Ouchi Cat Controlling, starting with the Ten Tiger Forms!

Chapter 436 The little girl’s conjecture

Li Xuan took Yu'er together to the bookshelf where alchemy was made.

This place is not difficult to find. It is only a few steps away from where the books related to formations were previously stored. It seems that this area is dedicated to storing these books.

Li Xuan and Yu'er picked through the bookshelves and each selected an introductory book that seemed easier to read.

Alchemy was similar to what Li Xuan had in mind. It was born out of medical skills and was originally dedicated to refining elixirs that could cure illnesses and save lives.

However, the human race unexpectedly discovered that some medicinal materials can stimulate the human body's potential, and gradually practicing auxiliary elixirs became the mainstream of alchemy.

Li Xuan read this popular explanation book on alchemy with great interest.

Compared with the previous book explaining formations, this one is obviously more attentive and the author explains it in simple terms, using all aspects of life to describe the effects of elixirs.

In addition, Li Xuan was devoted to martial arts and was very interested in those pills that could assist in training and fighting. Seeing those that were effective, he wished he could try a few pills himself.

And Yu'er on the side was also fascinated.

It's just that it's slightly different from the book Li Xuan read. The book Yu'er read mainly explained the elixirs that can cure diseases and save lives.

Yu'er was greatly moved when she saw that using a small pill, even if she didn't have any medical skills, as long as she took the pill according to the symptoms, the disease would be cured.

Yu'er was not a fast reader, but she still patiently read word by word in her mind. She found that the most important thing in alchemy was to be able to distinguish the medicinal properties of herbs. As for the skill of alchemy, it depends on talent, but more importantly, accumulated experience. .

"If you can learn how to make elixirs, your highness and A-Xuan will be able to take elixirs to solve their dizziness and fever in the future."

Yu'er unknowingly turned to the last page of the book and found that there were several most commonly used elixirs here to treat the most common illnesses.

Yu'er found that there were not many medicinal materials in these pill recipes, and she had heard of many of them herself, so it didn't seem that difficult.

"It seems like I can barely memorize it."

Yu'er began to seriously memorize the commonly used elixirs on the last page. Because she was too selfless, she unconsciously began to bite her red lips.

Li Xuan, on the other hand, silently put down an introduction book on the specific practices of alchemy.

He found that he was now spoiled by his talent. As long as the progress bar did not show up, he had no patience to continue learning.

As expected, alchemy, like formations, was unable to unleash Li Xuan's extraordinary talent.

"Don't you also need to do alchemy?"

"Why doesn't the progress bar light up?"

Li Xuan looked at his little paws and thought helplessly.

But when he turned around and saw Yu'er reading a book seriously, he couldn't help but look surprised.

Compared to Princess Ankang, Yu'er actually doesn't like reading books very much. She prefers to listen to Princess Ankang telling stories.

In the past, before Li Xuan became the victim of Princess Ankang, the story of Princess Ankang was told to Yu'er.

And unlike Li Xuan, Yu'er is a very good listener.

No matter it is a story that Princess Ankang has told several times, Yu'er can listen to it with interest.

Sometimes she would even ask Princess Ankang to tell her some stories.

Compared to Li Xuan who always ran away or pretended to be asleep, Princess Ankang naturally preferred listeners like Yu'er.

When Li Xuan went out to do errands or practice martial arts, the two girls would sit in the courtyard of Jingyang Palace when they were tired, one reading and the other listening, which was very comfortable.

Sometimes, while Li Xuan was practicing, he would turn around and see such a scene, and he would feel a sense of peace in his heart.

This sense of security brought to Li Xuan every day can keep Li Xuan's heart calm and peaceful.

In his previous life, Li Xuan originally thought that being ordinary was boring, a meaningless waste of his limited and precious life.

But now that I think about it, his heart has never been so calm, and he is always irritable and restless.

I feel uneasy about myself, the future, and everything.

I want to find a sense of security, but I don’t know where to find it.

The world is light and interesting, and life is a blessing.

Some things can only be understood by experiencing them yourself.

Although Li Xuan's life in Daxing was not long and his life was difficult at first, it made him understand many things that he had never understood before.

Only after Li Xuan became a kitten did he know what it felt like to be loved.

Pure, unreasonable, unabashed love.

Li Xuan always believed that what changed him was not his reincarnation as a cat, but the person who loved him in Jingyang Palace.

Concubine Xiao, Princess Ankang and Yu'er.

If it weren't for them, Li Xuan would still be the cynical young man.

Li Xuan almost drowned in the heavy rain before he could open his eyes.

The cold rain soaked his fur, and the chill and raindrops choked his body.

When he was dying, Li Xuan was still scolding God for being blind in his heart.

It wasn't until the moment he accepted his fate that he was picked up by those warm hands.

Princess Ankang's palms were not actually warm at that time. She had been weak and sick all year round, which kept her body cold.

But for Li Xuan at that time, it was the warmest thing in the world.

Thinking of the original situation, Li Xuan couldn't help showing a gentle smile.

He did not disturb Yu'er, who was reading seriously, and went to the first floor to find Mr. Ye.

Ye Lao saw that he came to find him again, he couldn't help but opened his eyes helplessly and asked:

"what happened again?"

On weekdays, except when he was away to borrow books, the three little ones rarely bothered him, but today Li Xuan bothered him all the time.


Li Xuan showed an embarrassed smile, and then wrote out his request.

"Do you have any special technique books?"

"Just like the Turtle Breathing Technique before, it can be learned without any cultivation level."

Mr. Ye frowned slightly and said to Li Xuan:

"Those are minor ways after all. After you practice Yin Yang Zhenji Jue is the most important thing."

Mr. Ye was afraid that he would taste the benefits of taking shortcuts, so he immediately persuaded him in a stern tone.

Seeing that Mr. Ye had misunderstood, Li Xuan immediately explained:

"It's not for myself. I have practiced Yin Yang Zhenji Jue well, and I will reach perfection soon."

Li Xuan raised his two front paws and started to swing them.

After seeing Li Xuan's reaction, Mr. Ye couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

He was not shocked by Li Xuan's humanistic reaction, but he was shocked by the content Li Xuan wrote.

"It will be consummated soon!?"

He personally gave the Yin Yang Zhenji Jue to Li Xuan to practice. Mr. Ye knew how long Li Xuan had been practicing it.

Although few people have practiced this technique since it was passed down from the Twin Saint Emperors, there are corresponding records every time someone practices it.

The Yin and Yang Zhenji Jue is extremely special and can help practitioners make their future practice smooth, but the corresponding difficulty is definitely not low.

But now that Li Xuan has been practicing for a few months, he actually said that he is about to reach perfection?

Mr. Ye did not doubt that Li Xuan was exaggerating. After all, what Li Xuan said sometimes was a bit outrageous, but it was later proven to be true.

Ye Lao blinked his eyes and finally just sighed.

"Forget it, it's outrageous enough for a kitten to practice martial arts."

"I have seen the world in this lifetime."

Mr. Ye stopped thinking about this issue and waited to see the results directly later.

When the facts are before his eyes, he can't help but believe it or not.

Then, Mr. Ye reached under the table and started groping for a while.

In a short time, the table was covered with books.

“These are the books that meet your requirements.”

"See for yourself first."

Li Xuan's eyes suddenly lit up when he looked at the table full of books.

He did not expect that there would be so many special skills books in Qianxing Pavilion.

"I wonder how many practical skills there are in this as well as the slingshot method."

Li Xuan started flipping through the book with great anticipation.

Different from reading books on formations and alchemy before, Li Xuan flipped through them faster and faster this time, and became more and more enthusiastic as he read them.

Without him, Li Xuan's unique talent began to work again.

Li Xuan was very excited when he noticed that there were one more progress bar after another in his mind.

In the following time, he didn't care whether these techniques were useful or not, as long as they could be recorded, he would accept them all.

Suddenly, Mr. Ye's ears were filled with the sound of flipping books, making him unable to sleep even if he wanted to sleep.

"I've heard of Ten Elements in One Eye, but I've never heard of anyone daring to view the technique in this way."

Mr. Ye shook his head slightly.

He had discovered before that Li Xuan read books very quickly.

But today it seems that it is also divided into books.

When Li Xuan turned over the martial arts secret book, he felt very happy.

But today, Li Xuan looked through the formation and alchemy books as if he was constipated.

What happened in Qianxing Pavilion could not be hidden from Mr. Ye's eyes.

Everything that happened before was seen by him.

Mr. Ye was not surprised that Li Xuan became interested in sound transmission, formations and alchemy today.

Even with these special skills in front of him, Mr. Ye felt that it was excusable.

Because when he thought about it, Li Xuan's cultivation of Yin and Yang Zhenji was definitely not something that happened overnight, it took a long time to accumulate.

At this stage, he had no other skills to practice, so he naturally had to find other ways to vent his excess energy.

But Li Xuan's previous words made Mr. Ye realize that he was wrong.

That is, Li Xuan's Yin Yang Zhenji Jue is almost complete.

As a result, Mr. Ye was a little confused as to why Li Xuan was so keen on these "side ways."

In his view, only cultivation is the right path.

Li Xuan is wasting his talent now.

But he has already spoken words of persuasion.

It's up to Li Xuan whether he listens or not.

At Mr. Ye's age, many things have been put aside.

I have long understood that people cannot listen to advice. Only by thinking clearly can you change your mind.

Regardless of whether they were those who listened to the advice or those who didn't, they all made their own decisions in the end.

It's just that most people are unwilling to admit their faults and always need others to help them take responsibility.

At sunset, before leaving Qianxing Pavilion, Li Xuan reluctantly recorded all the special skills on the table.

Even though Li Xuan was extremely talented, he felt tired at this time.

At this time, Princess Ankang and Yu'er also yawned and walked down the stairs.

They each had a few books in their hands.

"Axuan, what books do you want to borrow today?"

Princess Ankang moved her stiff neck and asked Li Xuan.

Li Xuan shook his head.

At this stage, he does not need other techniques. Apart from accumulating true energy, there is no other confusion in his cultivation.

Today he was busy reading various books, but he forgot to think about borrowing books.

"Hey, Xuan doesn't need to borrow books this month?"

Li Xuan would pick one or two books more or less every month, but he didn't borrow them this month, which surprised Princess Ankang.

"That's just right. We have just enough books on hand for ten."

"Before, I was still thinking about which one I should not borrow first, but now I can borrow them all."

Princess Ankang said happily.

Li Xuan took a closer look and found that Princess Ankang's hands were all books related to formations, while those in Yu'er's hands were all books related to alchemy.

It seemed that they were not just casually looking around today, but they seemed to have really wanted to learn formations and alchemy.

"Do you really want to learn formations and alchemy?"

"You don't have to force it."

Li Xuan was afraid that the two girls were trying to help him and forced him to learn these two difficult skills.

"It's not forced. It looks quite interesting today. Just think of it as a way to broaden your horizons."

"And it's just a try. It's hard to say whether I can get started."

Princess Ankang's sensible words moved Li Xuan very much.

Li Xuan felt that if it wasn't to help him, they wouldn't read such a boring book.

But what he didn't know was that the physiques of humans and cats cannot be generalized.

Cats can't read books, but people can read them.

Princess Ankang is really interested in the battle method.

Especially after reading a lot of introductory books on formations today, I am even more curious about this technique that can mobilize the power of heaven and earth.

Because Princess Ankang now has a very bold guess.

The cold wave in Beiliang may be suppressed or even ended completely by relying on formations.

Ever since she began to understand Beiliang, the cold wave that flooded Beiliang has become an unforgettable obsession in Princess Ankang's heart.

Beiliang is the hometown of Concubine Xiao, and Princess Ankang feels that she also has a responsibility for Beiliang.

If she can solve the cold wave disaster, I believe that Concubine Xiao's spirit in heaven will also be happy.

And in the power of the formation, Princess Ankang saw a glimmer of possibility.

But this matter was still too far away, and Princess Ankang didn't tell anyone.

She planned to wait until she had explored more possibilities before mentioning it to Li Xuan and Yu'er.

Even Li Xuan didn't realize that Princess Ankang had such grand thoughts in her mind. He simply thought that she wanted to help him and felt extremely relieved.

After a full day of reading, the three little ones were ready to return to Xingqing Palace.

Outside, their carriage had been ready, and Zhao Feng was waiting for them.

After winning the Cuju competition and officially obtaining the carriage, the three little ones became more confident in riding the carriage.

In the past, it was considered that they were borrowing it from the royal family, and they might take it back at some point.

But now, the carriage is theirs and they can use it however they want in the future.

As for the fact that this carriage originally belonged to Concubine Xiao, Li Xuan wanted to find a suitable opportunity to tell Princess Ankang in the future.

"Your Highness, the renovation work of Jingyang Palace has come to an end and will be completed soon."

Before leaving the palace, Zhao Feng told them good news.

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