Three days later.

Zhang Jian, the magistrate of Chang'an County, was stripped of his official position, his property was confiscated, and his family was exiled to Huizhou for accepting bribes, oppressing the people, and abusing his power.

This Huizhou is a famous place of exile in Daxing. It is one of the southernmost territories of Daxing, adjacent to the evil swamps of the southern border, and rarely visited by people.

The most famous thing is the various poisonous insects and miasma. In that place, almost everything visible to the naked eye is poisonous.

Therefore, people who are exiled to Huizhou will not live long in that ghost place.

Even more unfortunate, they were bitten to death by some unknown poisonous insects on the way before they arrived in Huizhou.

Therefore, if someone is sentenced to exile in Huizhou, it is almost the same as a slow death sentence.

Of course, exile in Huizhou is not completely hopeless. As long as you have the ability to persist in Huizhou for a few years, you may be able to wait for a general amnesty and go home at that time.

But there are not many such examples.

After listening to Zhao Feng's introduction of Huizhou, Princess Ankang was still a little unsatisfied.

According to the good deeds done by the Chang'an County Magistrate, killing him ten times would not be enough.

"Your Highness, don't worry too much. With Zhang Jian's physique, he will most likely not survive to Huizhou."

"This time, he was sentenced to exile to Huizhou, thanks to the ironclad evidence you found."

"Otherwise, according to past experience, at most he would be demoted and sent out."

Zhao Feng comforted him.

He could understand that young people like Princess Ankang would not be able to accept such a result.

But some things are like this.

Court officials, especially Beijing officials, would not be sentenced to death even if they made mistakes. Exile is already the highest punishment.

Unless they made a big mistake and no one can save them, they will have to pay the price of their lives.

Even if Emperor Yongyuan wanted to be a tyrant who could control the life and death of his officials at will, he did not have enough power now.

Given the current situation in the court, it would be too difficult for Emperor Yongyuan to kill an official, especially a senior official.

Although Princess Ankang felt that Zhang Jian's punishment was not clean enough, she could only accept Zhao Feng's explanation.

As she walked out of the cold palace and encountered more and more things, Princess Ankang gradually understood that her majestic father was not as glorious as he seemed.

Sometimes she was even as depressed as when she lived in the cold palace before.

Princess Ankang shook her head silently. For some reason, she felt that this huge palace was just a bigger cold palace for some people.

"By the way, did the handover between Shang Zongguan and the Jinqian Gang go smoothly?"

"Did you figure out what Chen Tan wanted to do?"

Princess Ankang thought of the leader of the Jinqian Gang and asked curiously.

"The handover process was unexpectedly smooth."

Although Zhao Feng said so, his brows were slightly frowned.

The three little ones were immediately refreshed.

Princess Ankang asked hurriedly: "What on earth are they up to?"

"It's not clear, but the reason we speculate now is that there was a problem within the Money Gang, causing the leader Chen Tan to seek external forces to solve it."

"When we arranged for the Ministry of Internal Affairs to take over the underground industry of the Money Gang, the other party was very cooperative and encountered almost no obstruction."

"But after the handover, someone came to make trouble in secret. After verification, it has been confirmed that it was a member of the Money Gang."

"After handing over the industry to us easily, they sent people to cause trouble."

"The only reasonable explanation is that there are different voices within the Money Gang."

"It even affected the decision of the leader Chen Tan."

Zhao Feng's words made the three children look at each other silently.

They all remembered what Chen Tan said in the teahouse that day.

According to the current situation, Chen Tan did not seem to play any tricks, and even explained to them the problems he faced honestly.

As the Money Gang expanded, people's hearts were no longer united.

"Your Highness, I know you have an opinion about the Money Gang."

"But now we have taken over part of the Money Gang's industry. The previous Money Gang was not good, but we can make the future Money Gang better."

"Don't you think so?"

Hearing what Zhao Feng said, Princess Ankang blinked and asked:

"Father wants to take the Money Gang for his own use?"

Zhao Feng smiled slightly. He didn't expect that the current Princess Ankang was so quick to understand.

He didn't know that Princess Ankang had secretly received personal guidance from Shang Zongguan during the time she lived in Xingqing Palace.

Now Princess Ankang's skill of "hearing the sound of the strings and knowing the elegant meaning" is not bad at all.

Princess Ankang is just immature because she still has beautiful fantasies about some things.

For example, Zhang Jian, the magistrate of Chang'an, was only sentenced to exile.

She had memorized all the evidence found by Xiao Cui before, and knew what good things Zhang Jian had done and how many families' bright futures had been ruined.

But he committed such a sin, but was only sentenced to exile.

Compared to the victims, what justice is there in such a verdict?

Of course, Princess Ankang now understands that this is just her unilateral fantasy, not the reality.

"Your Majesty's influence outside the palace is far from enough, so the Money Gang may be a godsend."

"No matter what kind of crisis and difficulties are hidden in it, as long as we can solve it, it will be an opportunity."

Li Xuan couldn't help but mutter in his heart:

"If it were an ordinary person, this would be called blind optimism, but with Zhao Feng's strength, this might be the so-called absolute confidence."

He believed that the Ministry of Internal Affairs was fully capable of dealing with the affairs of the Money Gang.

It just seemed that they still needed the Jingyang Palace to continue to step in.

After all, it was too unpleasant to let Emperor Yongyuan directly take charge of the underground gang.

The Money Gang and Ping An Commercial Bank were two completely different natures.

Even if they were both secretly controlled, someone had to help Emperor Yongyuan do these things.

These people who knew about it were embarrassing.

"But even if I came forward, it wouldn't be good, right?"

Princess Ankang also understood what Zhao Feng meant, and said with some embarrassment.

"No, no, no, Your Highness misunderstood."

"Your Highness is not going to take over the Money Gang, but to transform it."

"It would also be a good idea to change the name of the part of the industry we took over to distinguish it from the Money Gang."

"This way, it would help the world understand what Your Highness did."

Zhao Feng explained with a smile.

The work can be done by their Ministry of Internal Affairs, but they must not say so to the outside world, otherwise these underground businesses will still be registered under the name of Emperor Yongyuan.

Therefore, it is better for Princess Ankang to do this.

And Chen Tan himself said that he would give the underground industry to Princess Ankang.

"Use a new name to become a new organization?"

Princess Ankang pondered thoughtfully.

"That's right." Zhao Feng nodded.

"Why not call it the A Xuan Gang?" Princess Ankang confidently reported a resounding new gang name.

"..." Zhao Feng tried to squeeze out a smile and advised: "This matter is not urgent, Your Highness can think about it slowly."

"What about the Cat Gang?"

Princess Ankang thought of another name.

Zhao Feng couldn't help but imagine the scene of the flowery eunuchs in the Ministry of Internal Affairs going out and claiming to be members of the Cat Gang. The picture was so beautiful that he couldn't bear to look directly at it.

"Such a harmless and cute name can make the people believe that we are different from the Money Gang. I believe that the effect will be very significant." Princess Ankang gave her reasons seriously.

Ah Xuan, Jin Zhu, Da Bai...

After these three names, Li Xuan no longer had any expectations for Princess Ankang's naming ability.

Obviously, Zhao Feng had not understood this simple truth.

Li Xuan lay in Princess Ankang's arms, yawned loudly, and squinted his eyes.

Now think about it, the only horse with a normal name in Jingyang Palace is the horse named Bai Xue.

But Bai Xue was named by the Eighth Prince, and later gave it to Princess Ankang before the autumn hunting competition.

When Jingyang Palace was repaired before, it was sent back to the Eighth Prince to be raised.

After Jingyang Palace was repaired, it was raised here. Now it mainly does the work of pulling a carriage. Occasionally, Princess Ankang will ride Bai Xue for a few laps in Jingyang Palace.

Because she eats well and runs less now, Bai Xue, who was originally slim, has become more plump.

Except for those who already have names, none of them have been spared by Princess Ankang so far.

"Old Zhao is the same. Isn't this making yourself uncomfortable?"

"Why not just give yourself a new name? You have to give this little girl room to develop."

Li Xuan shook his head silently and mourned for the gang members of the new gangs in the future.


In the next few days, the three children continued the tasks assigned to them by Emperor Yongyuan.

After the experience of breaking into the Chang'an County Government, they were no longer nervous. They were familiar with breaking into the major government offices in the capital.

But what disappointed the three children was that they never met an unlucky guy like Zhang Jian again.

No matter how arrogant Princess Ankang was, the government officials were respectful and worked diligently.

It seems that after the precedent of Zhang Jian, these officials of all sizes realized how powerful Princess Ankang was.

After all, none of them wanted to be the next unlucky person exiled to the state of impurity.

This made Princess Ankang's work very difficult.

Li Xuan thought that these officials were all secretly disobeying their orders, saying one thing in front of them and another behind their backs.

As a result, after working overtime at night to investigate, he checked with the Ministry of Internal Affairs and found that these guys were actually working hard.

Ministry of Internal Affairs.

In the courtyard of Shang Zongguan.

Li Xuan was exchanging intelligence with the two Zongguans over the past few days.

"These officials are really pushing forward preparations for war, and some are working overtime at night."

"I saw several of them, and they are really working!"

Then, Li Xuan couldn't help but look at the two Zongguans and asked, "Didn't they say that this war can't be fought?"

"It can't be that Prince Zheng and his men have given up struggling, right?"

Before, Emperor Yongyuan judged that Prince Zheng would stop the war with the desert no matter what.

As long as the war started, Emperor Yongyuan would be able to gain more time and opportunities.

As time dragged on, Prince Zheng's hope of completing his great cause would become increasingly slim.

Emperor Yongyuan also explained the reason for this, and Li Xuan was very convinced.

Prince Zheng couldn't wait. Not to mention that he was not young, even if he ascended the throne in the future, he would not be able to get over the addiction of being an emperor for a few days.

In addition, Emperor Yongyuan was also growing stronger, and more importantly, there was Princess Yan Zhao, a demon and disaster that was urging him to die.

After Princess Yan Zhao grows up, the current situation of three families competing against each other will be broken, and the final outcome will only be a victory between the Li family and the Wu family of the Daxing royal family, and Prince Zheng has nothing to do with it.

Li Xuan also heard that although the main reason for this matter was that Princess Yan Zhao was too evil, part of the reason was that Prince Zheng's descendants were not so outstanding.

At least now it seems that there are no descendants who can surpass Prince Zheng's talents.

Therefore, Emperor Yongyuan adopted this strategy of blocking both ends at the beginning, regardless of whether the war with the desert can be launched in the end, it can create a favorable situation for himself.

But now Prince Zheng's reaction exceeded their expectations, which made people uneasy.

Prince Zheng is not a fool, otherwise he would not be able to control the government like now.

Since he dared to do this, he must have his reasons.

What makes Li Xuan and the two stewards uneasy now is that they don't know the reason why Prince Zheng did this.

Unknown situations are the source of uneasiness.

"How is the defense of Prince Zheng's mansion? Can you try to explore it?"

Li Xuan asked the two stewards.

"Ah Xuan, I advise you not to have this idea." Shang Zongguan advised seriously.

"King Zheng has gathered a group of very powerful masters around him. Otherwise, how do you think he would have the confidence to rebel?" Zhao Feng also added helplessly.

Li Xuan asked tentatively: "Higher than the masters of the palace?"

Shang Zongguan smiled slightly, but Zhao Feng looked embarrassed.

"Ah Xuan, although the masters of the palace are strong, you must never underestimate the heroes of the world." Shang Zongguan explained for Li Xuan.

"There are hidden dragons and crouching tigers in the world. Looking at the unknown characters, they may be the top masters of the world."

"Walking in the world, arrogant and willful people are not scary. What is scary is those who look ordinary and even inconspicuous."

Zhao Feng seemed to have remembered some bad memories, and swallowed his saliva with an ugly face.

"Don't look at the countless people fighting for power in this court."

"But in the eyes of some people, power is just like dirt, a passing cloud."

"What they pursue is the supreme way, reaching the pinnacle."

"Understanding the truth and knowing one's nature, transcending the ordinary and becoming a saint..."

Shang Zongguan said, sighing.

Perhaps, he had such an ambition in the past.

Li Xuan was thoughtful and could not fully understand Shang Zongguan's mood at this time.

"Ah Xuan, let me tell you an interesting thing."

"According to the wild history of the rivers and lakes, about five hundred years ago, a warrior who practiced Yin and Yang Qi was killed by a warrior of the same realm."

When Li Xuan heard this, he couldn't help but feel that it was worthy of the wild history of the rivers and lakes, and it was really ridiculous.

How strong Yin and Yang Qi is, it is difficult for people who have not experienced it to understand.

In the past, Li Xuan only knew that Yin and Yang Qi was strong, but he had no concept.

Since practicing Yin and Yang Qi, he realized how narrow his imagination was.

There is a fundamental difference between Yin-Yang Qi and ordinary Qi. Even if warriors of the same level use all kinds of despicable means, they probably won't have a chance.

Take Li Xuan now for example. As long as warriors of the same level are hostile to him, Li Xuan can sense it from two miles away.

But what Shang Zongguan said next made Li Xuan silent.

"People who practice Yin-Yang Qi have always been called destiny people, but the destiny people were killed by an ordinary warrior."

"What's more interesting is that after that ordinary warrior won the battle, he was directly promoted to the first-grade realm. After that, no one could defeat him. After more than ten years of dominating the world, he disappeared and never appeared again."

"Although that person is not from Daxing, according to the investigation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, this matter is most likely true."

Li Xuan's chin dropped, his mouth opened, and he meowed in confusion:


Li Xuan thought that Shang Zongguan made it up to scare him, but Shang Zongguan became more and more true.

"The place where the battle took place is now called Wudao Mountain. There are a group of strange people living there. We only came into contact with them by chance. Later, we found out about this matter after multiple investigations."

"Of course, not many people know about Wudao Mountain. After all, it is an old story from more than 500 years ago."

"Ah Xuan, I tell you this to let you know that Yin and Yang Qi is not invincible."

Li Xuan swallowed his saliva with a gulp.

If he hadn't heard this story before, he wouldn't have taken it so seriously.

But now...

He has completely given up the idea of ​​going to Zheng Wangfu to investigate.


At the same time.

The Ministry of Justice's Heavenly Prison.

An interesting conversation is also taking place here.

"Your Highness, please forgive me for being in prison and having to greet you in such an embarrassing manner."

In prison, Bilge was wearing prison clothes, smiling, holding his chest, and bowing slightly.

The prison clothes on him were clean and tidy, and his hair was meticulously groomed.

Even though he became a prisoner, Bilge maintained his demeanor as an envoy of the desert.

Across the cage, standing opposite him was a man in a large cloak, his entire face and body hidden in the shadow of the cloak.

The hood of the cloak was slowly lifted, revealing the face of King Zheng.

"Ambassador Bilge was suddenly in trouble, but he still remained calm, which is really admirable."

King Zheng and Bilge looked at each other and smiled, as if they were old friends who had not seen each other for a long time.

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