"Please forgive me, two stewards!"

"Little Dengzi was careless and almost fell into the enemy's trap. If he hadn't been rescued in time by Master A Xuan, little Dengzi would have died by now."

Deng Weixian simply knelt down to apologize and told everything that had happened before.

After listening to what Deng Weixian said, the two general managers frowned and looked at each other.

Zhao Feng saw his godfather nodded slightly to him and understood that both of them had the same idea at this time.

"The rats in the palace have not been removed!"

Zhao Feng glanced at Li Xuan awkwardly, looking a little embarrassed.

Before sending Li Xuan to monitor Bileg, he guaranteed that he had arranged for Deng Weixian to ensure his safety.

Although there is a reason why Deng Wei was deceived and was led out of Banyueyuan, it just happened, and Zhao Feng cannot escape the blame.

But at this time, Deng Weixian was in front of him, and Zhao Feng could not say anything directly to Li Xuan.

After all, Zhao Feng still wanted to save some face in front of Deng Weixian.

Zhao Feng coughed dryly, then with a straight face, he criticized Deng Weixian:

"Such a crude plan can deceive you. If Master A Xuan hadn't appeared in time, our good plan would have gone awry."

Deng Weixian said with sincerity and fear: "Little Dengzi is guilty..."

Before Deng Wei could finish speaking, Zhao Feng quickly interrupted:

"Don't say that you have something or not. You must bear in mind Master Axuan's life-saving grace."

"What happened this time should be regarded as a lesson learned, and we must not do it again in the future."


Zhao Feng's words were so loud that even Deng Weixian was stunned.

He did not follow the instructions and stay well in Banyue Courtyard, which put him in danger and almost ruined the arrangement of the two managers.

Deng Weixian was prepared to be punished, but Zhao Feng only said a few words to him lightly, and it seemed that there would be no substantial punishment.

He glanced up uncertainly, and saw Zhao Feng and Li Xuan exchanging glances.

I was even more surprised to find that Li Xuan's eyes were very sharp, and Zhao Feng's eyes were full of helplessness and...

And please?

Although he only caught a glimpse of it for a brief moment, Deng Weixian couldn't help but wonder if he had seen it wrong.

But he somewhat understood that it seemed that the cat next to him was strong enough to protect himself.

"Is it because of my sister?"

"Lord Axuan, for the sake of my sister, did you protect me once in front of Manager Zhao?"

Deng Weixian remembered the time when Yu'er introduced Li Xuan to him in Jingyang Palace.

He and Li Xuan had not known each other before. If it were not for his sister's sake, he would not have thought of any reason why Li Xuan cared for him so much.

With his mind spinning, Deng Weixian responded quickly:

"Thank you, Lord Steward, for your magnanimity!"

"Thank you so much, Lord A-Xuan, for your rebirth!"

"Xiao Dengzi is so unforgettable!!!"

Li Xuan looked at Deng Weixian's reaction and nodded slightly.

The two managers also showed a smile.

"This kid is really wise."

Li Xuan couldn't help but sigh.

He was not lamenting that Deng Weixian called him Mr. Ah Xuan, but he was lamenting that Deng Weixian used the phrase "Master Manager".

The father-son relationship between Manager Shang and Zhao Feng was a well-known story in the palace, so almost everyone knew about their relationship.

Deng Weixian obviously knew about this relationship, especially since he was Zhao Bugao's adopted son.

Although Zhao Bugao is now marginalized for betraying the Ministry of Internal Affairs, nominally, the two general managers in front of him are Deng Weixian's godfather and godfather.

Deng Weixian was in front of the two managers. Because of Zhao Bugao, he didn't have much confidence to speak.

And when most people face two general managers, they are always too smart to distinguish the importance.

Some people value General Manager Shang more. After all, his qualifications and strength are there. To put it bluntly, Zhao Feng was able to take the position in the House of Internal Affairs only because General Manager Shang gave it to him.

Some people value Zhao Feng more, and feel that Zhao Feng is the current head of the House of Internal Affairs. Even though Shang was so powerful in the past, now that he has retreated behind the scenes, he is not as useful as Zhao Feng.

But in this kind of matter, Deng Weixian's approach is actually the most correct.

That is blurring, regardless of the importance of two people.

Because these two general managers, whoever is unhappy with Deng Weixian, both have the ability to make Deng Weixian irrecoverable.

Deng Weixian's words "Master Manager" seemed to be thanking Zhao Feng, but it made sense no matter how you heard it.

Even Li Xuan could hear this kind of thing, let alone the two stewards who had stayed in the palace all their lives.

"Wait aside for now, and then come back with us."

Zhao Feng said to Deng Weixian with a smile.

He is now more optimistic about Deng Weixian.

Today, the episode where Deng Weixian fell into a trap did not make Zhao Feng underestimate Deng Weixian.

After Zhao Bugao's incident was exposed, Zhao Feng deliberately cultivated Deng Weixian.

But Zhao Bugao's precedent forced Zhao Feng to be more cautious.

At his age, he cannot withstand a second betrayal.

After Zhao Bugao was detained behind Yanqu Palace, Zhao Feng had been secretly paying attention to Deng Weixian, and later asked Zhao Bugao to inform Deng Weixian of his true situation.

But Deng Weixian's reaction did not disappoint Zhao Feng.

Even though he knew that Zhao Bugao had lost power, Deng Weixian showed no sign of turning his back on him. He still came to learn martial arts when he needed to, and to pay respects when he needed to.

Although Deng Weixian was confused in private, he finally determined and continued to recognize Zhao Bugao as his godfather.

This made Zhao Feng very satisfied.

Zhao Feng did not blame Deng Weixian for what happened today.

After all, he was only a thirteen-year-old boy. Even if he had a good talent for martial arts, he still needed to polish his social skills.

If Deng Weixian seemed too sophisticated, Zhao Feng would have to observe him for a while.

Of course, the most important thing was that Deng Weixian had an indispensable advantage in Zhao Feng's opinion, that is, good luck.

If it weren't for his good luck and persisting until the moment when Li Xuan arrived, he would definitely not be able to escape the pursuit of the two eunuchs in black clothes.

Zhao Feng had been struggling for so many years, so he naturally knew how important good luck was.

At this moment, no one knew that Zhao Feng had made a very important decision in his heart.

At this time, Li Xuan jumped onto Zhao Feng's shoulder, meowed, and looked at his injured arm.

Zhao Feng laughed and said casually:

"It's just some skin injuries, don't worry about it."

Although Zhao Feng said so, Li Xuan still asked Zhao Feng to raise his hand and then touched his wound with his tail.

Yin and Yang Qi was slowly injected, and Li Xuan quickly checked the wound and began to treat it.

Zhao Feng was right, it was just a flesh wound, and there was no other person's Qi left in the wound.

Li Xuan saw that Zhao Feng's injury was not serious, so he directly activated Yin and Yang Qi to heal his deep bone injury.

Zhao Feng was a fourth-grade warrior, and his perception of his body was extremely sharp.

When he saw Li Xuan retract his tail, he directly untied the blood-stained bandage and found that the wound on his arm had disappeared, and his skin was smooth without any scars.

The physique of a fourth-grade warrior is extraordinary. Even if Zhao Feng relied on himself, the wound could be completely healed in less than half a month. Li Xuan just used his Yin and Yang Qi to speed up the process.

"Ah Xuan, your methods are getting better and better now."

Zhao Feng praised and happily threw away the bloody bandage.

Deng Weixian, who was waiting on the side, was stunned by this scene and felt that Li Xuan's strength was becoming more and more unfathomable.

He couldn't help swallowing his saliva, thinking to himself: "Not only does he understand human nature, but he also has such powerful strength and the ability to help people heal their injuries..."

"Could it be that Lord A Xuan is the legendary spirit beast!?"

"No, no, it must be more than an ordinary spirit beast."

Deng Weixian recalled the rumors he had heard, but felt that Li Xuan was much more powerful than those rumors.

Li Xuan didn't know Deng Weixian's shock. In his opinion, these were all things he did casually.

"What's going on?"

Li Xuan pointed to the mess in front of him and asked Zhao Feng.

It seems that the palace was very lively last night.

If Li Xuan had known earlier, he would have returned earlier, instead of continuing to watch Bilge sleeping in the Desert Pavilion.

"The mouse caught last night was not small."

Zhao Feng said, taking Li Xuan forward two steps and coming to the side of several corpses.

"A Xuan, do you recognize this person?"

Zhao Feng pointed to one of the corpses and asked.

The corpse was short and fat, wearing a stone green flowery dress, which was very different from the clothes of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Compared with others, this person's body was relatively well preserved, with only a few fist-sized holes in his eyes, throat and heart.

From the clothes and appearance of this corpse, Li Xuan recognized the identity of this person.

"Isn't this the eunuch?"

"I remember that his external skills are not weak, and he was taught a lesson by you in Yanqu Hall before."

"It's not that he hurt you, right?"

Li Xuan remembered that Zhao Feng fought one against three, and he easily dealt with all three eunuchs.

Although the three eunuchs had fought with Wei Chengji of Yanqu Hall first, the gap in strength between them and Zhao Feng was still obvious.

Li Xuan remembered that the eunuch in green clothes in front of him was not of the same generation as Zhao Feng, but much younger.

"Of course it's not him."

Zhao Feng shook his head and smiled, explaining: "His name is Duan Gui, one of the ten eunuchs in the palace now."

"But with this guy's cultivation, he wants to hurt me, there is no hope in this life."

Looking at Duan Gui's body on the ground, Zhao Feng said jokingly.

Zhao Feng pointed to a half-dead corpse and said, "It was his godfather who injured me. The old man's horizontal training skills were very advanced, and it took a lot of effort to kill him."

"After they died, the inheritance of the eunuchs in this palace has lost another lineage." Zhao Feng sighed as he looked at the ruins around him.

Li Xuan looked at the corpses on the ground. He didn't expect that Shang Zongguan and Zhao Feng had killed a whole lineage overnight.

"Are they the rats in the palace?"

"Are the people who chased Deng Weixian also theirs?"

Li Xuan asked immediately.

Zhao Feng shook his head slowly: "All the people in their lineage should have died here." Shang Zongguan also said, "It seems that the rats were not caught clean."

Li Xuan frowned and asked, "Did the desert really win over so many people in the palace?"

The scene in front of him, as well as the fact that there were other desert spies in the palace, made Li Xuan feel unprecedentedly uneasy.

He used to think that the palace was at least much safer than the outside.

But now it seems that it is not much better.

Although the rules in the palace can play a certain role in restricting people, if someone breaks the rules, the palace will become the most dangerous place.

"Don't worry, Ah Xuan." Manager Shang comforted him.

"Rather than saying that they are working hard for the desert, it is better to say that they are doing it for themselves."

"For them, the desert is just an external force that they can rely on to achieve their goals."

At this time, Zhao Feng took out a piece of blood-stained cloth and showed it to Li Xuan.

"Axuan, let's take a look."

"Look what these bastards were trying to do?"

Li Xuan's pupils shrank when he saw the blood words on the cloth.

The content written on the cloth really shocked the cat.

Duan Gui used his name as the chief eunuch to report the rebellion of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, detailing how General Manager Shang and Zhao Fengli had collaborated with foreign enemies, and teamed up with Da Mo to poison Emperor Yongyuan.

During the chaos, Duan Gui called on other eunuchs to unite and besiege the House of Internal Affairs, and beheaded General Shang and Zhao Feng, two old rebels, as a sacrifice to Emperor Yongyuan's spirit in heaven.

And the last paragraph on the cloth made Li Xuan's hair stand on end.

Duan Gui actually wanted to stabilize the chaos in the palace and welcome King Zheng into the palace to take charge of the overall situation.

Although the words were written a bit cryptically, the intention of welcoming Prince Zheng as the new emperor was already obvious.

Li Xuan glanced at Deng Weixian who was waiting aside.

But neither of the two stewards had any intention of letting him leave.

Li Xuan lowered his tail and wrote away from Deng Weixian's eyes.

As a result, Zhao Feng said directly to Li Xuan: "Axuan, he has passed my test. Even if you want him to regret it, he has no chance to regret it now."

Zhao Feng, who has always been easy to talk to, spoke to Li Xuan so seriously for the first time.

Li Xuan didn't care, but still wrote and asked with Deng Weixian's eyes behind his back:

"Is Prince Zheng involved in this?"

"It's unlikely." Manager Shang said suddenly, and he continued without hesitation: "With Prince Zheng's methods, it's not just like this."

Deng Weixian heard what Mr. Shang said clearly.

Li Xuan glared dissatisfied, but Manager Shang just smiled and didn't care.

"At this point, meddling is too high-end, isn't it?"

Li Xuan couldn't help but worry about Deng Weixian.

But at this time, while Deng Weixian was surprised, his face was even more excited.

Li Xuan sighed, shook his head slightly, and said nothing more. He only hoped that Deng would be blessed with good fortune in the future.

"Duan Gui is most likely to make his own decisions."

Manager Shang continued his analysis.

"If Duan Gui succeeds, he will be a minister of Conglong. In the future, he will be inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people in the palace."

Li Xuan nodded, if Emperor Yongyuan really died, someone must bear this responsibility.

Duan Gui put the responsibility on Manager Shang and Zhao Feng, and then supported King Zheng himself, which was a good plan.

"The second thing is Da Mo's instructions. Regardless of whether the plan succeeds or not, it will be a good thing for them to cause chaos."

"As for the last thing."

"Of course it may be a test by Prince Zheng."

Manager Shang's words made Li Xuan feel more chilled the more he heard them.

No matter which possibility it is, it is not a good thing for them.

Even though Duan Gui is dead now, there are still rats hiding in the palace, always preparing for the next plot.

And at the same time.

Inside the Manna Hall.

Eight figures kneeled here neatly.

Their gorgeous floral attires of different colors indicate their identity.

However, the existence that everyone in the palace usually awes is now kneeling here in fear.

They had been kneeling here all night, and they had just met their true master.

In front of them was Emperor Yongyuan, who was rumored to be "unconscious and whose life or death was uncertain."

Emperor Yongyuan held his chin with one hand and glanced majestically at the eight eunuchs in front of him.

"I heard that you are going to unite to worship my spirit in heaven?"

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