Ouchi Cat Controlling, starting with the Ten Tiger Forms!

Chapter 441 Sneak attack on the old man

After listening to Mr. Ye's introduction, Li Xuan knew that with his current cultivation level, it should be no problem for him to defeat all opponents of the same level.

Moreover, until the fourth level, he will not encounter any bottlenecks. As long as his cultivation level reaches that level, he can break through naturally, and there will be no problem of being stuck in the realm.

From these aspects, the advantages of Yin-Yang Qi are indeed quite outrageous.

But the problem also lies in the cultivation of Yin-Yang Qi.

After there are no new Yin-Yang attribute exercises to practice, Li Xuan can only improve his cultivation level by improving Yin-Yang Qi every day.

This speed is not slow now, but when he reaches a higher level, Li Xuan can't stand the same improvement speed.

If other warriors knew Li Xuan's thoughts, they would be jealous to death.

Li Xuan can't understand how abnormal it is to make absolute progress every day.

After all, he used to practice at a speed of thousands of miles a day.

But for most warriors, they will eventually face bottlenecks, or even the end of the road of cultivation. They can no longer make any progress in this life, and their cultivation level will even be worse day by day.

It is said that the training of a warrior is like sailing against the current. This is the truth.

But Li Xuan's situation is not only not sailing against the current, but also going downstream without any obstacles.

Even so, Li Xuan is still full of dissatisfaction.

Seeing Li Xuan's expression of disgust and headache, the corners of Ye Lao's mouth twitched constantly.

"You don't know how lucky you are."

Ye Lao shook his head slightly, and was too lazy to say anything more to Li Xuan.

Ye Lao took out five secret books of martial arts from somewhere, and then said to Li Xuan:

"These are the five martial arts corresponding to the five elements in Qianxing Pavilion. Although they are not the most exquisite, they can lay the most solid foundation."

"Your current five elements transformation is still very rough, and you need more practice. These five martial arts will be of great benefit to you."

"After practicing well, come to me again. I have some experience to show you."

"You still have a long way to go in the future, so don't be anxious."

At this point, Ye Lao smiled slightly and nodded Li Xuan's head.

Li Xuan nodded obediently, took note of what Master Ye said, and then put the five exercises into the Emperor Hong bone ring.

Seeing Li Xuan put away the exercises, Master Ye dispersed the shadow that blocked the outside world, and then said to Shang Zongguan and Zhao Feng who were waiting on the side: "What you saw and heard today must not be spread."

Shang Zongguan and Zhao Feng nodded immediately.

Master Ye did not say anything more, and his figure disappeared in the shadow under his feet.

Seeing Master Ye's methods that came and went without a trace, Li Xuan was also envious.

"The methods of the upper third grade are too cool, right?"

"When can I be so stylish."

Li Xuan has not yet broken through to the fifth grade, and he has begun to envy Master Ye's methods.

"Ah Xuan, congratulations!"

"Your cultivation has improved further."

After Master Ye left, the two stewards came forward to congratulate Li Xuan.

Li Xuan also happily held up his two front paws and bowed to the two stewards.

The most intuitive feeling that Yin Yang Zhenji Jue brought to him was that Li Xuan basically didn't have to worry about the consumption of true qi now.

With his current skills, none of them could quickly consume the Yin Yang true qi in his body.

In other words, Li Xuan's current endurance is infinitely close to forever.

As for whether he can maintain such endurance after learning more powerful skills in the future, it is unknown.

Anyway, Li Xuan will not consume all his true qi in a fight now, even if he uses his ultimate moves infinitely.

The recovery speed is really too amazing.

"I don't know how strong I am now."

Li Xuan pinched his cat paws and was eager to try.

Shang Zongguan and Zhao Feng saw Li Xuan's excitement and understood his thoughts.

They have also experienced such high-spirited times.

"Ah Xuan, why don't you try your hand?"

"I'll let Feng'er fight you." Shang Zongguan suggested.

Shang Zongguan can always see the needs of others so easily. When he serves you, there are really only two words "considerate".

"No wonder Emperor Yongyuan couldn't leave General Manager Shang and his men. They are so considerate." Li Xuan sighed and thanked them. It was not convenient for them to fight here, so General Manager Shang and Zhao Feng led Li Xuan to their internal affairs department. When they arrived at General Manager Shang's yard, Li Xuan meowed at Zhao Feng, impatient. "Haha, don't be impatient, Xuan." "Let me arrange it." General Manager Shang said with a smile. He pushed out a palm in the air, and then suddenly clenched it. The next moment, a barrier similar to the one cast by Old Ye appeared around them. It was just that Old Ye cast a dark shadow, which enveloped him and Li Xuan. Now they were enveloped by a huge white semicircular barrier. Li Xuan turned his head and could even see his clear reflection from the barrier, like a mirror. "Water attribute Qi."

After completing the Yin-Yang True Extreme Technique, Li Xuan became more sensitive to the five elements and immediately noticed the rich water attribute Qi on the barrier.

Being in the barrier, Li Xuan felt that the air he inhaled into his nasal cavity became much more moist.

"Don't make too much noise at night."

"The noise we make inside won't be heard outside."

"You can do it without any worries."

With Manager Shang's words, Li Xuan immediately launched a sneak attack on Zhao Feng without any scruples.

"Axuan, you don't follow martial ethics!"

Zhao Feng shrank his head and avoided a jet-black cat's claw.

Li Xuan chuckled, not feeling the slightest bit embarrassed about his sneak attack on the old man.

Although the Ten Tiger Forms and the Blood-Slaying Tiger Claws were only ninth-grade techniques, Li Xuan used them most easily. He just scratched them with his claws and attached his single Yin attribute energy to them.

Li Xuan hadn't had a hearty battle in a long time, and he planned to take advantage of the opportunity today to try out some of the ideas he had recently thought of on Zhao Feng.

During battle, the random switching of Yin and Yang attributes is one of them.

Black, white, black and white mixed.

Li Xuan smoothly switched the infuriating energy he used, leaving Zhao Feng unable to guess.

Zhao Feng initially wanted to use his protective energy to suppress Li Xuan as before, but found that the effect was greatly reduced.

His body-protecting energy not only failed to suppress the current Li Xuan, but also consumed him at an alarming rate.

"My anger has been restrained!?"

Zhao Feng was shocked.

He knew that the attributes of yin and yang were special, and had a magical effect of mutually reinforcing each other when facing any other attributes.

But Zhao Feng never expected that such attribute restraint would have such a great effect.

Li Xuan and Zhao Feng's Qi are at a completely different level.

But facing Li Xuan, who had not yet reached the fifth level, Zhao Feng was completely unable to accept such a rate of energy consumption.

This feeling almost gave Zhao Feng the illusion that he was facing a master of the same level.

On the other hand, Li Xuan, even facing a fourth-grade master like Zhao Feng, was still full of energy.

"The Qi recovery speed is so fast that it is fully recovered in the blink of an eye!"

Li Xuan's eyes were full of energy, and his fighting spirit continued to rise.


Taking advantage of the distance between the two sides, Li Xuan found the right opportunity to use the Dragon Tiger Wind Roar.

Sound waves discernible to the naked eye raged out from Li Xuan's small mouth, shrouding Zhao Feng's figure.

Zhao Feng's clothes didn't move at all, only the air around him was slightly distorted.

The protective energy in Zhao Feng's body was being rapidly consumed by Li Xuan.

"Axuan, I don't know how to do this."

"Qingxuan Finger!"

Zhao Feng slowly raised his index finger and pointed at Li Xuan.

The next moment, a blue-black cyclone condensed at Zhao Feng's fingertips.

Li Xuan suddenly felt flustered, and at the same time he noticed the true energy gathered by this move.

"It's actually a wind attribute?"

Li Xuan did not expect that Zhao Feng's attributes turned out to be mutant attributes other than the five elements.

But he didn't have time to think too much and started running wildly to avoid Zhao Feng's lock.

"The old man was so beaten that he lost his temper and started to get serious."

Li Xuan didn't dare to be careless. He didn't want to take the attack from a fourth-level master.

Even if Zhao Fenghui shows mercy, I'm afraid it won't be any better.

But even though Li Xuan ran away and dragged out afterimages, he was still locked tightly by Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng smiled slightly, then his fingertips trembled slightly, and the blue-black cyclone shot out with a whoosh.

What's even more annoying is that this cyclone will follow around the corner.

"There is a tracking function, but you still keep an eye on it for a long time?"

"Old Zhaotou, are you bullying the cat?"

Li Xuan suddenly felt a blush on his face when he thought that he had been running around for a long time just now.

"Bronze heads and iron arms, powerful Vajra legs, blood-slaying tiger claws, dragons and tigers roaring in the wind..."

Seeing that the blue-black cyclone was getting closer and closer to him, Li Xuan used all his methods to weaken the cyclone and increase his defense at the same time.

But when the cyclone approached him, it exploded, and then Li Xuan's body was torn apart uncontrollably, as if it was thrown into a washing machine.


Li Xuan screamed, and the world in his eyes spun.


Li Xuan's body fell weakly to the ground, and his eyes rolled wildly, drawing two small whirlpools.

"Hmph, fight with me?"

Zhao Feng came to Li Xuan's side and smiled proudly.

Manager Shang on the side smiled and waved his hand to untie the barrier and sprinkled the moonlight.

When Li Xuan came to his senses again, he found that the two stewards were drinking tea beside him, and he was brought to the stone table without knowing when.

"Axuan, you're awake."

Zhao Feng asked with a smirk.

Li Xuan suddenly stood up and grinned at him.

"Hey, you're still not convinced that I can't beat him."

Old God Zhao Feng said calmly.

"If you're not convinced, just keep gesticulating."

As Zhao Feng spoke, another blue-black vortex condensed on his fingertips.

Li Xuan was frightened and immediately hid behind Manager Shang, leaving only half of his head exposed to carefully look at the cyclone on Zhao Feng's fingertips.

"What does Qingxuan mean..."

Li Xuan just heard Zhao Feng say the name of the move.

But this move, Li Xuan can't think of a way to break it now.

Comes with tracking, close to explosion, adsorption and tearing.

A rather tricky move.

And Li Xuan didn't expect that Zhao Feng's Qi attributes were so special.

Seeing that Li Xuan was scared, Zhao Feng smiled and extinguished the cyclone on his fingertips.

Li Xuan then jumped back to the table and asked Zhao Feng:

"Can I learn this trick?"

Regarding Li Xuan’s question, Zhao Feng replied:

"Fourth grade technique, Qingxuan Finger."

"If you require wind attribute Qi, you can find it in Qianxing Pavilion."

"As for whether you can practice, you have to ask Mr. Ye."

Previously, Manager Shang and Zhao Feng also saw the scene where Li Xuan used Yin and Yang Qi to transform the attributes of the five elements.

But Zhao Feng was not sure whether it could transform into mutated attributes.

After listening to Zhao Feng's introduction to the Qingxuan Finger, Li Xuan knew that he could ignore the requirements of the Qi attribute.

It's just that this skill is a fourth-level skill, so it should be difficult for him to master it now.

"Such a disgusting attack technique, I must get it in the future."

Li Xuan silently wrote down Qingxuan's finger, then lay down on the stone table without ceremony and rested.

He was confused by Zhao Fengzhuan just now, and he hasn't recovered yet.

"There's no technique that just pulls people up and spins them around."

"Old Zhaotou is not serious about learning a Kung Fu technique."

Li Xuan cursed in his heart.

At this time, Manager Shang, who was watching the sparring, commented:

"Axuan, with your current strength, even an ordinary fifth-grade warrior can handle you."

"Level 6 is no longer able to defeat you. Even the eunuchs in colorful clothes from the Ministry of Internal Affairs who cooperate with each other tacitly, a team of the same level is not enough to deal with you."

When Li Xuan heard this, he immediately became energetic, raised his upper body, and listened carefully.

The eunuch in colorful clothes is almost the most powerful warrior at the same level.

Unexpectedly, Li Xuan already has the strength to defeat the colorful eunuchs of the same level.

"A fifth-grade eunuch in colorful clothes, even if he is a good one, he will not be able to keep you if you want to leave. Moreover, if you are not careful, you may overturn him."

"Only a fourth-grade warrior can make you have any scruples."

"But don't underestimate the heroes of the world because of this. You must be careful when you go out."

Manager Shang first made an objective evaluation of Li Xuan's current strength, and finally reminded him.

Li Xuan understood what Mr. Shang meant and silently remembered it in his heart.

According to what Manager Shang said, it is now difficult for ordinary warriors to keep Li Xuan.

But there are always all kinds of capable people and strangers in the world, so you still need to be cautious.

If he is so arrogant that he is arrogant, even Li Xuan may be capsized in the gutter.

Seeing that Li Xuan was not complacent because of his soaring strength, Manager Shang and Zhao Feng were relieved.

The beast tribe is wild and difficult to tame, and Li Xuan was only over a year old, but his character was extraordinarily calm.

This has always surprised Mr. Shang and Zhao Feng.

Because they have never seen Li Xuan be too willful.

According to common sense, Li Xuan was the most disobedient during this period, but he was more sensible than expected.

But Mr. Shang and Zhao Feng knew a lot of people, and they knew that the more children like this, the crazier they become.

If the bottom line that Li Xuan cares about is stimulated, he may not be able to pull back ten cows.

Manager Shang and Zhao Feng looked at each other and both understood that the bottom line was most likely related to Princess Ankang, so they had no choice but to pay attention to this matter secretly in their hearts to prevent Li Xuan from going berserk in the future.

"By the way, A Xuan."

"I need your help with something."

Manager Shang's suddenly formal tone surprised Li Xuan.

He nodded immediately and asked Manager Shang to continue.

"I saw you cure the Eighth Prince's sea turtle overnight."

"Is it because of the yin and yang energy?"

After Manager Shang asked this question, he subconsciously held his breath.

Zhao Feng on the side also silently clenched his fists under the table.

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