"After all, when the time comes, they have goods in hand. Whether to sell or how much to sell depends on their eyes."

"We just wait and see. The other party has invested so much to suppress the price, and it must be to make money, right?"

The words of the fourth prince made the eldest prince feel a little relieved.

And when they left the palace, they agreed that the fourth prince would be fully responsible for making money in this competition, and the eldest prince could not intervene to change the fourth prince's operation.

The eldest prince nodded silently and then stopped talking.

Just like the Sixth Princess, he didn't want to look at the price that was constantly falling.

The falling price made people feel upset, their hearts were beating wildly, and their stomachs began to feel a slight cramp.

The eldest prince was more sensitive to prices than the Sixth Princess. With a little calculation, he knew how much money they had lost in the blink of an eye.

For the eldest prince who had little experience in business, these numbers were too exciting for him.

If it weren't for so many people, the eldest prince would have wanted to learn from his sister and turn a blind eye.

Not only the eldest prince and the Sixth Princess, but the fourth prince, as the operator, was under the greatest pressure at this time.

But if he sold now, he would be cut in half, and the originally good-looking profit would immediately become extremely ugly.

And the fourth prince was really sure that someone was behind this, trying to fish in troubled waters and take advantage of the fire.

He firmly believed that as long as he remained unmoved and remained unchanged in the face of all changes, the other party would naturally be helpless.

Even if he wanted to wash himself down again, the other party would reach the limit and naturally raise the price again.

The fourth prince did not believe that the price, which had risen for half a month, would completely return to zero overnight.

How much silver would it cost to achieve this? What benefits would there be?

The fourth prince, like most people in Daxing, only thought that it would be profitable only when the price rose.

A price drop is not good for anyone.

Humans cannot imagine things beyond their own cognition.

The gap in cognition doomed the outcome from the beginning.

When the price continued to fall below four thousand taels of silver, the fourth prince could not help but wipe the cold sweat from his forehead, and could no longer hold back and said:

"Let's go to the mortgage place and take a look."

The eldest prince and the sixth princess had wanted to leave here for a long time, and they nodded in agreement immediately.

The three of them left in a hurry with their entourage.

Not far away, Li Xuan saw that the eldest prince's three brothers and sisters finally took action, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and then sneered:

"Meow, it turns out that they are just slow to react."

If the eldest prince's three brothers and sisters remained motionless until the end, it would be Li Xuan's turn to wipe the cold sweat.

"You almost scared me."

Li Xuan saw the eldest prince and his three siblings panicking, and then he felt at ease to enjoy the warmth in Princess Ankang's arms.

At this time, Princess Ankang asked Li Xuan in her arms:

"Ah Xuan, why are they crying more and more?"

"Is there something sad?"

Li Xuan glanced at the transaction price that had fallen below three thousand taels, and just shook his head gently.

"Crying? Crying also counts!"

Looking at the price that was still far from the pre-determined support price, Li Xuan said in his heart.


"You all cry so pitifully."

Then, Princess Ankang yawned out of boredom.

"I'm sleepy, let's go back to sleep."

After that, Princess Ankang led people to leave the crying black market.

Although it is much more lively here than when they first came, Princess Ankang doesn't like this kind of lively way.

"I've never seen such a lively way of crying."

Princess Ankang walked out of the black market and shook her head in confusion.

But she didn't see that in fact, there were a small group of people in the black market who were not so sad, and even laughed heartily.


"These people are so funny when they cry~"

The eighth prince brought a group of little kids, holding toys and eating snacks, and laughed at the sad faces of the antiques that were trying to compete for sale.

Their behavior naturally attracted the angry eyes of countless people.

There were even a few who were too angry and rushed over to fight with them, but were knocked over by the tall and mighty guards. This made the few people who rushed up behind them immediately calm down and turned back to continue squeezing in the crowd to try to sell their antiques.


When the three brothers and sisters of the eldest prince came to the mortgage office, they saw a scene that shocked them.

Due to the recent hot trading of antiques in the Jinpeng Dynasty, the mortgage business has also become popular in the black market.

In particular, the new mortgage methods of mortgaging Jinpeng Dynasty antiques have been particularly popular.

But with the sudden collapse of the price of Jinpeng Dynasty antiques tonight, this new mortgage has become a life-threatening straw.

Some people hold antiques that cannot be sold and want to come here directly to mortgage for money.

Like the fourth prince, these people all think that the antiques of the Jinpeng Dynasty will rise in the future, and now it is just a phased adjustment.

It must be said that these people are really bold enough to go against the trend and continue to buy.

There is always no shortage of smart people in the world.

These self-proclaimed smart people think they have seen through the truth and want to use their own talents to fight for a chance to turn over and change their fate.

But how could they imagine that as long as they participate in it, they have already fallen into Li Xuan's trap. Whether it is selling or buying, making a profit or a loss, it is just a part of the design.

Those who are lucky have already made a profit and left the market when the signs are not right.

Such people do not have much inventory on hand, and they can make a lot of difference by reselling it and put the money in their pockets.

But this is a very small number, and in the huge black market, they can't even stir up a wave.

Most people are still on the market, tortured to death by the two options of "buy" and "sell".

When the fourth prince came to the mortgage office, he did not expect that there were so many people who had the same idea as him, and believed that the price would be raised later.

But this discovery did not make the fourth prince feel at ease, but made him even more frightened.

"If the chips in these people's hands are not forced out, the people behind them will never stop!"

The fourth prince did not expect that there were so many people who were as "smart" as him, so many that he felt panic.

Even just now in the black market, watching the transaction price avalanche, the fourth prince was not so scared.

The eldest prince and the sixth princess both found that the fourth prince's expression was wrong, but they did not dare to interrupt the fourth prince's thinking.

The fourth prince's cost price emerged in his mind, and two completely opposite ideas began to fight in his mind.

"Sell or not sell?"

On the side, someone was taking the antiques in his hand for mortgage.

Even though the price of antiques avalanche tonight, the mortgage was not closed, and it was even continuing.

It's just that the price is also updated with the market price, and it is even much lower.

Because the news here is a little delayed, the transaction price of 500 taels of silver was directly pressed in advance.

But even so, there are still many people who are mortgaging.

Some people think that the price will definitely go up in the future, so they buy as many antiques as they can now.

And some other people have no way out.

Even if these people sell all the antiques in their hands now, they can't pay back the money they borrowed for mortgage, not to mention that the 50% monthly interest will continue to compound until the last ounce of silver they have is squeezed out.

These people have been forced into a dead end, and there is no other option except to continue buying and waiting for a turnaround.

The premise is that they can wait until the day of a turnaround.

The eldest prince saw the fourth prince standing there in a daze, and then looked at the other people who were constantly mortgaging antiques at the mortgage office. He knew that the situation was not good now, and it was not as optimistic as the fourth prince imagined.

"Fourth brother!"

The fourth prince was called and slowly came back to his senses.

"Sell all the antiques, we can't beat them." The eldest prince advised.


The Fourth Prince was upset. If he sold the goods at the current price, he would lose a lot of money. Not only would he have to lose all the money he earned from Boss Qian, but even their 30,000 yuan of capital would only leave a little over 10,000 taels.

Wasn't the Fourth Prince's efforts in the past few days in vain?

Thinking of this result, the fourth prince sincerely couldn't accept it.

"But if we sell it now, we will lose everything, and we can only redeem 10,000 taels of silver." The fourth prince said bitterly.

The sixth princess subconsciously covered her mouth and widened her eyes in surprise.

The eldest prince stepped forward and stopped in front of the fourth prince, and continued:

"If we can save a little bit, it's a little bit. If we continue to fall like this, not only will we lose all our money, but we will also owe money."

The eldest prince's words reminded the fourth prince that losing all the money and losing the game is a small matter. If they go back with a lot of debts, the face of their Qingshu Palace will be lost.

At that time, I'm afraid their mother will not let them off easily.

More importantly, the fourth prince can't let the eldest prince lose face because of his own mistakes.

As long as he gives the remaining 10,000 taels of silver to the eldest prince, he can still save some face.

As for himself and the sixth princess, it doesn't matter if they lose all the 10,000 taels of capital.

"Okay, listen to your eldest brother."

The fourth prince finally made a decision.

The eldest prince nodded, patted the fourth prince on the shoulder, and comforted him:

"Well, let's go back together."

"There is nothing we can do about this situation."

The fourth prince nodded silently, but it was always difficult to hide his lost mood.

After finally winning once, he didn't expect that there would be twists and turns in the end.

Especially, he ruined the eldest prince's victory with his own hands, which made the fourth prince feel uncomfortable.

"Brother, I'm sorry."

"What are you talking about? If I were to do it myself, I would have lost all my money a long time ago. Why would I have to wait until today?"

The eldest prince said with a smile, patted the fourth prince's back hard, and let him straighten his chest.

The sixth princess also came back from the initial shock at this time, and comforted him together:

"Fourth brother, I know that doing business has gains and losses. Isn't this human nature?"

"What is there to apologize for? If you ask me, let's go back and sell these antiques quickly, right?"

"Otherwise, it's hard to say whether there will be 10,000 taels later."

Although the sixth princess knew that she shouldn't mention this, she felt that she had to say it.

When the eldest and fourth princes heard this, they immediately realized that time is money now, and shouted:

"Not good!"

After that, the two rushed back to the black market trading place, and the sixth princess and a group of followers hurried to catch up with them.

"Brother, fourth brother."

"Wait for me!"

Seeing the two running away without looking back, the sixth princess helplessly shouted again:

"At least take these broken things with you first!"

"Otherwise, what are you going to sell?"

The next moment, the eldest and fourth princes turned around and ran back, each holding one in each hand, and then continued to run away without stopping for a moment.


The sixth princess also wanted to catch up, but the followers and most of the antiques were still here, so she had to lead people to catch up in a hurry.

But when the sixth princess caught up with the two brothers at the trading place, she found that the eldest and fourth princes were standing there with antiques, and they didn't even squeeze in to sell the antiques in their hands.

Although the current price has been falling, as long as you are determined and set a price far lower than the transaction price, you can still sell it.

"It's already this time, why are you standing here?"

The Sixth Princess said angrily, thinking that the two of them couldn't let go of their status and disdained to squeeze with these common people.

The Fourth Prince held the antique, raised his hand and pointed to the front, and said with a serious expression:

"It seems that it won't fall?"

His tone was both puzzled and full of expectations.

The Sixth Princess followed and found that the transaction price had fallen below two thousand taels at this time, and was about to fall below one thousand five hundred taels.

But for some reason, the speed of decline was extremely slow, and it seemed that it could not fall.

"One thousand seven hundred and fifty taels, one thousand seven hundred taels..."

The price slowly crawled down, and the Sixth Princess also felt something was wrong, standing next to her two brothers and watching.

But in their expectation, the miracle did not happen. Although the speed of price decline slowed down, it still fell below one thousand five hundred taels.

"Oh, don't wait, sell it as soon as possible."

"Otherwise, you won't be able to sell it for even one thousand taels later."

The Sixth Princess advised.

The First Prince also shook his head. In his heart, he hoped that a miracle would happen and the price would go up again as the Fourth Prince had said before.

But now it seems that it is difficult for them to wait until then with their strength.

"Look, it's stopped there!"

The Fourth Prince suddenly shouted excitedly.

The First Prince and the Sixth Princess looked up and found that the price stopped at a meaningless number.

"One thousand three hundred and fourteen taels."

The next moment, a roar sounded from the crowd:

"It's going up, it's going up!"

"It's going up again!!!"

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