"Sixth sister, where did you get the connection?"

"Fourth brother, I'm not easy to buy on the black market now."

The fourth prince asked in shock.

The eldest prince had a similar expression.

Both brothers looked as if they had just met the sixth princess for the first time, their eyes full of surprise.

Especially the eldest prince, he and the sixth princess have been living together in Zhang's house these days, and the eldest prince knows everything about what the sixth princess does on weekdays.

Since the sixth princess left the palace, she has been traveling around with her peers from the Zhang family.

The Zhang family is a real relative of theirs, and there is a lot of contact between peers, so they are not unfamiliar.

It is a rare opportunity to leave the palace, and the sixth princess can't stay idle, unlike the eldest prince who has been staying at Zhang's house reading books and practicing martial arts these days.

Now that the sixth princess said that she had a connection to get antiques from the Jinpeng Dynasty, the eldest prince and the fourth prince were naturally surprised.


"Big brother, fourth brother."

"Don't you trust me!"

The sixth princess put her hands on her hips and glared at the two angrily.

The eldest prince and the fourth prince smiled awkwardly, and the fourth prince hurriedly explained:

"No, aren't we happy?"

"Fourth brother has been worrying about this recently, and I didn't expect you to have a way to solve it."

"Tell me quickly, what is the way?"

The fourth prince quickly changed the subject.


The sixth princess was not stupid, but she didn't take it to heart, and said excitedly: "This way, far away in the sky, close at hand, in our Zhang Mansion."

The fourth prince's heart moved, and immediately asked: "Is there anyone in the Zhang Mansion who has antiques from the Jinpeng Dynasty?"

"Oh, fourth brother, you are so boring..." The sixth princess pouted and said dissatisfiedly.

"Uh, it's my fault, sixth sister, go on." The fourth prince apologized to the sixth princess.

The sixth princess was also easy to coax, and immediately regained her interest and talked about her discovery.

It turned out that the Zhang family had a peer who was ignorant all day long and was also a famous playboy in the capital, named Zhang Zhuo.

Originally, Zhang Zhuo lingered in the gambling houses every day, spending ahead of schedule every month, and used the monthly allowance from the mansion to pay off debts. A playboy like him lived a tight life.

But a few days ago, the Sixth Princess found that Zhang Zhuo suddenly became generous and showed off in front of her.

Once Zhang Zhuo met the Sixth Princess at dinner time, and he generously invited her. Only at the dinner table did he hear him bragging about his investment and making a lot of money.

It was from Zhang Zhuo that the Sixth Princess heard about the antiques of the Jinpeng Dynasty.

Zhang Zhuo invited the Sixth Princess to dinner not just to show off, but also to get the Sixth Princess to do business together. However, the Sixth Princess's money was all with the Fourth Prince, so the Sixth Princess naturally had no money to invest, so Zhang Zhuo had to give up.

After listening to the Sixth Princess's narration, the Fourth Prince's eyes lit up.

Zhang Zhuo was a famous idiot in the Zhang Mansion. Although he was a few years older than them, no one in the Zhang Mansion looked down on him.

It was not only because Zhang Zhuo was a concubine's son, but also because he was not ambitious and was in a state of being left alone.

On weekdays, when he saw the eldest prince and his three siblings, he would avoid them from a distance, and dare not talk to them, or even invite the sixth princess to dinner.

"How many antiques of the Jinpeng Dynasty does Zhang Zhuo have?" asked the fourth prince.

"He said he had ten pieces and wanted to sell them for 35,000 taels. He said that this thing could still increase in value, but his debt to the gambling house was about to expire, and the interest would start to double later, otherwise he didn't want to sell it now."

The sixth princess honestly told the fourth prince what she heard from Zhang Zhuo.

"Okay, I know about this, sixth sister."

"Thank you for the news."

The fourth prince touched the sixth princess's head and thanked her.

Seeing that she had helped, the sixth princess was also very happy.

"Fourth brother, are you going to find Zhang Zhuo now? Do you need me to accompany you?"

The sixth princess liked the feeling of being able to help, and volunteered.

"No, I'll find out the situation first, I'm not in a hurry to see Zhang Zhuo."

"You and big brother have a good rest, just help me keep an eye on the situation of others."

The fourth prince instructed.

The fourth prince is doing business outside, so it is inevitable that there will be some delays in receiving news.

But one of the eldest prince and the sixth princess always stays in Zhang's mansion, and it is more convenient for them to receive news from the spies than the fourth prince.

"By the way, how are the others doing recently?"

The fourth prince has not received any news in the past few days, and feels that the others are a little too calm.

"Don't worry, fourth brother. I'm keeping an eye on the others."

"Most people can't threaten you. The third brother went into the arms business and seemed to have found a way to supply the Ministry of War with a batch of improved saddles. But I've asked someone and found that the third brother's business can only make 30,000 to 50,000 taels at most. This is because he took advantage of the preparations for war with the desert. Otherwise, there would not be such a big profit."

"The eighth brother didn't play any tricks this time. He bought a batch of strange things from the Hu merchants in the West Market. It seems that he plans to play the trick of rare goods. Unfortunately, it's not very useful. It's a question whether he can make a profit."

"The others are almost the same. Thank God if they don't lose money."

"After all, no one is as proficient in this as you. They are just doing business randomly."

The eldest prince simply concluded.

According to him, no one can threaten the fourth prince.

The fourth prince has nearly 150,000 taels of silver in his hands by squeezing the family property of Mr. Qian.

But this is already the limit. Boss Qian's fortune was completely drained by the Fourth Prince, and there is not much left.

Even Boss Qian's house was mortgaged by the fourth prince in exchange for a sum of money.

The Fourth Prince's model has reached its limit and cannot continue to be "profitable".

He doubled his capital of 10,000 taels fifteen times. Logically speaking, this time the competition could be said to be certain, but he still felt a little unsure.

"Brother, where is Ankang?"

"What is she doing these days?"

Seeing that the eldest prince did not mention Princess Ankang, his powerful rival, the fourth prince couldn't help but ask.

"Ankang is just having fun these days. It doesn't seem like he's doing any business." The eldest prince also said with some uncertainty.

"What? How is this possible?"

The fourth prince frowned, the first one not believing it.

"Fourth brother, it's true. I met her a few times, and she was more careless than me in playing." The sixth princess had a clearer understanding of herself.

The eldest prince even said from the side: "Fourth brother, do you think Ankang is giving in to us?"

"It shouldn't be possible. I told Ankang before and she refused directly." The fourth prince looked puzzled and didn't know what Princess Ankang was up to.

"Could it be that Ankang has changed her mind?"

"Anyway, she has already locked up a place to visit the shrine in the New Year. Maybe she feels there is no need to continue fighting with us?" the Sixth Princess guessed.

The fourth prince shook his head, but didn't say anything. After pondering for a moment, he said to the eldest prince: "Brother, tell me the detailed schedule for Ankang's departure from the palace in the past few days."

The eldest prince immediately flipped through the book at hand.

It turned out that what he was reading was not a book at all, but the surveillance records of other princes and princesses during this period.

The eldest prince turned to the opening section and read out Princess Ankang's itinerary one by one.

But after listening for a while, the fourth prince's expression immediately changed.

"On the first day Ankang left the palace, he went to the Taobao stall in the West Market!?"

The hairs on the fourth prince's neck suddenly stood up.

"Fourth brother, our spies recorded it very clearly. Although Ankang went to the Taobao stall, he only bought five gadgets and failed to sell them, so he lost a small amount."

"Later I went to Sihai Gambling House in West Market, but I left without gambling money. Then I just had fun every day and did not participate in business."

"Fourth brother, I know what you are thinking, but the antiques of Jinpeng Dynasty cannot be speculated by any of us. You have calculated the amount of funds behind it with me, haven't you?"

After the eldest prince said this, the fourth prince relaxed a little, but he still felt trembling, and he always felt that something was wrong.

At this time, the Sixth Princess also said with a smile: "It seems that Ankang is self-aware. He found that he was not a business material, so he quit directly and lost less money."

The fourth prince shook his head and said disapprovingly: "Don't underestimate Ankang, she is much smarter than any of us, otherwise we wouldn't have lost so miserably in the previous games."

After hearing what the fourth prince said, the sixth prince said nothing more.

"Brother, give me a copy of Ankang's surveillance records. I will take a closer look." The fourth prince said uneasily.

"Okay, I'll ask someone to make a copy for you later."

In this competition, the eldest prince is not just taking advantage of the competition.

The fourth prince came out to do business, while the eldest prince sat in the Zhang Mansion and was responsible for monitoring other people to see if anyone would threaten them.

But at least it doesn't seem to be the case now.

The eldest prince believed that Princess Ankang was not a threat, so he did not issue any warning to the fourth prince.

After breakfast, the fourth prince went out to get busy.

Seeing the fourth prince's back disappearing outside the door, the eldest prince and the sixth prince couldn't help but look at each other worriedly.

"Brother, is Fourth Brother's burden too heavy?"

"It's my fault for being useless. If only I could help more."

The Sixth Princess seemed a little unhappy.

The eldest prince scratched the sixth princess's nose lovingly and said comfortingly:

"Sixth sister, we just perform our duties and do what we are good at."

"Haven't you never been hesitant when you were needed?"

"It is understandable that the fourth brother is worried about his health. After all, he has never suffered so much at the hands of a person, right?"

The Sixth Princess nodded, and then couldn't help but said: "It's not because Ankang is too clever!"

The eldest prince smiled helplessly after hearing this, and then looked through the surveillance records in his hand.

They also spent a lot of energy and sent out almost all of their servants to monitor everyone's movements, even the little beans.

There had been a big commotion caused by the Eighth Prince and Little Douding before, but now they did not dare to underestimate the power of Little Douding.

Especially in a competition like this one, everyone has a capital of ten thousand taels. If they join forces, it will be a headache.

But for some reason, the eighth prince did not repeat his old tricks this time, which made the eldest prince and the fourth prince feel relieved.

"I hope this game will go well."

The eldest prince said something silently.

It was not for himself, but he hoped that the fourth prince could win over Princess Ankang once.

Otherwise, the fourth prince will probably face increasing pressure when facing Princess Ankang in the future.

West Market, Sihai Gambling House.

"Sir, we only have the last 20% of the goods left."

Li Xuan finished counting the thick pile of silver notes, took out a small part and left it on the table, and put the rest into his Emperor's Bone Ring.

Then, he waved his tail and said to Zhu Shimin: "Speed ​​up shipments while the market is still hot."

To be honest, Li Xuan underestimated the capital power of Beijing.

The treasury was empty, and he thought Daxing's economy would be in great difficulty.

As a result, Li Xuan added fuel to the flames, and the prices of the imitation antiques they had shot up to the sky like monkeys in the sky.

Although there was a secret arrangement by Li Xuan and Zhu Shimin, those who followed up later were all fierce in firepower, and the unit price was now approaching the mark of three thousand taels of silver.

If time were not limited, with the current momentum, it would not be a problem to break through to the unit price of 5,000 taels of silver. If it goes higher, it will depend on whether it can attract more people to join the game.

But even with the current results, Li Xuan is already satisfied.

Now there are only five days left before the end of the game, and Li Xuan's Emperor Hong Bone Ring already contains a total of 1.5 million taels of silver notes.

Li Xuan invested a total of 300,000 taels, and Zhu Shimin invested 200,000 taels. With a total of 500,000 taels, they sold the imitation antiques, which were originally only 50 taels of silver at most, to nearly sixty times the price. price.

Even if they have shipped a lot of goods recently, they have only slightly reduced the price increase.

Because Li Xuan knew that he had a large amount of funds, he only expected to double the amount of money he could invest at the beginning.

As a result, the amount has tripled, and 20% of the goods have not yet been shipped. When the last batch of goods is shipped, it is estimated that the funds will nearly quadruple.

This is an impressive record for a large amount of funds.

It can only be said that the capitals in Beijing are too enthusiastic.

Li Xuan distributed their profits every day according to the profits from their shipments, also to reassure Zhu Shimin.

And after Zhu Shimin saw that he not only got his money back, but also tripled his banknotes, he was beaming with joy these days, which frightened all the old employees of Sihai Gambling House.

"Sir, the market is hot now, why don't you wait a few more days to ship when the price is higher?" Zhu Shimin asked curiously.

They now have a hen that lays golden eggs. As long as they hold it in their hands every day, countless banknotes will pour into their pockets.

Li Xuan shook his tail and explained: "You also know that the competition has a time limit. I will return to the palace when the time comes."

"If you have an idea, you can buy the remaining goods from me at a price that is 10% higher than the market price, and then sell it out yourself."

Zhu Shimin immediately showed his heartbeat.

According to the current rising trend, Zhu Shimin is taking advantage of it. He only needs to wait two days to make a profit.

And according to the current market conditions, let alone two days, it would be two months. Zhu Shimin felt that he could afford to wait.

This time he cooperated with Li Xuan and already earned 400,000 taels of silver for the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Zhu Shimin had only taken over the business of Qian Gang for a few days, but he had already made such great achievements, and a bright future was in front of him.

But he also knew very well that there were not many opportunities like this, and they might only come once in a lifetime, so he wanted to seize it and make the most of this opportunity.

However, Zhu Shimin did not rush to make a decision. Instead, he asked Li Xuan for advice:

"I wonder what the adults think the little people should do?"

Seeing Zhu Shimin respectfully asking for advice, Li Xuan couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and said to himself: "This kid!"

Li Xuan thought for a while and felt that it wouldn't hurt to give some advice.

And there was one more thing he wanted Zhu Shimin to help with.

"Since I suggested it to you, of course it's okay."

"But there is one thing I need to tell you clearly."

"My story is not finished, and we only ate half of this fat fish."

Hearing what Li Xuan said, Zhu Shimin's eyes immediately widened.

He had already earned 400,000 taels of silver, but Li Xuan said that they had only eaten half of the fat fish.

"Wouldn't it be better if I ate the other half!?"

Zhu Shimin's breathing became faster unconsciously, and he immediately bowed his head.

"Please let me know clearly!"

Li Xuan shook his tail and wrote slowly:

"The end of my story is the truth."

"As for whether the remaining half of the fish can be eaten, it depends on whether you have the ability."

Zhu Shimin's eyes couldn't help but become confused.

The truth of their story is, of course, that the so-called Jinpeng Dynasty antiques are nothing more than worthless imitations.

But if the truth is told as the ending, wouldn't the current good market come to an abrupt end or even collapse quickly?

How can they make money if the prices of the imitation antiques they hold fall instead of rising?

Just when Zhu Shimin couldn't figure it out, Li Xuan suddenly changed the topic and asked:

"Young man, I'm afraid there are quite a few people in your gambling den who take things as collateral for money, right?"

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